Community > Posts By > keywhee

keywhee's photo
Mon 12/17/07 09:55 PM
Me fail English? That's unpossible!

keywhee's photo
Mon 12/17/07 09:11 PM
"Thank you."


keywhee's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:42 PM
I'm up to 4!!!!

keywhee's photo
Sat 12/15/07 04:58 PM

keywhee's photo
Sat 12/15/07 04:56 PM
I was in Paris for 12 days. I could really do that lifestyle. SOOOO relaxed and laid back.

Second option would be in New Hampshire somewhere with a piece of land cut into the side of a mini mountain. Huge floor to ceiling windows (20 ft ceiling), all glass facing west. Of course, I'd be looking over a lake...oh dear, and a deer carcass...the dogs must have mauled another one...Baby? Can you get me a garbage bag and the chainsaw?.....ugh, oh, where am I? *faints*

keywhee's photo
Sat 12/15/07 04:52 PM
I'm in Dallas with a preference for slightly less facial hair.


keywhee's photo
Tue 12/11/07 08:26 PM
Here's a serious callback....

When I was waiting tables back in the day, I got to wait on The Iron Sheik. He had NOT aged well.


keywhee's photo
Tue 12/11/07 06:15 PM

the spice channel is still around???????? i'll be back in 1.3238475632846582 minutes!


laugh laugh

keywhee's photo
Tue 12/11/07 06:11 PM
Heh, maybe you should flip over to the spice channel.

keywhee's photo
Tue 12/11/07 04:33 PM
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy...was he?

Did I win? :tongue:

keywhee's photo
Tue 12/11/07 04:29 PM
Thanks. Now, I'm more than a week old but I don't think you ever said hi to me so I thought I'd jump in here. :wink:

keywhee's photo
Tue 12/11/07 04:28 PM
So, my 7 year old daughter and I are at Six Flags celebrating a good report card last weekend. We park, walk up to the front, and I realize I forgot to get our row number for where we parked. "Oh well", I thought. "Will just have to go hunting when we leave." On the way out, I tell her I forgot to pay attention to where we parked. She assured me that she knew.

We walk to the 2nd parking lot section and the hunt is on. She says, "Oh! We parked over there by the Batman sign!"

I said, "Are you sure?"

She said, "Yes. I remember, we parked by the Batman sign." Ok, I have nothing to go on and I'm not so proud that even when my 7 year old thinks she knows something I don't, I will follow along for a little bit.

So we walk over to this row of cars and I look down the way at the other rows. She says, "We need to go back over here. It's that Batman sign."

I said, "Baby, they ALL have the same Batman signs." I had started to raise my voice a little.

She, in turn, saw my bet and raised me again. Being a little louder and more intense than me, she said, "We need to go back THIS way! I know where I'm going and I KNOW what I'm talking about!"

To which I replied, "Fine!" I started following her thinking, "My god, I very well might be losing this argument." We cross 2 rows of cars and she says, "Over here, this way."

Walking around a big passenger van, there it was. She asked, "Daddy, why are you laughing?" She also started singing the, "I'm so smart!" song in the car.

Good times.

keywhee's photo
Tue 12/11/07 04:20 PM
Awesome, I'm inspired. Think I'll post my story from this weekend with my daughter....

keywhee's photo
Tue 12/11/07 04:08 PM

i'll big is it???????

Woo! Wait...what are we talking about again?

keywhee's photo
Tue 12/11/07 04:05 PM
Well, you make it at home. Now, the question you SHOULD be asking is, "How big is that KitchenAide!?"

happy happy

keywhee's photo
Tue 12/11/07 04:00 PM
Looks like it's adult flavored egg nog and fireplace night. Now, which movie to put on?

Rain, wind, and cold. Thank God it's going to last all day tomorrow too. I'll get to work in it.

OH, is anyone familiar with Delirium Tremens beer? Had one the other night. Was pretty tasty. Recommended. happy drinker

keywhee's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:27 PM
William Wordsworth is good stuff.

keywhee's photo
Sat 12/08/07 10:56 PM

I just want to say... If I looked like keywhee, I would get so many girls, it would be insane.

Those Kyle MacLachlan looks are a lady killer

Holy sh*t. Thanks! happy blushing happy

keywhee's photo
Sat 12/08/07 10:53 PM

Last date? About 10 years ago. I was in a relationship for 9 years and have been single for one year now. Took a little time to bounce back and throw that baggage out the front door but I'm ready to "get back out there".

I am very content and not concerned at all. I'm still in my mid-30's, I know what I want to do with my life, I know what I am looking for in a partner and I will eventually find it in time. No rush at all.

Wow, this is my story just about. 10.5 years married, divorced over a year, last date in August and content. Mid 30s, I've got goals, I know what I'm looking for and yes, there's no rush. HIGH FIVE!

keywhee's photo
Sat 12/08/07 10:44 PM

14 years sad sad sad but i have faith

lol! Hang in there. happy

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