JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Mon 11/23/09 08:59 PM

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Mon 11/23/09 08:13 PM
Yeah I just felt like this was good to chew on ya know? I like the way you think though, I too believe that anything is possible. Its okay to believe that as long as you go in expecting to be the rule and not the exception. Treat it like you're the rule and you might be the exception. I learned that from "He's Just Not That Into You" lol and it seems to have some girth do it.

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Mon 11/23/09 08:01 PM
LOL fyi, I didn't write this, I just found it. Thought it was cute :)

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Mon 11/23/09 07:42 PM
Things You Need to Know

This list is a glimpse of what the world looks like from the eyes of those who either know or are close to knowing true love.

1. You will probably not know your soulmate right away.

When you do meet you soul mate, you will not know him or her by the fanfare and the rush of hormones. You will only know him or her by a very gentle tug on your heart. Instead of looking for the fanfare, look for that gentle tug and build a friendship without expectations of something more. In time, as the relationship blossoms, when both of you reveal your true selves, you will know.

2. Relationships rarely look like romantic movies or books.

Imaginary people fall in love quickly and live happily ever after. Real people fall into real love slowly and live fully ever after.

3. It takes years to really get to know someone.

The gift of being human is our complexity. Is it possible to know someone in a week, a month, a few dates? Can you reveal all of your complexity in that short amount of time? How long does it take someone to truly know you?

4. Great relationships are completely worth the effort.

There is nothing like being in a great relationship. There is nothing like being seen and known by the one you love, and seeing and loving back. Whatever you need to do to get there, do it.

5. In spite of lots of bad relationships, a great relationship is possible.

It doesn't matter if you have been "unlucky in love." All that matters is that you take the steps necessary to build a great relationship. It is essential these be different steps than the ones you have taken in the past.

6. A relationship is like a living being - it needs love, caring, space, etc.

People tend to either ignore or smother relationships. In the first case they ignore their partner, thinking that a relationship, once established, will always be there. In the second case they spend every moment with their partner, give and expect undivided attention. If you had a pet, how would it survive under such conditions?

7. You don't have to do your relationships the way your parents did theirs.

Regardless of the models and world view of the previous generations, your life still belongs to you. Choose how you do your relationships, instead of blindly doing or thinking something just because it comes naturally.

8. You can only have a great relationship when you don't need one.

When your life is so wonderful that having a relationship loses its focus is when you will attract the right mate. This is not the same as forcing yourself not to think about relationships or shutting down out of disappointment.

9. There is no such thing as boredom in a relationship. There may be anger, resentment, shut down, but never boredom.

How can you get bored with your partner when your needs are being met, when you have great communication, when you feel loved and love back? Could you ever be bored with that? What people think of as boredom is actually the accumulated weight of unspoken resentments and anger squeezing the life out a relationship.

10. Liking sex with someone does not mean you will like a relationship with them.

However, liking a romantic relationship with someone almost certainly means you will like sex with them. So, which should you do first when you meet someone -- get to know them or audition them for a sex partner?

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Mon 11/16/09 12:03 AM
1. thank you for the complement on my eyes

2. I usually have my bangs about a 1/2 inch shorter, but I keep them to cover the forehead wrinkles that happen when I smile or laugh...lol

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Sun 11/15/09 10:56 PM
<<<<Whadda ya'll think of my new haircut? I just did it tonight... gonna make it a shade or two lighter soon.

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Sun 11/15/09 08:05 PM
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: drinker drinker laugh laugh laugh

You realize you can tell a story with emotes?... its funny...lol

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Sun 11/15/09 06:46 PM
Edited by JaymeStephens84a0lc on Sun 11/15/09 06:46 PM
I'm adorable...

and in a very ornery and sassy mood...lol:banana: drinks rofl

and I'm adorable...happy happy happy happy happy

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Sun 11/15/09 06:41 PM
You're cute as a button, but way too young...lol. I totally wish you were over 21... any younger and I feel the urge to bounce you on my knee and give you a cookie... You're soooo adorable though!

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Fri 11/13/09 07:25 AM
Yeah the good news is though that those kinds of things are red flags to most people. They would be to me...lol, and thats why I don't pursue anyone who lives more than an hour or so away.

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Thu 11/12/09 10:20 PM
I think what puzzles me most is why anyone WOULD give money to someone they don't know and how these scams actually work. Haha, I may not be the brightest bulb in the box... but sending money to ANYONE is risky enough, certainly not anyone I've never met.

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Thu 11/12/09 09:53 PM
I saw a report on ABC or NBC earlier talking about it and how they were starting at the pay sites. Since this is a free site, its probably a bit less of a risk because they realize that most the ppl here probably aren't going to dish money out to them if we wont' dish it out to be on a pay site...lol.

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Thu 11/12/09 08:19 PM
People beware, there's scammers about trying to get money from unsuspecting people on online dating sites looking for love. Common sense tells you to not send money to anyone you don't know, but be super cautious anyway. I would hope most would be aware enough to not fall for it, but I just want those who may be trusting enough to make sure they know who they're talking to before they commit any money. If they can't afford to come see you on their own and/or live far enough away you can't just go get them... be extra careful.

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Sat 11/07/09 11:35 PM
I haven't heard anything else, I'm keeping in contact with his mom and when something changes I'll let you know! Keep the prayers coming! I'll let them know!

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Sat 11/07/09 09:11 PM
My friend Schylar has had a brain hemorrhage. His mother and family are worried sick, as am I. He's a really sweet guy and such a good friend. I am starting prayer chains on every forum I can think of! Please send your love and prayers to Schylar!

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Thu 11/05/09 08:43 AM

I do know that usually when a girl says a guy abused her she winds up going back, but I've left before and didn't go back and its gonna be the same this time. I don't revisit the past, once I leave someone thats it. I really do appreciate all of your kind words, my friends have been amazing but sometimes they say everything I don't need to hear to try to make me feel better and it doesn't work...lol

I'm glad that you are safe now. It sounds like you have alot of thinking to do. Remember the bad or exciting traits of the men who abused you. Make a point to not be involved with that that type of person again. It might sound easier said than done, but it's all about balancing your heart with your head.

good luck

The problem with that is they're different types of men. I've now had 2 definite abusive relationships, along with a handful that were headed there... as in grabbing me in anger and all that (they got kicked to the curb immediately too). They have all been completely different. You got the guys who are seemingly brutally honest with themselves only to realize they actually just beat themselves up over every mistake, therefore they do the same to you. Thats not to feel sorry for them, they should get that in check before they attempt a relationship. You got the guy who seems to have no flaws and treats you like a princess only for them to turn into abusive pricks the second they get you where they want you. I never date the same 'type' twice in a row. When something goes wrong with one guy, the next time I look for one who is different from them. I've actually dated a few really good guys, but they didn't fall for me and weren't going to. The few really good ones who liked me, I didn't feel anything for. There's only been once that a guy loved me the way I loved him and we had a mutual respect for each other. It didn't work b/c we were too young, but its to date the healthiest relationship I've ever had. I have been trying to get a hold of him to find out what mistakes I made in THAT relationship so that I don't repeat them in the future.

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Wed 11/04/09 07:45 PM
I do know that usually when a girl says a guy abused her she winds up going back, but I've left before and didn't go back and its gonna be the same this time. I don't revisit the past, once I leave someone thats it. I really do appreciate all of your kind words, my friends have been amazing but sometimes they say everything I don't need to hear to try to make me feel better and it doesn't work...lol

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Wed 11/04/09 09:09 AM
How to make THIS woman happy:

Embrace my quirks (I have a few...)

Don't be clingy but dont' be distant, just enjoy me and let me do the same with you.

Don't try to make me do things that scare me just to make you happy, I have a few "silly" phobias that if I really have to get past I'll find a way. They're not usually things that matter.

Don't steal money from me and think I won't notice (he stole a small grant check luckily he didn't get ahold of the big one...I just found that out this morning)

Don't attempt to cheat, I'm practically a detective without even really trying... I'll know...

Pet my cats... if they don't like you I won't... I believe animals are impeccable judges of character.

If your orgasm matters more to you than mine (I'm only asking for equality here...) then jack it...

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Wed 11/04/09 08:54 AM

I will try to make a bad relationship work cause i hate being alone

Another fatal flaw of mine also... I don't necessarily hate being alone until I AM with someone. I'll try and try and try until it falls apart b/c I hate that look people get when you tell them you failed at yet another relationship. When I'm single I'm fine with it most of the time. I tend to let guys make me feel trapped into trying to make an unhealthy relationship work.

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Tue 11/03/09 11:07 PM
I know it. I even told him that I do know that in his calm conscious state he'd never hurt me, but he flies off the handle and gets down right insane in a way most people can't imagine and probably would call me a drama queen. He even has me thinking I'm overreacting when in the calm light of day I do know I did the right thing.

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