Community > Posts By > Rondoobie

Rondoobie's photo
Tue 08/24/10 01:49 PM
I think you need to re-examine what you think of as "uptight," making a good moral decision is not uptight it is upstanding!

Rondoobie's photo
Tue 08/24/10 01:06 PM
Keeping an open mind about who to date in the hopes of finding a responsible caring man who give and take in equal proportions in all matters.

Rondoobie's photo
Tue 08/24/10 12:46 PM

Truthfully I feel stupid. Recently realized I'm so afraid of hurting anyone else's feelings that I don't make wise choices for myself and also depressed to realize that I lack the social skills dating requires and I wonder why I don't laugh as easily as so many others, I just don't get the humor in the rudeness, stupidity and vulgarity that permeates our society and entertainment options today. Remember when the audience was given enough credit for our mental capacity that every joke wasn't followed up by an explanation?

I so much agree with you. What is funny today really is pathetic. Nothing is new, just the same old crap re-written for the next suckers to get a chuckle. Where is the creativity that actually involves brain function instead of a knee jerk giggle at a fart joke?

I don't think you are are very intelligent. I highly doubt you lack any social skills required for dating. It might be it's the guys you date who are lacking. Don't be afraid to say no to people...that comes from wisdom. Saying no is not mean either but it is a good way to protect yourself from making the same choices over and over again. Just be yourself and the right man for you will come into your life.
Thank you. I've always been myself, the trouble has been that I've always been a giver and never felt worthy of doing any recieving. Makes it really easy for guys to take advantage of me, or worse, take me for granted. The plan is to think more of myself and expect more out of my next relationship.

Rondoobie's photo
Tue 08/24/10 03:27 AM
I see it optimistically. They were talking about their regrets of breaking up with nice people that they just didn't connect with and think it would be sweet if you each had someone, maybe each other since you're both good people. They wouldn't bother at all if either thought of their ex in a really negetive way. I say give him a shot, you can always say no thanks to a second date if you don't care for him.

Rondoobie's photo
Tue 08/24/10 03:05 AM
Truthfully I feel stupid. Recently realized I'm so afraid of hurting anyone else's feelings that I don't make wise choices for myself and also depressed to realize that I lack the social skills dating requires and I wonder why I don't laugh as easily as so many others, I just don't get the humor in the rudeness, stupidity and vulgarity that permeates our society and entertainment options today. Remember when the audience was given enough credit for our mental capacity that every joke wasn't followed up by an explanation?

Rondoobie's photo
Tue 08/24/10 02:46 AM
Edited by Rondoobie on Tue 08/24/10 03:08 AM

OK, right now, I'm feeling a little confused, lonely, and frustrated.

Today is my birthday, and, frankly, it would be nice not to have to spend it alone. But I really don't have any other options, so alone I spend it.

Generally, the whole "being alone" thing doesn't bother me all that much -- I'm getting used to it, and, if it starts to bother me, I just think back about how truly horrendous all of my past relationships were. The "don't want to relive THAT mess" philosophy keeps me going some days.

But on a day like this, I can't help but think it would be nice to have someone in my life. I was in a pretty serious car accident in Feb. of 2009, after which all of my real life "friends" just vanished, leaving me to put the pieces of myself back together. I have no family, so there was no one to turn to.

And there still isn't. And there are times it gets discouraging.

Happy Birthday, Lex, the only gift I can give you is to let you know much your thoughts and sense of humor means to me on here and to admit that I do wish for you to find love and contentment not only today, but every time I see any of your posts. Luv ya! (((((Lex)))))

Rondoobie's photo
Tue 08/24/10 02:01 AM
I hate rude people, but you did right not to say anything in your uniform. You can't put your company in a bad light and people that are that self centered would probably be so outraged by YOUR behavior that they'd probably make trouble for you with your employer. Some people just suck!

Rondoobie's photo
Tue 08/24/10 01:39 AM
I'd go up into the mountains and live happily ever after with Grizzly Adams and the wild critters! I need me some big purdy sweet talkin' hermit!

Rondoobie's photo
Tue 08/24/10 01:31 AM
I don't like little dogs anyway, you can't respect a man who carries around his little Foofoo. Give me a real man with a big dog, they're always sweeter anyway!

Rondoobie's photo
Tue 08/24/10 01:17 AM

I never said it was a bad thing... I'm just curious about what types of people tend to date more, or less, And if the correlation is related by personality, and gender?

I never said that you were implying that. Your question made me think about how some in society do view dating alot. I just never understood why those people felt that dating often was a "bad thing".

I feel that a person who is more "sociable" will date more, because they tend to love the interaction with meeting someone new. Plus, they would probably be more in touch with knowing what they wanted. If a sociable person does not sense a good connection is being made, they normally have an easier time being upfront about it. Someone who is more of a quiet person will date....just not that often. I also think a quieter person is searching harder for that special someone, but because they don't typically date alot they could inclined to get involved with someone that they shouldn't. Or, they could be overly critical of a date, and then because that date went bad they would not want to date for awhile.
That is SO me! I feel so socially inept! My parents never went out or had anyone over. Family was always enough. I'm from a big family, the oldest of 7 kids. Vacations were to Grandma's and the only outtings were for family holidays. I never dated in high school, not allowed. Got married as soon as I turned 18 to a guy with about a quarter of my IQ. Divorced and slept around for about a year then married the first guy who wouldn't have sex with me til he got to know me and beat myself up for at least a decade still thinking of myself as a slut even though I stayed faithful to a guy who wasn't. This last relationship started at work with a guy also going thru a divorce who needed to rent a room and sweet talked me into believing he thought more of me than he ever did. Now I see how selfish he was from the very beginning, but it was way more easy to believe he would one day want to return my kindnesses than to be alone or be out in the dating world that I've never really participated in! I have no idea how to date or how to let someone I've been out with know that I'm not really interested without being hurtful. I HATE the idea that I could hurt someone's feelings. I'm so afraid that fear of letting someone down will put me right back in another relationship with another Mr. Wrong for me.

Rondoobie's photo
Tue 08/24/10 12:43 AM

Do any of you wonder How some people seem to find the one person meant for them on their first or second try, and somehow live blissfully ever after? Whereas... Many of you like myself have dated over and over, only to find repetitive disappointment? Is ignorance truly bliss? Or is there just something wrong with us? Are we too picky?
Too picky? For me the problem has been quite the opposite. A close look at myself has revealed a chronic low self esteem. I've always given my heart to the first new guy to give me a compliment and hold me close when I'm hurting. If anything I need to be much more selective and quit allowing my need for physical connection to override my need to take the time to know I have found my intellectual equal. I'm no genius, but I'm smart enough to realize I have to break my pattern of thinking these childish, irresponsible men that I keep falling for are the best that I deserve!

Rondoobie's photo
Sat 08/21/10 09:26 AM
Interesting thread, it appears most of us tend to prefer to work under the opposite sex. I didn't expect that.

Rondoobie's photo
Sat 08/21/10 09:17 AM

ha ha you should see my pitty.... the reason pit bulls are feared is because of their lock jaw and the fact that they were basically bred to fight. It's all in the owners tho...people often fear what they dont understand....check out my pit bull quake!!! Pics are in the profile.
Quake is a good looking guy! What fine muscle tone! It's no wonder so many people are intimidated by pitbulls when they encounter chest muscles so wide and clearly defined!

Rondoobie's photo
Sat 08/21/10 08:58 AM
Are you kidding? This place is full of funny dirty little old men! Most of them are pretty darned sweet tho.
I read your profile, you seem smart, sweet and honest. Good luck, hope you find a decent guy near you!

Rondoobie's photo
Sat 08/21/10 01:51 AM

Wasn't looking for it, did not want to, not sure how it slipped up on me. The sad truth is I have fallen for someone that belongs to someone else. I don't want to break up his family. I do still want to spend as much time with him as possible. I know this has no happy ending just wish i knew how to let go. I try and date others but he is the only one that captures my attention. I am so confused.

I know you people here will not hold back on your opinions and looking forward to hearing what you have to say.

Is it possible to have a happy ending when in love with a married man that you want him to stay with his wife but still want him as a lover, friend etc....

I have very little tolerance for such things. You both are selfish and quite frankly a couple of losers........smokin
You keep that up, saying just what I've been thinkin', and I'm gonna fall for you!:laughing:

Rondoobie's photo
Sat 08/21/10 01:17 AM
There are plenty of us who still believe in and long for a fulfilling marriage, but the media and society in general has become so negative about the prospect of lasting committments that it's no longer cool to admit to wanting it. Divorce is too easy with no social stigma left to make people stop to contemplate the full implications of the vows they take when they do marry. Most people seem to say the words without feeling the need to fulfill them. Marriage has become a "for as long as it lasts" proposition rather than "til death do us part." Sad really, but what do you expect when God has been taken out of so many aspects of peoples' lives?

Rondoobie's photo
Sat 08/21/10 12:35 AM
Congrats! I love hearing about the happy happening in your life, grab it with both hands and enjoy it without question! You're getting it because it is your turn, karma works both ways ya know!

Rondoobie's photo
Sat 08/21/10 12:16 AM
Definitely prefer men, they are more goal oriented and focused on one thing... success. Most women I've had to deal with have been going in multiple directions at once and take on so much at any given moment that they stay stressed and difficult to deal with or left me feeling manipulated or back stabbed.

Rondoobie's photo
Fri 08/20/10 11:28 PM
I started a 10 day vacation today, my first in 6 years! Wasn't expecting my vacation pay til next Thursday but it was on this week's check! BIG SMILE! Have to use it to catch up all the bills since I now have to take care of everything alone, so I can't really go anywhere. I did however splurge and buy myself a new vacuum cleaner. As you may have read before, everything I own is either a hand-me-down or bought used, so this is a pretty big deal for me and I'm sure I'll smile every time I use it for a while!

Rondoobie's photo
Thu 08/19/10 09:47 AM

You're 19 years old.

First thing you have to do is deal with your girl now. You either break up with her or stay with her. But do NOT cheat on her.

Agreed, it goes back to the post above about choosing what kind of man you want to be! Cheaters suck and if you do cheat, karma will catch up with you

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