Community > Posts By > GentleS0ul

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Sun 11/06/16 01:18 AM
Edited by GentleS0ul on Sun 11/06/16 01:17 AM

Rogue robots ‘could be hard to stop’ & 3 others things we learned from Stephen Hawking on Larry King

One of the world’s smartest humans has grave concerns about artificial intelligence “going rogue.” Stephen Hawking appeared on RT's "Larry King Now" Monday to discuss a wide range of topics - from the rise of robots to one of the universe’s biggest mysteries - women.

Here are just a few of the best moments from their conversation.

Rise of the machines

While machines help Hawking stay alive and communicate, he’s concerned about the direction in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) is moving.

Pointing the finger at governments around the world, Hawking said he believed they were “engaged in an AI arms race, designing planes and weapons with intelligent technologies” instead of channeling money towards projects “directly beneficial to the human race such as improved medical screening” which he said “seems a somewhat lower priority.”

“Once machines reach the critical stage of being able to evolve themselves, we cannot predict whether their goals will be the same as ours.”

“Artificial intelligence has the potential to evolve faster than the human race.”

“Beneficially, AI could co-exist with humans and augment our capabilities, but rogue AI could be difficult to stop.”

“We need to ensure AI is designed ethically with safeguards in place.”

Biggest mystery of the Universe

When asked what he thought was the biggest mystery of the universe, Hawking said it was the question of why “the universe and all the laws of nature exist” and if they’re “necessary.”

“In one sense, they are because otherwise we wouldn't be here to ask the question but is there a deeper reason?”

Greatest threat to mankind

While Hawking told King that with the world’s population is likely to hit 11 billion by 2100, assuming the human race survives that long, he added that the biggest threat to mankind was “the increase in air pollution and the emission of increasing levels of carbon dioxide”

“Air pollution has increased by 8 percent over the past five years. More than 80 percent of inhabitants of urban areas are exposed to unsafe levels of air pollution.”

“Six years ago, I was warning about pollution and overcrowding, they have got worse since then.”

“Will we be too late to avoid dangerous levels of global warming?”


Perhaps the most perplexing question about the way our world works for Hawking is the chemistry between men and women.

The twice-married father of three told King he has “learned a lot about women” since they last spoke in 2010, but then he cheekily turned the tables on the legendary talk show host by saying it was his “turn to ask a personal question.”

"You have been married eight times to seven different women, is that a triumph of hope over experience?"

After he was taken off-guard, King said there was “always eternal hope” when it comes to marriage.

People, ever more greedy and stupid, destroy the world - Stephen Hawking to Larry King

King last spoke to Hawking six years ago, when Hawking said: “Mankind is in danger of destroying ourselves by our greed and stupidity.” On Monday, King checked in with him to see what has changed in the past six years.
“We have certainly not become less greedy or less stupid,” Hawking replied.

SassyEuro2 I would like to thank you for posting interesting articles. :-)

This one caught my attention too:
Community > Mysterious Phenomena & The Paranormal .Topic: Spooky Sounds From The Arctic Sea

I agree with Mr. Hawking's underlined statement above.

It seems AI is evolving faster than humanity.

Is it possible that mans creation will have more intelligence and more superior ethics than its creator?

Or it will reflect an image of an imperfect creator?

I think Mr. Hawking found a logical and most plausible answer in human nature. If we can't overcome our flaws and weaknesses can AI do it?

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Sat 11/05/16 12:46 PM
Edited by GentleS0ul on Sat 11/05/16 12:47 PM
Purpose? There is no easy answer to that question.
I am not sure who got it right - scientist, religious authorities or philosophers?
I remember a cab driver who ones told me he wished he was a bird.
-But shouldn't a bird have some kind of purpose too?
-Yes. It should, but it doesn't care. It lives free, flies and dies.
-Maybe you should have become a pilot instead of a cabby?
-See that seagull? Maybe if I was that bird I would sh** on YOUR head now! :-D
That concluded my short discussion about purpose of life with a cab driver. And seagull flew away.
I don't know what is the purpose of life, but I was happy that cabby wasn't a bird.
What a Monty Python moment! :-D

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Sat 11/05/16 12:28 PM
Perhaps you should write those songs down. Maybe one of them could become the song we like to listen on the radio?

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Sat 11/05/16 12:12 PM
Indeed. Wish I could disagree, but so many things are 1-2-3 quick and easily accessible from instant coffee, fast food, disposable things to easy-come-easy-go relationships.

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Sat 11/05/16 12:11 PM
Edited by GentleS0ul on Sat 11/05/16 12:13 PM
Well, every one of us has his/her opinion.

That's what makes this forum so interesting.

I appreciate when someone shares an honest opinion even if is totally opposite one.

CrystalFairy & IgorFrankensteen thanks for sharing yours! :-)

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Sat 11/05/16 05:49 AM
This bar seems to have a friendly crowd! Nice!:-)

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Sat 11/05/16 05:13 AM

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Sat 11/05/16 04:47 AM

No. It's all about the picture. I have nothing bus gangstas and Harley dudes contacting me. Why on earth do they think I would even consider them?

They are hoping that they are the exception...LOL!!!

I think they don't care. Even knowing they aren't your type they will try and wont get upset if you say no. Few times.
Let's put it in man's language... LOL
The most persistent ones make it to the base, not the most handsome or bright ones, but most persistent ones. If you hear no and still waaaaant it try something different. Or move to the next one.
Till you hear yes.
That's what it is about.

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Sat 11/05/16 04:15 AM

I was having a conversation today. I was asked "what are you looking for from a women?" I said friendship, but eventually Love. I was told "only fools fall in love." I responded with your the fool. What do you think?







Excellent answer!

In love or not everyone has their boundaries. It is up to us not to cross other people's boundaries and not to allow them to cross ours.
That is a matter of respect.

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Sat 11/05/16 04:02 AM

I was having a conversation today. I was asked "what are you looking for from a women?" I said friendship, but eventually Love. I was told "only fools fall in love." I responded with your the fool. What do you think?

If that is the case I am a big fool who loved one man for 25 years. And lost a battle with a cancer.
Three years later I am still single because I know the difference between love and lust.
I am quite content with living independently on my own. Why would I follow casual dating trends just to blend in?
People shall believe whatever they choose to believe anyways. So, why not let them keep their conclusion.
Fool? It is a deal. :-)

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Sat 11/05/16 03:37 AM
Edited by GentleS0ul on Sat 11/05/16 03:39 AM
2016 Ends with Three Supermoons

The term supermoon has entered popular consciousness in recent years. Originally a term from modern astrology for a new or full moon that occurs with the moon is within 90% of its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit, supermoon now refers more broadly to a full moon that is closer to Earth than average. But why is the moon closer to Earth at some times but not others?

The Supermoon on November 14, 2016, will be the closest a Full Moon has been to Earth since January 25, 1948. The next time a Full Moon is even closer to Earth will be on November 25, 2034 (time in UTC).

Step outside on October 16, and take a look at the moon. Not only will the moon be full, but on that day, the moon will be at it’s closest point to our planet as it orbits Earth. This makes the October full moon a supermoon.

The supermoon of December 14 is remarkable for a different reason: it’s going to wipe out the view of the Geminid meteor shower. Bright moonlight will reduce the visibility of faint meteors five to ten fold, transforming the usually fantastic Geminids into an astronomical footnote. Sky watchers will be lucky to see a dozen Geminids per hour when the shower peaks. Oh well, at least the moon will be remarkable.

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Sat 11/05/16 02:36 AM

how will you know if you still love your so called "EX"?

Ask yourself why they have become your "EX".

Great answer!

It reminded me of my last attempt to meet someone in person that ended very badly. I am a smoker, an old school type and didn't want to become intimate just a few hours after we met. He kept repeating that he loved me, but at the same time continued looking for another date.
I told him I am not anyone's option and he got mad, somehow deleted my account (hacking?)and after that blocked my number.
When I found out my account disappeared and tried to text him to ask what was that about he threatened to sue me if I contact him again!?
And that is a man who constantly repeated he wanted a normal and sane person to build a meaningful relationship with while loosing temper every time he disliked something.
For example, I am a smoker and I stated that. If he couldn't accept it why did he contact me to begin with and grab my E-cigarette every time I reached for it to prevent me from using it, followed by a lecture and a tantrum?
That is not tolerant behavior. Lectures are not pleasant, but tantrums are not acceptable for someone over the age of 50.
If I said NO it means NO. Not everyone ends up becoming intimate only few hours after meeting someone. That doesn't make me abnormal or anything else he tried to imply.
This is an example of REMEMBERING why I would rather never have contacts with this person. We may have profiles on the same site again, but I have no intention to ever contact this man again.
Once you learn the lesson there is no need to repeat it. :-)

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Sat 11/05/16 02:10 AM

Well put Peggy.

Even if you speak the same language you will inevitably at times have different meanings for the same woŕd. So even if you speak the same language you have to learn indaviduals language as well.

Not only spoken language but there is another language we all use which is our actions. We believe our actions are sendinga clare message assuming our partner knows the meaning we assign to our actions.

understanding that our understanding is not nescasarly anothers understanding is helpful in being understood. :-)

I agree. :-)
Actions are a non-verbal messages.
If a person constantly makes promises s/he doesn't deliver that is a message too. Sometimes more than one message.
It can mean that s/he takes a partner for granted, or maybe just can't or wont keep the promise for his/her reasons (lazy, tired, payback for partners mistakes, partner isn't worth it etc.)
Thousand people have thousand reasons of their own.
But in the end over the course of time actions always show true feelings.

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Sat 11/05/16 12:10 AM
People lie. Actions don't.

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Fri 11/04/16 11:29 PM
Edited by GentleS0ul on Sat 11/05/16 12:02 AM
What a cutie! Meow! :heart:
<iframe src='' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' width='640' height='315' allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Fri 11/04/16 11:28 AM
Edited by GentleS0ul on Fri 11/04/16 11:29 AM
Yes there is, but it is very rare. It is easier to win a lottery that to find a true love.

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Fri 11/04/16 11:03 AM
Edited by GentleS0ul on Fri 11/04/16 11:12 AM
Each relationship requires a bit of an adjustment in order to be successful.

Sometimes people are either unable or unwilling to give something.

For example a relationship between an introvert and an extrovert types can be a challenge. One needs the other to open up and if too much pressure is applied it can suffocate another one.

Introvert types do not open up as often or as easy as an extrovert ones and that can be perceived as a distancing or rejection.

That is an example of inability to give something that is not in persons nature.

The other example may include a difference between a spender and saver. If one half makes and expects occasional small surprise gifts as a sign of an appreciation and the other doesn't feel any need to make an effort of that kind, that can cause a friction.

Especially if both sides clarified the expectations (extrovert and introvert one, as well as a spender and a saver) and after that there was no adjustments.

To simplify, it is not a good idea to expect more than person is able and willing to give. Not everyone is willing to do for you what you are willing to do for them.

If it doesn't work and it feels like you are putting more into a relationship than your partner and you can't live with it ...well, it is not going to turn into a happy long lasting relationship.

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Fri 11/04/16 07:23 AM
Thanks for an advice.smile2 waving

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