Community > Posts By > Kleisto

Kleisto's photo
Wed 09/18/13 02:45 PM

eat or die

what bs huh? not a choice at all,,,

We all need to eat to live, that's hardly the same argument.

The bottom line though is simply this......if one is to truly have free will they MUST be able to decide something of their own accord without any fear of a consequence placed onto them. A person who has to believe in the Biblical God and Bible with it to live fully....does not have that.

Is it ok to warn a person of what MAY happen if they do one thing over another? Sure. But to tell them you will ENSURE something happens to them if they do it, is where you cross the line. This is what religion does. In one case you leave the choice to them, in the other, you effectively make it for them if they wish to survive.

one is the flesh,, which we easily 'believe' because it is tangible

and one is the soul

the ONE who created both, understand both

he made our bodies to need food, and we understand and 'believe' that

he made our souls to accept Jesus, and he understands that, but our flesh is too selfish and stubborn to accept it as simply as we accept our need for 'physical' things like food

and that's our CHOICE to believe it or not

Yes but come on, if your child did something you knew was no good for it, would you let it die just to make a point or would you save it still? It's common loving being being able to stop something from happening like that would stand idly by and let it. It's absurd.

Not to mention this God is supposedly all powerful and can do anything it wants to do, yet despite willing ALL saved fails to make it happen. Sorry that doesn't pass the smell test to me.

no,,because we choose to continue ACTING like children, doesn't mean we are

there are lots of things I stop my 6 year old from doing, that I don't interfere in with my 21 year old

so if your child was DYING, you'd sit there and let them die even when you can stop them and keep them alive? Is that what you're telling me? Cause that is what your God does! Hell it's even worse, he KILLS THEM himself!! How can you advocate that?? It's one thing to warn of a consequence if you do something, it's another to BE the consequence......

And again if God is all powerful, and wills all to be saved he MUST be able to save all to fit the description. He can't be all powerful, will something to happen and then fail......period. Doesn't work and nothing you say to defend it can make it so.

Kleisto's photo
Wed 09/18/13 01:38 PM

eat or die

what bs huh? not a choice at all,,,

We all need to eat to live, that's hardly the same argument.

The bottom line though is simply this......if one is to truly have free will they MUST be able to decide something of their own accord without any fear of a consequence placed onto them. A person who has to believe in the Biblical God and Bible with it to live fully....does not have that.

Is it ok to warn a person of what MAY happen if they do one thing over another? Sure. But to tell them you will ENSURE something happens to them if they do it, is where you cross the line. This is what religion does. In one case you leave the choice to them, in the other, you effectively make it for them if they wish to survive.

one is the flesh,, which we easily 'believe' because it is tangible

and one is the soul

the ONE who created both, understand both

he made our bodies to need food, and we understand and 'believe' that

he made our souls to accept Jesus, and he understands that, but our flesh is too selfish and stubborn to accept it as simply as we accept our need for 'physical' things like food

and that's our CHOICE to believe it or not

Yes but come on, if your child did something you knew was no good for it, would you let it die just to make a point or would you save it still? It's common loving being being able to stop something from happening like that would stand idly by and let it. It's absurd.

Not to mention this God is supposedly all powerful and can do anything it wants to do, yet despite willing ALL saved fails to make it happen. Sorry that doesn't pass the smell test to me.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 09/17/13 02:05 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Tue 09/17/13 02:06 PM

eat or die

what bs huh? not a choice at all,,,

We all need to eat to live, that's hardly the same argument.

The bottom line though is simply this......if one is to truly have free will they MUST be able to decide something of their own accord without any fear of a consequence placed onto them. A person who has to believe in the Biblical God and Bible with it to live fully....does not have that.

Is it ok to warn a person of what MAY happen if they do one thing over another? Sure. But to tell them you will ENSURE something happens to them if they do it, is where you cross the line. This is what religion does. In one case you leave the choice to them, in the other, you effectively make it for them if they wish to survive.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 09/17/13 02:55 AM

for centuries there have been ppl of doubts and beliefs of there own...and then they die.. and then comes someone ordinary or lame with another theory then they on and so on. one thing for sure, and is not an theory, is that you and me and every other ordinary guy will die...and my creator will live have the freedom of choice and the freedom to believe whatever you believe the end of the day...that's your beliefs, theories, or stories that no one will remember or care to...but his word my father word is forever and will remain just that...
yep,some Choice!
Either believe or go to Hell!slaphead slaphead

Yeah, what kind of free will is that? Not much of one if you ask's like holding a gun to your head and demanding money or you'll be have no choice really if you wanna live though you could try to run. It's bs all the way.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 09/16/13 11:43 PM

I know right? All's that page has is user comments on a forum much like this one, not anything credible. It's sad that the conspiracy theory nuts think everything is an inside job.

It's more than sad, it's pathetic that such a tragedy is reduced to such a brain dead CT.

Nah I think what's pathetic is people who keep falling for the same damn ******** time and time again........but carry on........

Kleisto's photo
Mon 09/16/13 10:19 PM

Also what kind of screwed up world would let one person die or be punished for the sins of others?

Or would make EVERYBODY responsible for the sins of said others......whether they did anything or not. I expect more out of a divine being than to treat its' creation in that way.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 09/16/13 05:26 PM
and look at this! The guy had security clearance to be there!

The blurb about it is a little down the page:

This has inside job written all over it!

Kleisto's photo
Mon 09/16/13 04:37 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Mon 09/16/13 04:38 PM

I am curious why the DC police were responding when that is the home to NCIS, and at anytime they have a ton of Agents on base not to mention MP's.

Makes you wonder doesn't me this is NOT a coincidence. Do you really believe that a place like that could just let some crazy in with a military weapon no less, and shoot the place up? Not buying it for a damn second.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 09/16/13 03:42 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Mon 09/16/13 03:43 PM
If anyone has any doubt this was a false flag............this oughta change your mind, note the dates on these two articles.........

Government, you are BUSTED!

Kleisto's photo
Sun 09/15/13 03:49 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Sun 09/15/13 03:50 AM
I may get flamed for this, but I believe we should go back to a culture where you get what you earn. I don't think everyone should be entitled to a certain amount of have to work for it. I believe of course everyone should be paid fairly, but not beyond what they deserve based on what they do. It's not exactly equal when someone is getting paid more for doing less, while someone else gets paid the same, for doing a lot more you know what I mean?

That in a nutshell is a lot of my issue with the idea of increasing min wage. That and also.....businesses are not gonna wanna hire as much because they won't be able to afford to do it. Hell a lot struggle even now, and with Obamacare looming that is likely to get worse, the influx of part time jobs instead of full time out there is proof of that.

Raising the min wage will only hurt from this perspective, hell even having it at all can hurt them. If you allowed them to hire and pay what they wanted to pay (within reason to keep things not being allowed to go under a certain amount let's say), you'd see more jobs, and more people making at least some kind of a living.

And I know the game itself is tilted in the direction of those in power, I understand all that......but if this is what we have to deal with, I believe we'd be better off going in a different direction than we have been.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 09/10/13 03:27 AM
This type of thing is a perfect illustration of who REALLY owns property in this country. Here's a hint, it ISN'T us! When the state can come and take something away from you like this because you didn't pay them never owned the thing to begin with, you merely rented it from them. We really own nothing in terms of's all state property.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 09/09/13 05:30 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Mon 09/09/13 05:30 PM

saying man is not meant to be monogamous is like saying women are not meant to work outside the home

people are capable of what they are capable of,,many are more than capable of committing to someone and others aren't

the problem isn't expecting monogamy, it is being dishonest about whether or not one is capable of it,,,

which goes back to the societal pressures of expecting everyone to be the same that I just spoke of. If we stopped trying to put everyone in the one box, things would be different than they are and everyone could more easily get what they need.

I don't agree society causes the problem

there is no stigma anymore in remaining single, so there is no excuse to feign commitment if one is not going to actually physically commit

But maybe some people want to be with someone and still have fun in addition......this is the problem, we have a society where people are forced to decide between all or nothing, and maybe some want something in between. Such people should not be effectively cast aside and made to be either suffer alone or be someone they're not with someone else just because others see fit to judge them because they don't go along with the norm.

and nothing stops those people from finding each other and doing just that,,,

The way the culture is set up though doesn't exactly make it easy for them. As I said it's beginning to change, but we are still predominantly dominated by the monogamous w/that lifestyle pushed onto others in the process even if they don't desire it.

bottom line,, people want to do whatever they want and insist everyone else be happy about or promote it

that's not life

but it still does NOTHING to stop people from doing wh at they want to do,, with their bodies and their lives

I don't believe asking for some respect is asking for that much, you don't have to like it, but when you start placing judgment on someone for it because they dare to do something different with their lives regardless of what it gives them, you cross a line. Simple as that.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 09/09/13 04:56 PM

To heck with marriage. I say live single, have many partners (safely of course), keep all your money, pay your taxes and create a good retirement fun. You do all that and you do not run the risk of some chick (or dude) taking your crap. Live in the now. :thumbsup: tongue2 :laughing:


Just remember after living your hedonistic lifestyle,
and on your deathbed, that the "live in the now" Life
is short ways of living won't get you a ticket to Heaven.

Yeah, life is short. However, the soul is eternal
and living a short life of sin, isn't worth an
eternity in hell.

And you could, at the very end, start to repent
and ask Jesus for forgiveness.I'd just advise that
you do it in plenty of time before you go. And mean
everyhing that you confess to Jesus, sincerely.

You don't have to take my word for it. Just my two cents.

Oh do realize this isn't a religious section right?

Kleisto's photo
Mon 09/09/13 04:55 PM

I do believe in marriage, but not the way it is construed. I think the "till death do us part" bit is out of date. And I'd never ever go for the "obey" part either.
I also prefer the old pagan way, not cos I wanna walk around stark naked by the way, lol. What a world that would be! At least we wouldn't have to ask anyone's size no more :laughing:

Personally think monogamy is one of the problems. Having to love only the one person for half a century or more, only be intimate with that one person, I get depressed even thinking about it. Is it fair, natural, logical to demand this of people?

We've all been reared to feel hurt, upset, rejected if a partner strays. If you think about that: we HAVE BEEN reared ... meaning drilled, brainwashed. Who the h*ck done that to us???

As this subject has come up several times here, I'm currently re-assessing my vision. It ain't easy, as I also have been reared to get hurt and upset if my partner strays. But logical brain asks: Why????
If he (or I for that matter) share a physical moment, does that mean I love my partner any less? Not necessarily ...

Maybe if this bit was somewhat more pagan, marriages wouldn't fall apart so easily either ...

Food for thought, this subject

I agree with you......and not just cause I have so much energy anymore that I'd prefer a more open relationship. I honestly believe the way we view relationships and marriages is so rigid that it lends itself to cheating. Not everyone wants or is cut out for a one to one monogamous marriage. Some are and that's fine if it works for them, but for others they end up having to try and be someone they're not.....and they inevitably fail and end up cheating because who they are attempting to be really is not them.

This is why I believe that many relationships end in divorce now.....people are not able to be who they want to be, or express freely what they need in the relationship and from their partner, and these desires manifest behind their backs. If they could be able to be honest and upfront from the start, these issues would never come up you know?

Everyone needs something different, we are not all the same. If we were able to articulate the things we needed ahead of time with someone.....we'd be better equipped to make a good choice of a mate and a lot less likely to end up in a relationship we are not happy in, and a lot less likely to divorce. The ones who want monogamy, will find that, and the ones that want something else will find that. I do think in recent times there has been a shift towards such openness.....but there remains a stigma against people who reject the traditional norms. We have to stop this nonsense that everyone has to do the same thing, the ideology doesn't work, and is in fact harmful in my opinion, particularly if you don't fit in with the majority.

It's all about communication though in the end in a relationship.....if you can't do that openly there will be problems.

Now this is so true. Wish more guys thought like you. You are very wise. :thumbsup:

Well thanks, I like to think I am pretty smart even if others don't always understand how I think. flowerforyou

Kleisto's photo
Mon 09/09/13 04:53 PM

saying man is not meant to be monogamous is like saying women are not meant to work outside the home

people are capable of what they are capable of,,many are more than capable of committing to someone and others aren't

the problem isn't expecting monogamy, it is being dishonest about whether or not one is capable of it,,,

which goes back to the societal pressures of expecting everyone to be the same that I just spoke of. If we stopped trying to put everyone in the one box, things would be different than they are and everyone could more easily get what they need.

I don't agree society causes the problem

there is no stigma anymore in remaining single, so there is no excuse to feign commitment if one is not going to actually physically commit

But maybe some people want to be with someone and still have fun in addition......this is the problem, we have a society where people are forced to decide between all or nothing, and maybe some want something in between. Such people should not be effectively cast aside and made to be either suffer alone or be someone they're not with someone else just because others see fit to judge them because they don't go along with the norm.

and nothing stops those people from finding each other and doing just that,,,

The way the culture is set up though doesn't exactly make it easy for them. As I said it's beginning to change, but we are still predominantly dominated by the monogamous w/that lifestyle pushed onto others in the process even if they don't desire it.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 09/09/13 02:47 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Mon 09/09/13 02:48 PM

saying man is not meant to be monogamous is like saying women are not meant to work outside the home

people are capable of what they are capable of,,many are more than capable of committing to someone and others aren't

the problem isn't expecting monogamy, it is being dishonest about whether or not one is capable of it,,,

which goes back to the societal pressures of expecting everyone to be the same that I just spoke of. If we stopped trying to put everyone in the one box, things would be different than they are and everyone could more easily get what they need.

I don't agree society causes the problem

there is no stigma anymore in remaining single, so there is no excuse to feign commitment if one is not going to actually physically commit

But maybe some people want to be with someone and still have fun in addition......this is the problem, we have a society where people are forced to decide between all or nothing, and maybe some want something in between. Such people should not be effectively cast aside and made to be either suffer alone or be someone they're not with someone else just because others see fit to judge them because they don't go along with the norm.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 09/09/13 02:20 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Mon 09/09/13 02:20 PM

saying man is not meant to be monogamous is like saying women are not meant to work outside the home

people are capable of what they are capable of,,many are more than capable of committing to someone and others aren't

the problem isn't expecting monogamy, it is being dishonest about whether or not one is capable of it,,,

which goes back to the societal pressures of expecting everyone to be the same that I just spoke of. If we stopped trying to put everyone in the one box, things would be different than they are and everyone could more easily get what they need.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 09/09/13 02:18 PM

I do believe in marriage, but not the way it is construed. I think the "till death do us part" bit is out of date. And I'd never ever go for the "obey" part either.
I also prefer the old pagan way, not cos I wanna walk around stark naked by the way, lol. What a world that would be! At least we wouldn't have to ask anyone's size no more :laughing:

Personally think monogamy is one of the problems. Having to love only the one person for half a century or more, only be intimate with that one person, I get depressed even thinking about it. Is it fair, natural, logical to demand this of people?

We've all been reared to feel hurt, upset, rejected if a partner strays. If you think about that: we HAVE BEEN reared ... meaning drilled, brainwashed. Who the h*ck done that to us???

As this subject has come up several times here, I'm currently re-assessing my vision. It ain't easy, as I also have been reared to get hurt and upset if my partner strays. But logical brain asks: Why????
If he (or I for that matter) share a physical moment, does that mean I love my partner any less? Not necessarily ...

Maybe if this bit was somewhat more pagan, marriages wouldn't fall apart so easily either ...

Food for thought, this subject

I agree with you......and not just cause I have so much energy anymore that I'd prefer a more open relationship. I honestly believe the way we view relationships and marriages is so rigid that it lends itself to cheating. Not everyone wants or is cut out for a one to one monogamous marriage. Some are and that's fine if it works for them, but for others they end up having to try and be someone they're not.....and they inevitably fail and end up cheating because who they are attempting to be really is not them.

This is why I believe that many relationships end in divorce now.....people are not able to be who they want to be, or express freely what they need in the relationship and from their partner, and these desires manifest behind their backs. If they could be able to be honest and upfront from the start, these issues would never come up you know?

Everyone needs something different, we are not all the same. If we were able to articulate the things we needed ahead of time with someone.....we'd be better equipped to make a good choice of a mate and a lot less likely to end up in a relationship we are not happy in, and a lot less likely to divorce. The ones who want monogamy, will find that, and the ones that want something else will find that. I do think in recent times there has been a shift towards such openness.....but there remains a stigma against people who reject the traditional norms. We have to stop this nonsense that everyone has to do the same thing, the ideology doesn't work, and is in fact harmful in my opinion, particularly if you don't fit in with the majority.

It's all about communication though in the end in a relationship.....if you can't do that openly there will be problems.

Kleisto's photo
Thu 09/05/13 05:38 PM

We do not need to treat those animals with cruelty in order to eat them. Killing for sport is gross...killing and using as much of the animal as possible for survival is natural.

If anything I think that we don't use the entire animals anymore is as much an insult to them as much as anything else, we waste so many parts of the animal that other cultures will not. We could learn a lot from that IMO, we take the meat we get for granted and don't respect the sacrifice like we should.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 09/03/13 06:08 PM

The site DOES monitor, but we need to verify these issues. The highest the online status goes is over a month.

Might I suggest having some other set times, like changes at 6 months.......a year.......2 years....etc?

Or at least an inactive setting after so long.

and take them either out of searches or way back on the list after the most recent, be easier to find more actual available people then

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