Community > Posts By > wickedlluccy

wickedlluccy's photo
Thu 05/15/08 09:30 AM

knew that

....Rob sweety did you get a new honey while I been gone....sweetflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

nope but I did while I was gone, lol. Isn't she beautiful? Thanks for the flowers, right back at ya girlie flowerforyou

...very cute...congrats hun !!!!

wickedlluccy's photo
Thu 05/15/08 09:26 AM

knew that

....Rob sweety did you get a new honey while I been gone....sweetflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou


wickedlluccy's photo
Thu 05/15/08 09:24 AM


screename...they cut it off

wickedlluccy's photo
Thu 05/15/08 09:21 AM

......noway kinda left me speechless, yes they are all there for anyone-anywhere to read anytime...not that I am ashamed of speaking my mind...just kinda surprised me, just goes to show you how invasive the net is...huh


wickedlluccy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:52 PM

*seemingly busing her own table and wiping it incessantly...Nareekasil is overcome w/the feeling the room is just getting too full, she walks her dishes up to the bar, looks around for Boromir and slides some money under them to pay for her meal and drinks when he looks her way....and with a nod to him and a small smile she heads for the door, not to forget her saff and bag of belongings...*

wickedlluccy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:30 PM

*A short thin human with a leather cap and a big nose walks into the tavern. He is dressed in peasant clothing and has a giant scroll and writing supplies strapped to his back. He steps into the Tavern after parking his locked cart outside. He sighs as he sits at a table and sets all his stuff down.*

*Nareekasil recalls the man from earlier in the day, she watched him from acoss the street as he made a few sales*

wickedlluccy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:26 PM
Edited by wickedlluccy on Thu 05/08/08 07:28 PM

wickedlluccy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:16 PM

*The cloaked man goes to stand up from his barstool. However he has been sitting there for so long he doesn't realize how truly intoxicated he is. He takes half a step before crumbling to the floor knocking over the barstool he was just sitting on. He tries to get up for a minute but then gives up on that and just sits there.*

*Nareekasil jumps to her feet trying to hide her smile*

"can I offer you a hand dear sir, we have all found ourselves in such a spot I assure you"

*reaches down to him*

wickedlluccy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:11 PM
Edited by wickedlluccy on Thu 05/08/08 07:12 PM

*she spots Morgan's slipping less full corner now....*

*she tries to catch the hobbit on her travels to and fro the kitchen...*

"Calliope !"
(where did that little thing scamp off to... ) *she speaks loudly above the rising noise of the room...*

"what is left in your kitchen Boromir my dear inn keep ?"

"I still have salmon smothere in green sauce. It is served with roasted vegetables if anyone would like it,"Boromir offers

borimor is it? i have heard about you. salmon sounds wonderful and i am famished.

"boromir" she speaks toward the hungry woman...*

"it has 2 o's I believe"

*she corrects cautiously, not trying sounding disrespectful...*

wickedlluccy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 07:05 PM

"Calliope !"
(where did that little thing scamp off to... ) *she speaks loudly above the rising noise of the room...*

"what is left in your kitchen Boromir my dear inn keep ?"

"I still have salmon smothere in green sauce. It is served with roasted vegetables if anyone would like it,"Boromir offers

"mmm sounds wonderful, I should think a small portion would do thankyou , and a little more of this!" *she raises her mug...*

*thinking she needs to be light on her feet, long night ahead, and that one woman does seem to attract vampires...*

wickedlluccy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:59 PM

Morgan Sava finishes her drink and slips out the back door without being noticed. She hopes.

*she spots Morgan's slipping less full corner now....*

*she tries to catch the hobbit on her travels to and fro the kitchen...*

"Calliope !"
(where did that little thing scamp off to... ) *she speaks loudly above the rising noise of the room...*

"what is left in your kitchen Boromir my dear inn keep ?"

wickedlluccy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:50 PM

Morgan Sava finishes her drink and slips out the back door without being noticed. She hopes.

*she spots Morgan's slippping less full corner now....*

wickedlluccy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:47 PM
"the eve past, the Inn was swarming with bruts...the night is still young...*

*she slips away from the table to the kitchen again...knowing that Boromir is busy with the fair ladies....

*the little-one ...she does seem to notice all that goes on, a bit physic perhaps too....*

wickedlluccy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:39 PM

indifferent*Nareekasil thinks to her self(shaking her head) as one more female enters the inn, is there no men in this town...?...maybe this place will be different, maybe the women human and creature alike will be easier to trust...well time will tell, she muses*

wickedlluccy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:21 PM

"Nareekasil...Boromir has returned with your grapan liquor...

"Why are you so uncomfortable around other women...curious about this....we creatures dont understand the nature of your fear"

*glances over a Phara..with a slight grin...knowing full well that she could be tipping the iceburg*

*losing the smile on her face, seeing the playful grin towards Phara, bringing her level of discomfort back slightly*

"women ...where I come from are the most treacherous and untrustworthy, more so than any men or animals baring a handful..."

*walk into the inn with a somewhat irritated look on his face. Goes directly to the bar not paying attention to anyone else in the room*

"Borimor I'll have a brew."

*notices the egotistical nature and smiles to her self...thinking (men simple creatures at best, now that I can deal with)...wishing the complex man of her dreams would show*

wickedlluccy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 06:11 PM

Nareekasil ..hello...are you thirsty...

*Calliope turns and runs to the back room looking for Boromir...

"...yes thankyou...a mug of anything sweet..." *she replies thankful for the friendly little creatures notice of her suspicions but not taking it personal*

Calliope thank you for getting me. "Well hello there. I have a sweet liquor grapan if you like fair lady," Boromir offers.

*ah ha the friendly shy one from yesterday...well that makes two men in the room...the level of discomfort becoming barley detectable now...*

" that would be more than sufficient Boromir my good man, thankyou! "

*she throws a smile at the sweet hobbit whom was eager to please...*

wickedlluccy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 05:53 PM

Nareekasil ..hello...are you thirsty...

*Calliope turns and runs to the back room looking for Boromir...

"...yes thankyou...a mug of anything sweet..." *she replies thankful for the friendly little creatures notice of her suspicions but not taking it personal*

wickedlluccy's photo
Thu 05/08/08 05:38 PM

*having slept her day away again (on purpose) but elsewhere rather than the wasted day yesterday in the corner table at the inn, Nareekasil pushes open the door of the inn noticing the high pitched sound of mostly female voices...(sorceresses from her lands don't mix well w/most females of most races most are treacherously dangerous and evil) she finds her way quickly to the same table in a dark corner (creature of habit @ times) she inhabited yesterday, counting to herself the many creatures in the room*

wickedlluccy's photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:50 PM

...."thankyou dear sir but I have a issue with articles from religious beliefs so far from my own"...she lifts her robes with her hand to expose a couple of wooden stakes leather bound to her leg..."but your generosity is quite appreciated..." she slowly rises from her seat, gathers her meager belongings..."I believe I will take my leave, good evening to you kind sir, have a pleasant evening"...looking to the direction she sensed he was, nodded and headed towards the door....

wickedlluccy's photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:25 PM

...she senses his presence and slides over into the next chair over against the wall..."my evening is just beginning..."she pulls her hood of her robe up over her head, readying her self for a slip into the night...."have any idea what the weather is like out there tonight ?"

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