Community > Posts By > shovelheaddave

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 08/09/18 07:13 AM
I like riding in mardi gras parades because you will NEVER have a better opportunity to throw stuff as hard as you want to at small children,and still have it be thought of as 'socially acceptable'!


shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 08/09/18 07:07 AM
"Lift with your legs,not with your back!"


shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 08/09/18 07:05 AM

To quote Homer Simpson: It always takes two, one person who tells the lie, and one person who believes it.

"for every credibility gap,there is a gullibility fill!"


shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 08/09/18 07:00 AM
"Life is only 10% what happens to you,and 90% how you handle it."

~ Charles R. Swindoll

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 08/09/18 06:33 AM

By self supporting, I mean able to pay for the things you need. No handouts.

It's not the USA place to fix other countries. You are right about making them not want to be here.

if you are so fired up about ending all of the free handouts,how about we stop giving all of these huge multi-billion dollar corporations the CORPORATE WELFARE that the republican party has made sure that they all get,and start making sure that ALL of them finally start paying their fair share of taxes,like they are supposed to!!

and,how about we stop giving all of these super wealthy people tax cuts,and start making them pay their fair share of taxes,instead of getting richer on the back of the middle class,who DIDNT receive a 2 TRILLION DOLLAR tax cut thanks to trumps tax plan.

cuz,once you start adding all of THAT up,it kind of makes the handouts that you are raising so much noise about seem like pretty small potatos!

I think we should start by not giving people a bigger tax refund than they paid in.

so,when it comes to LIBERALS,and the TRULY NEEDY people that their programs help,you are willing to kick and scream about it,but when it come to REPUBLICANS,and the BILLIONAIRES they freely give TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in CORPORATE WELFARE to,,and TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS of TAX BREAKS that they DONT REALLY NEED,your position is just a weak "well,lets just START with not giving people a bigger refund check than they pay in"??

that response seems a little lopsided for someone who makes so much noise about all of the 'welfare' that people in this country get,dont you think?

cuz,its not the PEOPLE who are bleeding this country dry,it is the CORPORATIONS that don't pay their fair share of taxes,and the BILLIONAIRES who get TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in tax cuts that they neither need,or are really entitled to!

It's their money to begin with. Without the corporations we are screwed. One less breeder means nothing.

no,its not!!!!
it is THE GOVERNMENTS money!!!
and,they are NOT paying it to them like they are SUPPOSED TO BE,to be used for the benefit of the country,and since they are NOT paying their bills,then that just means that THE MIDDLE CLASS has to make it up out of THEIR/OUR money!!

you keep talking about 'breeders',who just keep having kids,and expecting someone else/the government to pay for them..
well,these huge,multi billion dollar corporations that don't pay taxes,and expect the government/US to pay them for their corporations are the corporate equivalent of the 'breeders' that you are taking about with such disdain.

so,i think that if you are so dead set against 'welfare',and social programs,then you OUGHT TO be just as dead set against CORPORATE WELFARE,too,if you are GENUINELY concerned about the economy of this country,and not just a partisian shill.

BUT,it is pretty obvious that you ARENT against CORPORATE WELFARE for multibillion dollar corporations who don't really need OUR money,just any type of social programs for people who are TRULY needy that the opposition party supports,so....

I guess that it is pretty obvious to everybody that you opinions are NOT objective,and are therefore invalid!

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/08/18 03:55 PM

By self supporting, I mean able to pay for the things you need. No handouts.

It's not the USA place to fix other countries. You are right about making them not want to be here.

if you are so fired up about ending all of the free handouts,how about we stop giving all of these huge multi-billion dollar corporations the CORPORATE WELFARE that the republican party has made sure that they all get,and start making sure that ALL of them finally start paying their fair share of taxes,like they are supposed to!!

and,how about we stop giving all of these super wealthy people tax cuts,and start making them pay their fair share of taxes,instead of getting richer on the back of the middle class,who DIDNT receive a 2 TRILLION DOLLAR tax cut thanks to trumps tax plan.

cuz,once you start adding all of THAT up,it kind of makes the handouts that you are raising so much noise about seem like pretty small potatos!

I think we should start by not giving people a bigger tax refund than they paid in.

so,when it comes to LIBERALS,and the TRULY NEEDY people that their programs help,you are willing to kick and scream about it,but when it come to REPUBLICANS,and the BILLIONAIRES they freely give TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in CORPORATE WELFARE to,,and TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS of TAX BREAKS that they DONT REALLY NEED,your position is just a weak "well,lets just START with not giving people a bigger refund check than they pay in"??

that response seems a little lopsided for someone who makes so much noise about all of the 'welfare' that people in this country get,dont you think?

cuz,its not the PEOPLE who are bleeding this country dry,it is the CORPORATIONS that don't pay their fair share of taxes,and the BILLIONAIRES who get TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in tax cuts that they neither need,or are really entitled to!

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/08/18 03:39 PM

There is much going on that Trump is not responsible for. :wink:

laugh :thumbsup:

he is not doing the things that he could to HELP solve the problem,though,and there are LOTS of things that he is doing to make it worse!!!

by not admitting that global climate change is a problem that is affecting our weather,and weather patterns,he is only helping to make it worse!!

by trying to do things like cutting emission standards on cars and trucks,he is making the problem worse!

by trying to cut the mileage standards that were set to go into place on our cars and trucks to save the auto makers money,and putting more money into the pockets of big oil,he is making the problem worse!

by trying to save the outdated coal industry,instead of doing things to support green/renewable energy sources,he is making things worse

by putting people who have made it their life long careers to try to stop the E.P.A. from dong things to help the enviornment,IN CHARGE of the E.P.A.,he is making the problem worse!!!

by trying to un-do EVERYTHING that barack Obama did t help save the planet,just because he is ignorant,and EXTREMELY INSECURE,he is making the problem worse!!

so,you can say that trump is not responsible for the warming of the planet that is the cause of all of these disasters,but by not doing everything that he can to help solve the problem,like a RESPONSIBLE president should,he IS responsible for what happens next!!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/08/18 03:23 PM

By self supporting, I mean able to pay for the things you need. No handouts.

It's not the USA place to fix other countries. You are right about making them not want to be here.

if you are so fired up about ending all of the free handouts,how about we stop giving all of these huge multi-billion dollar corporations the CORPORATE WELFARE that the republican party has made sure that they all get,and start making sure that ALL of them finally start paying their fair share of taxes,like they are supposed to!!

and,how about we stop giving all of these super wealthy people tax cuts,and start making them pay their fair share of taxes,instead of getting richer on the back of the middle class,who DIDNT receive a 2 TRILLION DOLLAR tax cut thanks to trumps tax plan.

cuz,once you start adding all of THAT up,it kind of makes the handouts that you are raising so much noise about seem like pretty small potatos!

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/08/18 07:07 AM

You can expect your inbox to be bimbarded by bimbabble.drinks

compared to all of the messages I get from fake profiles,a little bimbabble would be a nice change!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/08/18 07:06 AM

Enjoy trying to date a blonde.

the hard part would be trying to convince my GF!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/08/18 07:02 AM

I once ran thru a Taco Bell and flashed the workers with my friends for a high school sorority I was in lol

here is a fact about myself..

I wish that I was in that taco bell!!

pitchfork :angel: pitchfork

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/08/18 07:00 AM
so,you think that being 'color blind' is a good thing,even though it means that you are deliberately ignoring a person's heritage and culture so that you can pretend that you are better than people who DO notice a persons color??

don't be 'color blind'!!!

learn to love everybody for who they actually are,even if they are different than you!!!!

only THEN will you truly have harmony!

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/08/18 06:51 AM

When we start seeing pale faces crossing the borders by the thousands and lining up at the welfare office or sitting at the ER for free medical, then we will have a problem with them. :thinking:

yesterday,you made a post complaining about CHINESE people in this country,and wanting to kick THEM [AND ALSO ALL OF THE 'BLEEDING HEART LIBERALS'!!] out of the country..

but,let me guess...
you are going to try to claim that the color of those Chinese people didn't have ANYTHING to do with your post,and you are worried that thery are 'lining up at the welfare office in thousands',even though most of the Chinese people who immigrate to this country are well educated,and fairly well off?

if they aren't lining up at the welfare office in thousands,i wonder what your problem with THEM could possibly be??

[no,i don't!!!!]

I said leaders of countries need to protect their country and bleeding heart liberals need to be deported with them. I never mention anything about Chinese, Mexicans or bumfucked Egypt for that matter.



my bad.

I was mistaken.

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/08/18 06:36 AM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Wed 08/08/18 06:37 AM
[double post]

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/08/18 06:36 AM

When we start seeing pale faces crossing the borders by the thousands and lining up at the welfare office or sitting at the ER for free medical, then we will have a problem with them. :thinking:

yesterday,you made a post complaining about CHINESE people in this country,and wanting to kick THEM [AND ALSO ALL OF THE 'BLEEDING HEART LIBERALS'!!] out of the country..

but,let me guess...
you are going to try to claim that the color of those Chinese people didn't have ANYTHING to do with your post,and you are worried that thery are 'lining up at the welfare office in thousands',even though most of the Chinese people who immigrate to this country are well educated,and fairly well off?

if they aren't lining up at the welfare office in thousands,i wonder what your problem with THEM could possibly be??

[no,i don't!!!!]

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/08/18 06:28 AM

Here Are 410 Movies Made Under The Direct Influence And Supervision Of The Pentagon

This is the beginning of the linked story:

When a Hollywood writer or producer approaches the Pentagon and asks for access to military assets to help make their film, they have to submit their script to the entertainment liaison offices for vetting

so yes, IF the government is being ASKED for assets, they have discretion to say yes or no.


funny how THAT little tidbit of information was deliberately left out to further the incorrect assumption that she were trying to achieve with this thread.

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 08/08/18 06:20 AM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Wed 08/08/18 06:24 AM
funny how trump/trump supporters/the republicans ONLY seem to be worrying about IMMIGRANTS OF COLOR!!!

ESPECIALLY ones from SOUTH of the border!!

they seem to have absolutely NO PROBLEM with people from CANADA who immigrate to this country!!

OR,like Donald trump said....people from places like NORWAY are perfectly welcome to come here!!

so,lets just be honest,and start calling it like it actually IS...

it is NOT a war against IMMIGRANTS....

it is a war against IMMIGRANTS OF COLOR!!!

and an attempt to set the progress that this country has made back DECADES,and make racism socially acceptable in this country again,and bring us back to the 'good ole days' where 'jim crow' laws were the norm!

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 08/07/18 05:20 PM

As long as Hillary wants to go public moping in her bathrobe......lmao
She still has an effect on the dem party at this point, I rather enjoy.

I am not a big Hillary fan,but I DO enjoy how much the very thought of her,and the knowledge that he didn't REALLY beat her in he election drives Donald trump even crazier than he normally is!


shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 08/07/18 05:15 PM

It doesn't do away with censorship, it just puts it in the hands of the government.

to a degree,the government has a small right to censor SOME things,but we are ALL constitutionally protected under the first amendment,which protects free speech,and THE GOVERNMENT is NOT ALLOWED to censor our speech,unless it violates the law,so the worry of government censorship is basically nothing more than paranoid fear mongering,and is pretty absurd.

BUT,some things,which are illegal,dangerously antisocial,or harmful to the greater good of the public,like child pornography, DESERVES,and NEEDS to be censored!!

does anybody disagree with that?

shovelheaddave's photo
Tue 08/07/18 05:04 PM

Not sure of the meaning of this, but Alex Jones was kicked off all the social media platforms yesterday, all except twitter closed all his accounts and removed his pages ..

he was kicked off for violating site policies,just like THIS site would kick you off of it if you started spouting hate filled,homophobic,anti semetic,antisocial crap on here.

I actually applaud those sites for not wanting to be associated with the type of stuff alex jones is known for,and refusing to allow him to continue to use their site as a platform to spread it from!

I just think that they should have put a stop to it A LONG TIME AGO!!!

was it censorship??

yes,it was,but it is not GOVERNMENT censorship!!
THAT is just one of the privileges of owning your own website..

YOU get to decide what you want to allow on it,and if somebody puts something you don't like on YOUR website,then you have the right to remove it,and keep it from happening again!

but,if alex jones wants to start HIS OWN website,as long as what he puts on it doesn't violate any laws,then he is free to post whatever type of crap he wants to on it,no matter hHOW OFFENSIVE some people might find it!

I think that the KKK even has its own website,and the government allows it to stay up,so...

[BUT,try to start a website with child pornography on it,and see how fast it gets shut down,and the people who allowed it to be posted gets put in jail.]

the concept is not exactly rocket science!!

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