Community > Posts By > HeSearches

HeSearches's photo
Fri 07/18/08 03:09 PM
Pour me one Coco and let's set a spell. It's a hot one today isn't it?

HeSearches's photo
Fri 07/18/08 03:06 PM
It's 76 degrees and clear skies here in beautiful San Diego.

HeSearches's photo
Fri 07/18/08 03:05 PM
Hi Coco. Yer a cutie!! :wink:

HeSearches's photo
Fri 07/18/08 03:02 PM
Going dancing tonight. Wooohooo!! :banana:

I'll probably drink something too. drinker

HeSearches's photo
Fri 07/18/08 03:00 PM
Jobs are nice but they offer the illusion of security. That's why I work for myself. I pick who I want to work with and when. No, I'm not interested in moving out of state for anyone.

HeSearches's photo
Fri 07/18/08 10:44 AM
It's Friday night and I'm going dancing at two different places tonight. Want to come and shake it with me? :banana: :wink:

HeSearches's photo
Fri 07/18/08 10:35 AM
I don't worry at all that a woman would only want me for my money. That's a bad assumption on your part.

I don't find talking about my work all that stimulating with a woman unless she has a HUGE amount of business experience and savvy. Most women have no experience running a large business and aren't senior executives at corporations. Why even go there with them?

Topics that are mutually interesting is where I and most men would prefer to go with the conversation.

HeSearches's photo
Fri 07/18/08 08:58 AM
I'd tell your ex-girlfriend that you wish her well but it's over between you. The things that drove you crazy with her haven't gone away. She hasn't changed. You'd put yourself through all that grief all over again and she'd rip your heart to shreds all over again.

Move onto your life with the new lady and hope that things turn out much better this time. Learn the lessons of the past but don't try to reignite what needs to fade away.

HeSearches's photo
Fri 07/18/08 08:44 AM
Dear LouLou,

What do we want to hear? We'd like to read something different and unique about you.

For us it's safe to assume that you like the same things most women do on a date - going out to dine, movies, walks on the beach, yada, yada, yada. Telling us that really isn't necessary. If you want to hangliding or skydiving with a guy then that would be useful information.

What we would like to get is some insight into your personality. What are you really like in person? What parts of you would make a man swoon and want to meet you?

Knowing your turnons is very helpful. Then we have some idea where to start a conversation with you. Your turnoffs and dealbreakers are essential information too. If we're one of those we can go onto the next profile.

Knowing the qualities in a man that "must haves" for you will tell us a lot. If we don't have those then we can read the next profile. If there are "nice to have" qualities then make sure you're clear about that in what you write.

Photos that aren't you are a major turnoff. You have a photo of a waterfall as your lead photo. What's that all about? It's OK to be artistic if that's how you lean but we'd rather see a photo of you (the person) artistically posed.

Does that answer your question?

HeSearches's photo
Fri 07/18/08 08:12 AM
Here's another scarey story for you.

I went on a first date with a woman and while she was nice she told me she was really looking for a guy to share an apartment and expenses. noway

I took her home and never saw her again. ohwell

HeSearches's photo
Fri 07/18/08 08:10 AM
Biker, I hear ya man. I've had the same experience with women. Write them a nice letter and either they don't do anything or you get a "oh that's nice" or some other drivel.

Women are supposed to be great talkers. Why do so many them have such difficulty communicating?

HeSearches's photo
Fri 07/18/08 08:08 AM
Elaine, you're a Hoot!! Keep doing what you do so well...humor the rest of us.

HeSearches's photo
Fri 07/18/08 08:07 AM
Communicators should meet other communicators. The non-communicators can grunt at each other.

HeSearches's photo
Fri 07/18/08 12:49 AM
Brooke, I think I'm having fun and any woman with sense of humor would see that in all this. Yes, I'd love to write a thread about the perfect woman for me and all the things I love about women but who the heck would read it!!??

HeSearches's photo
Fri 07/18/08 12:44 AM
Brooke, if any of the women here had aroused our interest we wouldn't be here writing a thread. We'd be writing them!!

HeSearches's photo
Fri 07/18/08 12:43 AM
We're men. We solve problems. It's what we do. Don't expect us to listen to all your problems and not try to find solutions. I've met women who like to yap about all their problems but then when you try to solve their problem they say....oh, all I wanted was for you to listen to me. Oh yuk!! What's up with this?

HeSearches's photo
Fri 07/18/08 12:40 AM
I'd agree about the "unoriginal" profile. I see to many women writing a lot of blather like other women write. Nothing special. Nothing unique about them. It tells me I'm going to be extremely bored with them. Sex I need. Boredom I don't need.

HeSearches's photo
Fri 07/18/08 12:01 AM
Brooke, if you know it and maybe some other women know it, why do they persist in writing this stuff in their ads. Do they want a guy in their life or not?

HeSearches's photo
Thu 07/17/08 11:58 PM
Good for you Brooke! Comere and pucker up cutie!

HeSearches's photo
Thu 07/17/08 11:55 PM
I find these people scarey. BOO!

I should have know I should post this during the daytime when the bats are back in their belfry.