Community > Posts By > XenomorphEyez

XenomorphEyez's photo
Sun 01/03/10 11:36 AM
If you like animation, watch Tim Burton's "9". It got mixed reviews but I thought it was great. The storyline is pretty dark good vs evil and the animation is outstanding.

If you want a tv series to watch on dvd, Sons of Anarchy is great.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Sun 01/03/10 11:31 AM
I liked District 9. I thought it was hilarious. I haven't seen the other two.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Sun 01/03/10 11:27 AM

You've never seen men being hostile? Or bashing each other in order to make themselves sound better? Really?
its called rooster blocking, aka, well you knowlaugh

Men most certainly do "rooster" block. Ever see an ugly guy in an expensive car with a hot girl? Men will be the first one to comment on the car and then the girl he's with and why she is with him. Or say a woman mentions a guy is cute...her bf will be like, "really..that doooshebag".

XenomorphEyez's photo
Sun 01/03/10 11:16 AM
I love when Joel McHale makes fun of those two idiots on that ghost show. laugh

XenomorphEyez's photo
Sun 01/03/10 11:02 AM

International Day of Coffee. Because I :heart: coffee.drinker It would be on my birthday.

there is national coffee day...

XenomorphEyez's photo
Sun 01/03/10 10:53 AM

by that logic that would mean if I have gay friends i'm gay? hmmm guess I'd better let my girl friend know

I meant, birds of a feather, flock together. Most friends aren't so different from each other. I apologize if it went over your head. Good luck with your gf and the news though. flowerforyou

XenomorphEyez's photo
Sun 01/03/10 10:42 AM

XenomorphEyez's photo
Sun 01/03/10 10:39 AM
If you say so. Good luck.waving

XenomorphEyez's photo
Sun 01/03/10 10:36 AM

:heart: I met this guy on this site....we engaged...and we just recently broke upbrokenheart ...
He says he still loves me and misses me....If it was true you think getting back together is worth it?
Would you?

Do you ever dream about getting back with an ex? Has there ever been a time where you couldn't sleep or stop thinking about the person?

I'm going on a date tomorrow with him and I'll know if the fire is still there after one kiss!

Opinions appreciated,

:banana: P.S> Happy New Year Everyone!!!

Doesn't sound like you are over your ex and are not ready to date. If it's a fresh break up, then if you want to move on, you need to distance yourself and not be a fallback booty call. You'll only get hurt. Spend a year not talking to the person, then if there's still feelings, get back together.

The best way to get over someone is to get under an new one.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Sun 01/03/10 10:29 AM


I have a friend who does this over and over and over again...I wouldn't normally hang out with a person like this but she's in my 'friends' circle so to speak...but what I don't get is that other girls seem to jump on board with it....when they normally wouldn't care maybe it is natural..guess i'd rather have an unnatural friendlaugh

Show me your friends, I'll show you who YOU are. If you don't like what your "friend" is saying, why don't you call her out at the time?

I will be the first person to comment on another person. Male or female, I'm an equal opportunity offender. There are plenty of times when I've had people say to me "I can't believe you just said that". If I see a muffin top, something will come out of my mouth. Such as "I guess she has no friends or a mirror to leave the house looking like that". One size does not fit all and spandex is a privilege not a right. Am I jealous? No. I'm just pointing out the obvious. If I walked around looking a hot mess, I would hope my friends would tell me and I would be thankful.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/31/09 04:08 PM
Finally, the real author of this piece surfaces. People have been trying to figure out for a few years now since it was on Oprah. Thank you for stepping forward!slaphead

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/31/09 03:31 PM
Happy New Year.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/31/09 01:54 PM

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/31/09 12:18 PM

Four more hours to go for me......... Will you countdown with me?

I'm in NYC, so I gots a little longer to go. But sure, I'll countdown with ya. :)

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/31/09 12:15 PM
Not quite the new years over here. So here is a countdown for everyone.

Everyone stay safe.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/31/09 11:55 AM

Good luck Batman. I'm neither young nor wonderwoman so I don't fit your criteria. I'm more a cross between Catwoman and Aunt Bea.laugh

Oh I knew I recognized you!

or maybe..


XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/31/09 09:43 AM

On each person's profile there is an add friend button. Click it and if they want to be friends with you, they will accept. Several women in this thread have indicated they don't see anything wrong with what you're looking for, Singmesweet and Xenomorpheyez, and I forget who else, but you can check the comments to see.

Well...I said it was okay to be friends with the opposite sex...I did not mean that I want to be friends with ALL of the opposite sex. rofl rofl rofl

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/31/09 09:12 AM again! Please stop spreading your blasphemy!rant

I already told you, I AM BATMAN!

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/31/09 08:48 AM

Are you people CRAZY!! This movie is amazing! Store line was good. Do you even know what its bout? I mean REALLY!?!?!? Its bout how greedy man kind can really be. Willing to destroy a different race just because of some money. Truly amazing how the writer came up with all the things in the forest. I would love to see this movie over an over again. There is a deeper meaning to this story, I just don't think most people can grasp that meaning. Defiantly my favorite movie of all time! No movie will EVER compare to this.

rofl rofl rofl if you say so. I bet you get all crazy if someone dare say Twilight sucked too. laugh

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/31/09 07:59 AM
I'm a pretty private person and I don't share my life with the world. There's very few people I consider true friends. I can count them on one hand. I do have lots of acquaintances though.