no photo
Thu 02/07/08 05:27 PM

The harsh reality is that if you want to be an uneducated sheep that will follow whatever is spoon fed to you that is your problem, but when all of a sudden you are in a jam because you didn't question what was true or not...well that will be a pretty sad day for you.

Question authority
Question the media
just question and don't take popular opinion as gospel.

Should we

What about the Chruch of Scientology? Why won't they answer questions about Xenu and Thetans?

I have decided to call the COS and ask them for the truth about OTIII. I'll make sure to let you know what their response is.

Lily0923's photo
Thu 02/07/08 05:27 PM

You can watch an episode of South Park that details some of the true beliefs of scientologists.

Scientology has sued several groups for talking about Xenu, etc, because they claim it to be confidential church information.

you are quoting south park.... to prove a point... well on south park they also have talking sh*t and stevie nicks is a goat... nice to see where you get your intellectual stimulation.

do you think that maybe scientologist are angry because people think they believe in aliens and that is why they sue for slander as it can ruin lives of profesional individulals and put their parenthood in jeapardy?

A woman named Karin Spaink published the OTIII, she was sued by the COS for "copyright infringment" of their "advanced spiritual technology". You can read her summary, which was given as testamony in court here:

You are sadly wrong when you claim that they don't believe this and I think one would be a fool to believe that you don't have a dog in this fight.

copywrite infringement does not JUST mean you used someone elses can also mean when you misquote them.

no photo
Thu 02/07/08 05:30 PM

copywrite infringement does not JUST mean you used someone elses can also mean when you misquote them.

No, it doesn't.

Do I look that stupid?

Also, the lawsuit claimed "copyright infringement of advanced spiritual technology". My advice to you is to give it up and walk away, you are wrong on this.

Lily0923's photo
Thu 02/07/08 05:33 PM

The harsh reality is that if you want to be an uneducated sheep that will follow whatever is spoon fed to you that is your problem, but when all of a sudden you are in a jam because you didn't question what was true or not...well that will be a pretty sad day for you.

Question authority
Question the media
just question and don't take popular opinion as gospel.

Should we

What about the Chruch of Scientology? Why won't they answer questions about Xenu and Thetans?

I have decided to call the COS and ask them for the truth about OTIII. I'll make sure to let you know what their response is.

absolutly question me...

if someone asked you something absolutly ridiculous you wouldn't dignify them with a response either.

ok call Cos... where is their "headquarters" Where is the Baptist headquarters? Where is the Wiccan headquarters? where is it you are going to call exactly....

Lily0923's photo
Thu 02/07/08 05:35 PM
Edited by Lily0923 on Thu 02/07/08 05:36 PM

copywrite infringement does not JUST mean you used someone elses can also mean when you misquote them.

No, it doesn't.

Do I look that stupid?

Also, the lawsuit claimed "copyright infringement of advanced spiritual technology". My advice to you is to give it up and walk away, you are wrong on this.

because you say I am...I'm wrong because someone who believes propoganda says i am wrong makes me wrong..... tell me what is your official title that makes you so right?

and do you want me to answer that second question REALLY DO YOU??

cherryxxangel89's photo
Thu 02/07/08 05:35 PM
ask tom cruise

no photo
Thu 02/07/08 05:38 PM

absolutly question me...

if someone asked you something absolutly ridiculous you wouldn't dignify them with a response either.

ok call Cos... where is their "headquarters" Where is the Baptist headquarters? Where is the Wiccan headquarters? where is it you are going to call exactly....

Their headquarters is in Florida (a noted Scientology Scholar such as yourself, should have known that), but I think I will contact the nearest CoS, which is in Detroit. If you want to give me your number, I will three way you in when I call.

no photo
Thu 02/07/08 05:41 PM

ask tom cruise

I would love to, but the fact that my mentally retarded son is in speech therapy would probably drive him ballistic. You know, Xenu used psychiatrists to take over the galaxy and all of my son's therapists have had some training in child psychology.

Lily0923's photo
Thu 02/07/08 05:41 PM

absolutly question me...

if someone asked you something absolutly ridiculous you wouldn't dignify them with a response either.

ok call Cos... where is their "headquarters" Where is the Baptist headquarters? Where is the Wiccan headquarters? where is it you are going to call exactly....

Their headquarters is in Florida (a noted Scientology Scholar such as yourself, should have known that), but I think I will contact the nearest CoS, which is in Detroit. If you want to give me your number, I will three way you in when I call.

I never said I was a scholar.... I simply know what I know... and you never answered your credentials... do you want mine?

yzrabbit1's photo
Thu 02/07/08 05:49 PM
A mothers tragic loss of her son while he visited his Scientology father.

Kyle's obituary

It is important for me, Victoria Britton - the mother of Kyle Thomas Brennan - to let all of the caring and concerned people know the truth regarding his life and death. Kyle was baptized into the Catholic faith at three months old and was eternally laid to rest as a Catholic on February 22, 2007.

The statement that my son died for Tom Cruise's Scientology beliefs is completely false. Kyle never practiced, adhered to, or believed in the doctrine of Scientology. He was sent literature from the cult by his father, an avid member of the so-called church located in Clearwater, Florida. I am refraining from using the many negative adjectives that Kyle used to describe their beliefs after reading the literature sent him, but absurd and ludicrous were two of his favorites.

I am uncertain as to what unfortunate events led to the tragic death of my dear son, who at the time was staying with his Scientologist father. I can say that his depression medication was not found on his person when the police searched the crime scene. I was also informed that when Kyle's father found him he waited forty-five minutes before calling for medical assistance. He called a fellow Scientologist first, and then waited for him to arrive on the scene before calling an ambulance or the police. The thought of this inhuman behavior will haunt me for the rest of my life.

There are no words to describe how a mother feels when she has lost a child. In many ways, I am able to cope by pretending he is still with us. Whenever I see a group of college-age young men, I look for my son's face among them hoping to find him. He looks back at me with his beautiful blue eyes. He's smiling . . . and he's wearing his favorite blue shirt.

Peace Be With You


Lily0923's photo
Thu 02/07/08 05:51 PM
It's funny how you go to the same scewed site to "prove" your point.....

no photo
Thu 02/07/08 05:53 PM

It's funny how you go to the same scewed site to "prove" your point.....

I really do want to know the truth, so since the truth is your sole providence, please tell us where we can get the truth about Scientology? Do we have to join the church to learn the truth? Then how do you have the truth if you aren't a Scientologist?

Lily0923's photo
Thu 02/07/08 06:11 PM

It's funny how you go to the same scewed site to "prove" your point.....

I really do want to know the truth, so since the truth is your sole providence, please tell us where we can get the truth about Scientology? Do we have to join the church to learn the truth? Then how do you have the truth if you aren't a Scientologist?

People whom I trust and have had in my house and broken bread with and visa versa, people who I have left my child in their care and visa versa, people who have debated not only their own faith but mine as well and with that debate we have gained a greater understanding of not only the topic of debate also an understanding of each other.

I am licensed clergy, to become clergy I had to study religion, and be versed in all areas.... if you email me I will give you my name and you can look it up on the Secretary of State's web site for licensed clergy for the state of Ohio.

I'm not going to say that there are not groups of scientologist that have taken their faith to a wrong or bad place, but you can say that about all religions. Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Pagan, whatever you can name, however don't judge a group of people by the actions of a few. That is prejudice and just as intolerable as prejudice for a race or creed. Dislike people individulally, not as a mass. It says alot about a person as to how accepting they are, and speaks greatly about their own faith individually...but I certainly won't judge all people on the actions of a few.

yzrabbit1's photo
Thu 02/07/08 06:13 PM
this is my third diffrent web sight by the way but I know you are not one for details

from the web...
Richard Collins suicide

Suicide verdict on cult man
London Evening Standard, 9 august 1996

A man threw himself 200ft to his death after a religious cult refused to let him leave, an inquest heard.

Lily0923's photo
Thu 02/07/08 06:16 PM

this is my third diffrent web sight by the way but I know you are not one for details

from the web...
Richard Collins suicide

Suicide verdict on cult man
London Evening Standard, 9 august 1996

A man threw himself 200ft to his death after a religious cult refused to let him leave, an inquest heard.

so he took the weak way out and killed himself and that is their fault.... pppffffffttttt... sounds like he didn't deserve to live anyway.

no photo
Thu 02/07/08 06:16 PM

It's funny how you go to the same scewed site to "prove" your point.....

I really do want to know the truth, so since the truth is your sole providence, please tell us where we can get the truth about Scientology? Do we have to join the church to learn the truth? Then how do you have the truth if you aren't a Scientologist?

People whom I trust and have had in my house and broken bread with and visa versa, people who I have left my child in their care and visa versa, people who have debated not only their own faith but mine as well and with that debate we have gained a greater understanding of not only the topic of debate also an understanding of each other.

I am licensed clergy, to become clergy I had to study religion, and be versed in all areas.... if you email me I will give you my name and you can look it up on the Secretary of State's web site for licensed clergy for the state of Ohio.

I'm not going to say that there are not groups of scientologist that have taken their faith to a wrong or bad place, but you can say that about all religions. Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Pagan, whatever you can name, however don't judge a group of people by the actions of a few. That is prejudice and just as intolerable as prejudice for a race or creed. Dislike people individulally, not as a mass. It says alot about a person as to how accepting they are, and speaks greatly about their own faith individually...but I certainly won't judge all people on the actions of a few.

Well, I don't know the people you know. I don't know if they are OTIII+. If they aren't OTIII, then they wouldn't know about Xenu, because according to what I've read, Xenu is introduced in OTIII training. I'm sorry, but there are thousands of people who were scientologists who say that scientology believes in Xenu, so I would be a fool to take one person's second hand testamony over theirs.

no photo
Thu 02/07/08 06:18 PM

so he took the weak way out and killed himself and that is their fault.... pppffffffttttt... sounds like he didn't deserve to live anyway.

Whoa! And you are licensed clergy? I'm glad I'm not a member of your congregation. noway

yzrabbit1's photo
Thu 02/07/08 06:19 PM

It's funny how you go to the same scewed site to "prove" your point.....

I really do want to know the truth, so since the truth is your sole providence, please tell us where we can get the truth about Scientology? Do we have to join the church to learn the truth? Then how do you have the truth if you aren't a Scientologist?

People whom I trust and have had in my house and broken bread with and visa versa, people who I have left my child in their care and visa versa, people who have debated not only their own faith but mine as well and with that debate we have gained a greater understanding of not only the topic of debate also an understanding of each other.

I am licensed clergy, to become clergy I had to study religion, and be versed in all areas.... if you email me I will give you my name and you can look it up on the Secretary of State's web site for licensed clergy for the state of Ohio.

I'm not going to say that there are not groups of scientologist that have taken their faith to a wrong or bad place, but you can say that about all religions. Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Pagan, whatever you can name, however don't judge a group of people by the actions of a few. That is prejudice and just as intolerable as prejudice for a race or creed. Dislike people individulally, not as a mass. It says alot about a person as to how accepting they are, and speaks greatly about their own faith individually...but I certainly won't judge all people on the actions of a few.

L Ron Hub isn't just some guy in the church. It is his church. He created it. He is the black seed that this blackness grows from. His followers are nice people that have been tricked by con men. The mark will always swear that the con man is misunderstood. Con stands for confidence.

jjfred's photo
Thu 02/07/08 06:20 PM
Like any other religion,,,,, Fantasy land.

Lily0923's photo
Thu 02/07/08 06:21 PM

so he took the weak way out and killed himself and that is their fault.... pppffffffttttt... sounds like he didn't deserve to live anyway.

Whoa! And you are licensed clergy? I'm glad I'm not a member of your congregation. noway

Don't worry my congregation wouldn't take you. Suicide is weak and we don't look kindly on weakness we focus on inner strength and finding it, not allowing ourselves to blame others for our actions. We take responsibility for our actions.