Topic: Is taking breaks in relationships good?
no photo
Mon 06/27/16 01:42 AM
Hello all, I was just curious to know your opinions on taking breaks during relationships. I've been dating my gf for about 4 years now, and she keeps insisting every now and then that she needs a break, can someone explain why people feel like they need "breaks" instead of trying to resolve whatever issue the relationships has?

no photo
Mon 06/27/16 01:51 AM
Topic: Is taking breaks in relationships good?

No, never

can someone explain why people feel like they need "breaks" instead of trying to resolve whatever issue the relationships has?

1- She wants out
2- It is too much to soon
3- She feels suffocated or trapped
4- She doesn't feel she is getting anything or enough out of it.

no photo
Mon 06/27/16 02:00 AM
In the event that I do agree to a break, would there be any chance of "rekindling" the flame between us, as she described it, or is just her excuse to basically say it's over when she's ready to and basically keep me as like a "backup" if you will. I can't seem to understand the concept of what she's trying to say she needs. " I need time to find myself I feel like I've lost my identity" is what I've been told recently. I don't force to do anything,I barely ask anything from her except stuff like " can I see u this weekend," I'm just really confused

no photo
Mon 06/27/16 02:20 AM
" I need time to find myself I feel like I've lost my identity" is what I've been told recently.

I think... She is grown up now.
And she does not want to have to answer to anyone. Parents or you.
I think she wants or needs her independence.

No, I don't think she is keeping you as ' back up'. That would be YOUR choice anyway. And NOT a good one.

I am sorry, but... let her go.

no photo
Mon 06/27/16 07:10 AM
Same topic: & OP

Community > Dating & Relationships
Topic: Are breaks bad for long term relationships

TMommy's photo
Mon 06/27/16 07:33 AM

Topic: Is taking breaks in relationships good?

No, never

can someone explain why people feel like they need "breaks" instead of trying to resolve whatever issue the relationships has?

1- She wants out
2- It is too much to soon
3- She feels suffocated or trapped
4- She doesn't feel she is getting anything or enough out of it.

5. she wants to see someone else
6. you two have grown different direction
she does not want the same thing anymore and you are not hearing her

EliasTrueBlue's photo
Mon 06/27/16 10:32 AM
If she really wants a break after 4 years, the relationship may be over. A break would not help the could try to rekindle the love but that requires a mutual agreement to do so. Or you could marry her...LOL

Candiapples's photo
Mon 06/27/16 12:26 PM
I think so. You 2 want to be sure about your love for each other before marrying. If she does have doubts, it's better to find out now don't you think?

RustyKitty's photo
Mon 06/27/16 06:37 PM
I am going to say YES.. a break can be good. The grass is not always greener on the other side;..and it may take this 'break', for one to figure that out.

Goofball73's photo
Mon 06/27/16 07:03 PM
The grass, when greener, should also include cookies and hot chicks in yoga pants on trampolines. love

no1phD's photo
Mon 06/27/16 07:49 PM
Is taking a break in a relationship good.?

Sure! just as long as I can take one too

Candiapples's photo
Mon 06/27/16 08:34 PM
smile2 laugh

no photo
Mon 06/27/16 09:21 PM
I'd say, let's break permanently rather than saying alibis, like take a break . . . But the truth is, your partner is not interested anymore. I never had this situation in my past relationship, but I don't like someone to hope for. Just be truthful.