Community > Posts By > XenomorphEyez

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/31/09 07:49 AM
I bet it bothers more people that you don't want to get married. I know when I tell people that, they look at me like I have 3 heads.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/31/09 07:47 AM
You step into reality and move on.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/31/09 07:44 AM

I've got 3 of these and games but haven't played them for years,don't know if they still work.Where can you get one fixed?

LOL I have no idea...I just found the pic on the net. I did have one though back in the day. It's long gone.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/31/09 07:38 AM
NYC just got hit with a snow storm and it's not letting up anytime soon.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/31/09 07:35 AM
Some see it as a numbers game. I actually hide who is on my friends list.

People send me friend requests all the time. I only add people that I've actually talked to in email a few times first.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/31/09 07:17 AM

NYCC stAND Up it's ur Boy I hope everyone feelin good about 2010 I no I am god spear in march I'm gettin a car I'm so happy about that YA dig I'm new to this site so all the hataz get lost and all the people that no I'm king do apply!!

NYC education at hard work again.

Welcome and good luck with that.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Thu 12/31/09 07:09 AM

Thank you for stating this. And personally speaking, If in a serious relationship., married or not, why are people seeking 'friends' of the opposite sex to begin with? Those to me are the little 'red flags' that another thread was posted about. As a society on the whole, things always happen that never were meant to, and people blame it on the heat of the moment, we had a few drinks, it was just a kiss, etc. Sounds very old fashioned yet marriages fall apart these days as soon as they're created because it's just so okay to have good friends with the opposite gender. Why aren't we putting the same energy we have for a new friendship into the ones we have made already? We're such a instant grad world, that as soon as things get a little we go to find someone who 'understands' us. We all goof around here, and call people our friends... most are in other states, and it's all on paper- as they used to say, yet friends really is a word, to me, that we know each other, have been through lifes times and made it through to the otherside. that's pretty hard to do on a computer. Close acquaintences would seem more appropriate. If it gets to phone calls more than a couple of times a year and regular meetings then it's friends. These are just my thoughts about it, and am not saying this is how it is. So when a person is on herewho is in a commited relationship and say they are looking for friends of the opposite...especially if they are new and haven't been on here for years....then i really wonder. It's not a judgement call I just wonder. Okay...thats my rant for todayohwell
(actually my 2nd- 3 more days and then 3 days off biggrin . will try to be quiet until then:tongue: .

I disagree with you. Your social life shouldn't stop because you are in a relationship. Everybody can always use more friends of either gender. People can be friends with anyone they want to male or female. Most of my friends in real life are male. I'm talking actual friends. Friends that I've had for years since high school. I would never tell anyone I was dating they couldn't have female friends. I'm VERY secure when I'm in a relationship and I don't pick people that I would have to worry about them crossing the line. Perhaps if someone is jealous or insecure, they need to work out what's going on with them and not the opposite gender.

Also, if a guy joins a social network site saying he is looking for other men to be friends with, most would assume he is gay. Same with women. If I put I was looking for women for friendship, I can only imagine the emails I would get from all sorts of "friendly" people wanting to get to know me. spock

XenomorphEyez's photo
Wed 12/30/09 12:43 PM
That's Lady T to you! Take that Lady caca....

Square Biz



I need your lovin


XenomorphEyez's photo
Wed 12/30/09 12:30 PM
Will and Grace
Noah's Arc
Frisky Dingo
The Oblongs
Clone High
HR Puffnstuff
Land of the Lost
The Bugaloos
The Muppets Show
After school specials with School House Rock
and as someone mentioned, Fraggle Rock.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Wed 12/30/09 11:22 AM

XenomorphEyez's photo
Wed 12/30/09 11:22 AM

Why is it when your wife becomes pregnant, all her female friends rub her tummy and say
None of them rub your d*ck and say
"Well done”
Damn it!

slaphead :tongue: bigsmile

Because that is what the men are supposed to do.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Wed 12/30/09 11:20 AM
You've been here since June and you are asking this now??? You missed your opportunity when you first signed up. There was a coupon code included for a girlfriend to be expressed mailed to you. You blew it. Now you're on your own. You could write to accounting and see if they could perhaps make an exception. Good luck.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Wed 12/30/09 10:42 AM
Edited by XenomorphEyez on Wed 12/30/09 10:53 AM

Point take my dear.
If there would have been a heading of living with someone I would have gladly put my X on it and my girl freind knows exactly what I do and with whom I do it with.

Well, that is one category they don't have here. It should be something like "in a relationship" or "not single" and considering they do have a "friendship" option, then they really should add it in my opinion. Even if someone is in a couple, they can still have friends.

Anyway, good luck to you in finding friends.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Wed 12/30/09 10:13 AM
Edited by XenomorphEyez on Wed 12/30/09 10:14 AM
You put no answer for whether you are married or not. Why not just say if you are or not? If you are married, does your wife know you are looking for friends on a dating site???

As for this site for friendship. I have that I'm looking for friendship and I still get guys emailing me looking for dating or whatever. I'm here mostly for the forums and to spread sunshine. flowers

XenomorphEyez's photo
Wed 12/30/09 10:08 AM

Well, that's kinda what I'm's a different generation with the shaving thing. In 1980 I was 20 years old and no..we weren't shaving..I guess some were doing the bikini waxing thing.
This guys profile says he is 51, so he would be from my generation. Maybe he is just trying to stay young by doing what the younger generation does. eh, we were having sex and it wasn't all gross and yucky because people still had their hair. If I were having sex with a guy my age and he didn't have any hair down there that would be strange.. it's the responsibility of each generation to freak out the previous one..

After being in a relationship for over 14 years and seeing what's out there, it kind of freaked me out the first time I saw a guy completely shaven. I was like, "hmmm, what ya got there?"laugh I decided I liked hair on a guy better.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Wed 12/30/09 09:22 AM
Very nice movie.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Wed 12/30/09 09:20 AM
I remember when I wasn't in stealth mode, every guy I looked at thought I wanted to meet them. So stealth I will stay.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Wed 12/30/09 09:17 AM
Never heard of that particular term. To me, it means you will be a booty call.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Wed 12/30/09 09:13 AM

You could always email him to find out why he does it.

Some people prefer hair, some don't. It's their body, they can do what they want with it.

I agree that it's his body..I don't care, I don't know him. I actually prefer men with hair, guess I'm old school that way. Just found it peculiar that a 50 year old guy would have no armpit hair and be fine with showing it..

I do believe it is a generational thing. If you looked at Playboy or porn 5 years ago, the girls still had hair. Now not so much. Forget about the 70s. They looked like they were wearing fur bikinis but yet nobody thought it was gross or disgusting. Then again, in the 70s, everyone had their own bodyparts they were born with and not airbrushed to unrecognizable. People were still having sex, so it couldn't be all that bad. Go figure.

It kind of freaks me out when I go into the salon and there is a line of more guys than women waiting to get their eyebrows done. I'm all for guys being metrosexuals but get out of my salon! Go find your own place. Next thing they will want is tampons. I'm not sharing! explode

What would of immediately turned me off about your particular situation is that the guy had no shirt on. It's an instant turn off to me on dating sites.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Wed 12/30/09 08:50 AM