Topic: the death penalty
Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 08/11/11 10:41 AM

If your going to quote me DON'T add YOUR word to my message.

I think you should go kill the b!tch who aborted YOUR baby so you will stop taking it out on the rest of us women!

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl :angel:

oh gawd I about well said.:laughing:

laugh laugh


I know..right..These threads,are not in my field of
but,I do learn alot and enjoy reading them...sometimes,I just cant help myself.*snicker*

oh yeah....were ALL a bunch of experts here!!!! laugh laugh

jrbogie's photo
Thu 08/11/11 10:56 AM

I know people anti death penalty but pro abortion,, they feel our life once we are out the womb is more valubable than lfe in the womb

i agree that aborting a fetus is highly immoral but i wouldn't say that someone who doesn't want government involved in a woman's body is necessarily 'pro abortion'. i think the court got roe v wade right but i'd loath a woman who'd make such a choice other than for her own health. i hear often right to lifers saying that they are against abortion except in cases of rape and incest. how moral is that thinking? is not a fetus concieved by rape or incest just as innocent as a fetus concieved by an unwed teen or through an affair?
So if a woman is raped, and becomes pregnant as a result of it, should she be forced to have the child? Maybe you believe that, because you are a man, and dont have to ever really think about getting raped(it happens FAR less to men, than women) or becoming pregnant. Just sayin.

never said i believe that. in fact what i said was that the government should stay out of a woman's right to chose. said i agree that the court got roe v wade right. just saying that a woman who was raped and aborts the child stands on no higher moral ground than a woman who had an affair if she chooses to abort. abusrd to suggest that men getting raped far less than men have anything to do with a woman's right to choose. roe is the law of the land and i think it's just but i would hold a woman who aborts a fetus for any reason other than risk to her health, including rape or incest, is doing an injust disservice to the potential child.

Of course the child would be innocent.
How could a mother possibly be her best when every time she looks into the eyes of her child, she see's her rapist..

what does that have to do with aborting an innocent fetus?? never suggested that rape is anything but a bad thing. can imagine few things worse that a woman could go through. but what happened won't be changed by aborting an innocent child just so the woman can feel better about herself. still, the woman has that choice and rightly so. that she'd make such a choice goes against my grain. would never suggest how anybody else SHOULD feel about it.

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 08/11/11 11:10 AM

I know people anti death penalty but pro abortion,, they feel our life once we are out the womb is more valubable than lfe in the womb

i agree that aborting a fetus is highly immoral but i wouldn't say that someone who doesn't want government involved in a woman's body is necessarily 'pro abortion'. i think the court got roe v wade right but i'd loath a woman who'd make such a choice other than for her own health. i hear often right to lifers saying that they are against abortion except in cases of rape and incest. how moral is that thinking? is not a fetus concieved by rape or incest just as innocent as a fetus concieved by an unwed teen or through an affair?
So if a woman is raped, and becomes pregnant as a result of it, should she be forced to have the child? Maybe you believe that, because you are a man, and dont have to ever really think about getting raped(it happens FAR less to men, than women) or becoming pregnant. Just sayin.

never said i believe that. in fact what i said was that the government should stay out of a woman's right to chose. said i agree that the court got roe v wade right. just saying that a woman who was raped and aborts the child stands on no higher moral ground than a woman who had an affair if she chooses to abort. abusrd to suggest that men getting raped far less than men have anything to do with a woman's right to choose. roe is the law of the land and i think it's just but i would hold a woman who aborts a fetus for any reason other than risk to her health, including rape or incest, is doing an injust disservice to the potential child.

Of course the child would be innocent.
How could a mother possibly be her best when every time she looks into the eyes of her child, she see's her rapist..

what does that have to do with aborting an innocent fetus??


obviously you've never carried a child lol :smile:

jrbogie's photo
Thu 08/11/11 11:30 AM
which likewise has nothing to do with aborting an innocent fetus. why aren't you at work anyway? lol.

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 08/11/11 11:38 AM
I have a day off, finally. Going to the aquarium, just moving slow, cause I can.

JimmyKiernan's photo
Thu 08/11/11 03:27 PM
there was this one guy who was a scientist said in one of his books "a pig fetus is more developed than a child up to two years old" so in that case if you do support abortions then technically the woman can abort it anytime before 2 years old and it wouldnt be wrong still

no photo
Fri 08/12/11 10:20 AM

I think you should go kill the b!tch who aborted YOUR baby so you will stop taking it out on the rest of us women!

There is so much wrong with this, where to begin...

1) You oppose the death penalty, but you encourage abortion and the murder of women who have gotten abortions? That's a very confusing stance.

2) My position isn't based on revenge, it's purely based on law and the principles on which our nation was founded. I don't believe that anyone can take away another person's rights without just cause, even when the person losing rights is a fetus and the person taking the rights is it's mother.

3) No woman would be foolish enough to abort my baby. I'm so awesome, the sunset stares at me. I'm so cool, ice cubes put me in their drinks.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 08/12/11 11:21 AM

I think you should go kill the b!tch who aborted YOUR baby so you will stop taking it out on the rest of us women!

There is so much wrong with this, where to begin...

1) You oppose the death penalty, but you encourage abortion and the murder of women who have gotten abortions? That's a very confusing stance.

2) My position isn't based on revenge, it's purely based on law and the principles on which our nation was founded. I don't believe that anyone can take away another person's rights without just cause, even when the person losing rights is a fetus and the person taking the rights is it's mother.

3) No woman would be foolish enough to abort my baby. I'm so awesome, the sunset stares at me. I'm so cool, ice cubes put me in their drinks.


there ya go again, telling other people what is "wrong"

jrbogie's photo
Sat 08/13/11 07:35 AM

there was this one guy who was a scientist said in one of his books "a pig fetus is more developed than a child up to two years old" so in that case if you do support abortions then technically the woman can abort it anytime before 2 years old and it wouldnt be wrong still

which scientist in which book said such a thing???????????????

JimmyKiernan's photo
Sun 03/04/12 11:55 PM
well is there a cheaper way

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/04/12 11:56 PM
I am against any intentional and planned taking of a human life

wux's photo
Sun 03/04/12 11:59 PM

I strongly oppose the death penalty

You mean, you object, your honour.

wux's photo
Mon 03/05/12 12:05 AM
I think the death penalty is a misnomer; a moronism. Or oxymoron. (They just came out with the anti-oxidizing moron.)

The death is a salvation, what are we saying about penalty.

You get to fly up to heaven like the moon racket, and sit down right away on the right or the Righteous.

No left-handed forks and Knives in heaven.

I don't think the death reward is going to stop crime. WE are actually doing it all wrong. What we need is not more penalties and more prisons and stuff; no, not at all. The criminal justice system is so riddled with antiquated methods and technicalities.

I suggest instead that we outlaw law. Yes. WE make law an illegal thing. We can do anything with no fear of the law, except do justice or judge others.

Yeah. That'd sure make a better world.

s1owhand's photo
Mon 03/05/12 12:20 AM

If your going to quote me DON'T add YOUR word to my message.

I think you should go kill the b!tch who aborted YOUR baby so you will stop taking it out on the rest of us women!

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl :angel:

oh gawd I about well said.:laughing:

laugh laugh



you made people laugh on a death penalty thread!


RKISIT's photo
Mon 03/05/12 04:17 AM
What i don't understand is in this country we have a government full of Jesus freaks,a country with "In God We Trust" on the money and yet according to their believes if you accept Jesus as your lord and savior odds are you go to heaven,plus didn't their God say thou shalt not kill?So their supposive creator said this and a christian on death row will go to heaven likely,where exactly is the punishment except for the ones who did Gods will by executing them,according to believers they should be the ones going to hell.
I'm for the death penalty because it makes room for more cold blooded murderers,hopefully George Bush Jr. is next.

InvictusV's photo
Mon 03/05/12 04:34 AM

What i don't understand is in this country we have a government full of Jesus freaks,a country with "In God We Trust" on the money and yet according to their believes if you accept Jesus as your lord and savior odds are you go to heaven,plus didn't their God say thou shalt not kill?So their supposive creator said this and a christian on death row will go to heaven likely,where exactly is the punishment except for the ones who did Gods will by executing them,according to believers they should be the ones going to hell.
I'm for the death penalty because it makes room for more cold blooded murderers,hopefully George Bush Jr. is next.

Executions are carried out by the state. The government is secular and some of the largest groups of anti death penalty advocates are religious groups.

RKISIT's photo
Mon 03/05/12 04:39 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Mon 03/05/12 04:44 AM

What i don't understand is in this country we have a government full of Jesus freaks,a country with "In God We Trust" on the money and yet according to their believes if you accept Jesus as your lord and savior odds are you go to heaven,plus didn't their God say thou shalt not kill?So their supposive creator said this and a christian on death row will go to heaven likely,where exactly is the punishment except for the ones who did Gods will by executing them,according to believers they should be the ones going to hell.
I'm for the death penalty because it makes room for more cold blooded murderers,hopefully George Bush Jr. is next.

Executions are carried out by the state. The government is secular and some of the largest groups of anti death penalty advocates are religious groups.

every governor we had in florida was a Jesus freak and this state is like Texas "it likes the Death Penalty".Lawton Chiles was a executing junkie.Theres religious groups who are anti-death penalty i'm just typing how it's weird our motto is "In god we trust" or "God bless America" but not nessarily "in god we obey"laugh

msharmony's photo
Mon 03/05/12 07:17 AM

What i don't understand is in this country we have a government full of Jesus freaks,a country with "In God We Trust" on the money and yet according to their believes if you accept Jesus as your lord and savior odds are you go to heaven,plus didn't their God say thou shalt not kill?So their supposive creator said this and a christian on death row will go to heaven likely,where exactly is the punishment except for the ones who did Gods will by executing them,according to believers they should be the ones going to hell.
I'm for the death penalty because it makes room for more cold blooded murderers,hopefully George Bush Jr. is next.

Speaking for myself, whom I consider christian, death would not be a penalty, but that still does not mean I would look forward to or be happy about someone KILLING me. Im praying for a natural death, honestly.

msharmony's photo
Mon 03/05/12 07:19 AM

What i don't understand is in this country we have a government full of Jesus freaks,a country with "In God We Trust" on the money and yet according to their believes if you accept Jesus as your lord and savior odds are you go to heaven,plus didn't their God say thou shalt not kill?So their supposive creator said this and a christian on death row will go to heaven likely,where exactly is the punishment except for the ones who did Gods will by executing them,according to believers they should be the ones going to hell.
I'm for the death penalty because it makes room for more cold blooded murderers,hopefully George Bush Jr. is next.

Executions are carried out by the state. The government is secular and some of the largest groups of anti death penalty advocates are religious groups.

every governor we had in florida was a Jesus freak and this state is like Texas "it likes the Death Penalty".Lawton Chiles was a executing junkie.Theres religious groups who are anti-death penalty i'm just typing how it's weird our motto is "In god we trust" or "God bless America" but not nessarily "in god we obey"laugh

trusting is a much looser standard than obeying

obeying would require agreement over what there was to obey (which God, which rules, etc)

trusting 'god' is a very general statement that requires no REAL effort by anyone and cant truly be forced,,,

SanneHan's photo
Mon 03/05/12 07:34 AM
Absolutely pro - as soon as you can absolutely guarantee, that the convict is guilty.

No, that was a provocative statement - even if you COULD guarantee it (which nobody ever will be able to, I'm sure), I could fancy SOME cases, where a death penalty might be just... but not the average of cases to which it is used today.