Community > Posts By > popcornncoke

popcornncoke's photo
Thu 05/24/12 08:59 PM


You have LOTS of familyblushing bigsmile

Right hereflowers

Watch as the love flowssmitten :angel:
I AGREE WITH THIS. The Mingle Family is always here

popcornncoke's photo
Thu 05/24/12 08:29 PM
Edited by popcornncoke on Thu 05/24/12 08:56 PM
Dad been in the hospital for 7 days now. It really has been rough on him,talking silly,won't eat,in pain but he slept alot too. They had him on fluids thur his IV. Yesterday was his best day,we got him to eat breakfast and dinner. His Doctor said No More Chemo thur the port,his body can't take it. But there is a Chemo Pill,that he wants Dad to take for a month. I'm keeping a better eye on his pills and make sure he eats,so he doesn't have to go thur this again. First 4/days he talking about not coming home,I spend one night with him and we talk alot. He decide we still had things to do and he wanted to come home. SO HE DID TODAY... DADDY'S HOME:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes. We still have a rough road to go. We'll take it" ONE DAY AT A TIME":heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

popcornncoke's photo
Thu 05/17/12 07:14 PM
Dad is in hosptial,Chemo has really been rough,he is weak, not eating,can hardly get water down,confuse alot,blood-presserue 89 over 43. Sorry,can't spell tonight.. His Doctor is trying to build him back up. I'm worry about his spirt,it has been down alot. Please remember him in your prayers. I pray that I can bring him home sunday or monday.

popcornncoke's photo
Wed 05/16/12 06:21 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
Sending prayers thing things go well!
:angel: flowerforyou :angel:

popcornncoke's photo
Wed 05/16/12 06:19 PM
UPDATE ON DAD.. He had his first chemo treatment last Wed. Then he had to go back everyday for a shot,that helps build up his white blood cells and help against infections. but he has been in so much pain, can hardly eat anything, sleeps alot. he fell a few days ago,while I was gone to town,Aunt Nita, who is in a wheelchair somehow manage to get him back on his feet,had him on the front of her chair and got him back to the tralier. He has been confuse,he thinks that someone broke into the tralier the other night, that someone went thur his important papers,he sees all kinds of bugs on his bedroom walls. They say that the first weeks are rough. He says that he hurts more and gets weaker each day. He doesn't think he is going to get better. No shot for him today,because he was feeling bad. Dr. Shah put him on Morphine for his pain,since the other wasn't working. He is to go back tomorrow,for another chemo treatment.Please prayer. I also have to take care of my aunt and her health problems. I finally had to break down and ask my son's girlfriend for help. She's going to take aunt nita to her doc appt. Since Dad fell,I'm afraid to leave him on his own. My Youngest Son got Married yesterday and I didn't get to go,about broke my heart. But I love my dad and I cherish everyday with him.

popcornncoke's photo
Thu 04/26/12 08:49 PM
Here is the plans. Dad went to the Doctor today,he checked him out and then he expalin to us what he was going to do, showed us the port, told us everything that could go wrong,while he is putting it in and after it is in and I'll have to be honest,I'm scared,my tummy has been upset all afternoon. He has to go for pre-op on monday,then they will do it on wednesday,his Chemo start's May 9 and He has to go back to doctor for a follow-up and also back to the cancer center for IV of Zometa[ both on May 10]. I sure wish there was another way,no port,no chemo.

popcornncoke's photo
Thu 04/26/12 08:35 PM
Edited by popcornncoke on Thu 04/26/12 08:37 PM
To say I'm sorry for your Loss or that he is in a better place,doesn't help much. I just don't know the right words. Prayers are on the way for you and your mom.

popcornncoke's photo
Tue 04/24/12 08:53 PM
Best Wishes and Prayers for you.

popcornncoke's photo
Tue 04/24/12 08:50 PM
Sending prayers your way.flowerforyou flowerforyou

popcornncoke's photo
Tue 04/24/12 08:48 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
Sending lots of prayers!!
:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

popcornncoke's photo
Tue 04/24/12 08:40 PM

I don't got anything wrong with me and my life is exeptionally groovy...

But, being the egocentric narccissist that I am, I figure I may as well use every resource available to me.

I would ask all my fellow Mingletards to pray for my continued happiness and maybe do a Santa Ria/Voodoo/Hoodoo spell to make my penis grow bigger.

Thank you for your prayers.

OMG. Thanks for the Laugh. I really needed it.

popcornncoke's photo
Tue 04/24/12 08:15 PM
Hi Guys. UPDATE ON DAD. We went to New Doctor at Cancer Center on Friday. He tells us that the Hormoanes Shots are no longer working and that the next step is Chemo,every 3/weeks and Zometa,which will decrease fractures & pain in his bones.They are to put a port in next week because his veins are in bad shape. Chemo will start in May. Dad has agree to this. I know it will be rough on him,but it gives us hope,where first doctor told us that Chemo wouldn't work.Dr.Shah is sure Chemo will kill it. I want to thank all of you for your prayers and kind words. You've helped me alot and I hope you will still be with us,as we go ahead. I'll be sure to keep you :heart: flowers :heart: flowers

popcornncoke's photo
Tue 04/17/12 09:37 PM
My Dad says that it depends on if they keep his tea glass filled.

popcornncoke's photo
Tue 04/17/12 09:34 PM
Dad goes to new doctor on friday,this waited is so hard. I just pray that this new guy will tell us something good. I'll be back to let you all know.

popcornncoke's photo
Tue 04/10/12 11:18 AM
Edited by popcornncoke on Tue 04/10/12 11:21 AM

As some of you might remember that my dad has cancer and that it is to far gone for treatments. They have been giving him horomoans shots every 3/months. They check his blood everytime,his blood count was 5.7 [no problem] Last week test shows that his blood count is up to 25 now, not good, plus he has been in pain alot. So they put him on strong pain pills and ordered more tests on Tuesday to see how advanced his cancer is,he thinks that it is in his lungs now. Please pray for him. I need your prayers to help me, I mean it is so hard to watch your dad die alittle each day and you can't do a darn thing about it. I'm so damn mad.Yes,I know people get cancer everyday and die from it. It is just so hard,when it is someone you love.
UPDATE ON DAD. I'm sorry that I haven't been back sooner. Just so down right now. We were to go for more tests tomorrow,to check to see if the cancer is in his bones now,in a area behind his heart,but when they did a blood-test,his blood count was to high,said it wouldn't do any good to do these tests.So in 2/weeks he goes to a new doctor at a cancer clinic. Easter,He spend the day in his recliner,as I write this, that's where he is now. I think he is giving up,he seems to be going down. please pray for us both.

popcornncoke's photo
Mon 04/02/12 10:44 AM
Edited by popcornncoke on Mon 04/02/12 10:46 AM

Have you run the Avast and AVG on the old tower?
I have had Avast on old tower for years,never had a problem before.

popcornncoke's photo
Sun 04/01/12 09:51 PM
Edited by popcornncoke on Sun 04/01/12 09:54 PM
Hi Guys. I would like to know how can you tell,if there is someone on your computer with you? Maybe a virus. I'll try to explain, I've Windows 7. I've 2/Towers. I was used the old one because I was use to it, mostly for pictures and music. it has Avast on it.But then there would be foot-steps or a shutting of a door on it. my son told me,I had a bug. So I stop using it. Now on the new tower,I hear poping sounds sometimes,my son tells me that computers do make noises. I've Avast and AVG on new tower. When I check them,They tell I've protection. I would like to be sure,how can I do this,also what do I do to get the bug off old tower? Another Thing,Sometimes when I go to shut everything down,there is a pop-up for some online dating site,that I didn't sign up for,how do I get rid of it? If someone is checking out my computer,will they know about this e-mail?? Yes Guys, Go ahead and Laugh. I'm a dummy with computer's... PS. How can you tell if something has a virus hooked to it or not?

popcornncoke's photo
Sun 04/01/12 08:49 PM
As some of you might remember that my dad has cancer and that it is to far gone for treatments. They have been giving him horomoans shots every 3/months. They check his blood everytime,his blood count was 5.7 [no problem] Last week test shows that his blood count is up to 25 now, not good, plus he has been in pain alot. So they put him on strong pain pills and ordered more tests on Tuesday to see how advanced his cancer is,he thinks that it is in his lungs now. Please pray for him. I need your prayers to help me, I mean it is so hard to watch your dad die alittle each day and you can't do a darn thing about it. I'm so damn mad.Yes,I know people get cancer everyday and die from it. It is just so hard,when it is someone you love.

popcornncoke's photo
Sun 04/01/12 08:34 PM
Up Dated on Buddy. They got it all out. He says that he feels great. He goes back for a check-up this month. If all is well,he might get to go back to work sooner. Like most men,he hates to sit around and do nothing. Thanks for all your flowers flowers

popcornncoke's photo
Sun 03/25/12 08:27 PM
Happy Birthday, Don. Hope you've many,many more and your wishes come flowers flowers flowers flowers

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