Community > Posts By > RicJL

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/27/08 10:15 AM

I just spent four hours burying the catlaugh

Four hours to bury the cat?

Yeah, damn thing wouldn't stop wiggling about and yowling. It wasn't at all well and we were going away for a fortnight. Who wants to come home to a dead cat?
Hello, Mrs. Cutout!

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/27/08 10:13 AM

Nooooooooooooooo, I missed it *cry* sad sad sad sad

Buy the DVD set!

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/27/08 09:39 AM

thus my "irregular heartbeat"

Sort of, ventricular fibrillation is usually something that happens in conjunction with palpitations of the entire heart muscle but can happen all on it's own. Those naughty lower left ventricles can seem to have a mind of their own, the scamps!
:wink: laugh

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/27/08 09:36 AM

Actually when it first started doing that, I didn't connect the two, but then I noticed it does it every time now. It's like my heart has gas... maybe it ate some broccolilaugh

Wait, wouldn't your heart eating broccoli be a good thing? Lots antioxidants in the green stuff...laugh :wink:

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/27/08 09:35 AM

Yes, my palpitations are PVC's Premature Ventricular Contractions. The stress EKG is done with a radioactive substance, Thallium. Then the heart is scanned before and after exercise to find areas of decreased blood flow with in the heart, ischemia. And mine checked out fine, no damage no ischemia.

That's good news but pretty typical. PVC's, according to what I've read, are unlikely to cause damage unless heart disease is also present, then it can exacerbate the condition. Try what I do, I just do light exercise now, like walking and slow swimming. I cut out weight training a couple of years back too, switching to Tai Chi Chwan to maintain muscle tone. Hey, 3 billion Chinese can't all be wrong, yes? :wink:
Good luck!

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/27/08 09:06 AM

lol that doesn't help! I'd rather it be labeled than questionable. Oh well. flowerforyou

I wonder if the "bubbly" sensation might be due to PVCs.
PVCs are extra electrical impulses arising from one of the cardiac ventricles, usually the left ventricle. It can feel like a bubbly sensation because the ventricle is actually fluttering in an irregular manner.

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/27/08 09:03 AM

Mostly what I read was that for a number of people, they are harmless. I had a stress EKG and it was fine, they did cardiac enzymes and it was all good. But yeah it freaked me out for a long time.

EKG is usually not indicative for detection of palpitations, mostly due to the mechanical and physiological delay involved.

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/27/08 09:00 AM
I find it's usually worse if I lie on my left side (my usual position) so I've been training myself to sleep on my right.

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/27/08 08:57 AM
Edited by RicJL on Tue 05/27/08 08:57 AM
Could be, stress can be one of the triggers or stress in combination with other things, like caffeine, after heavy exercise, potassium deficiency, etc.

Even sleep deprivation can cause it...

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/27/08 08:45 AM

Granted not everyone. I was just saying that my stepfather and one of my cousins have been in jail for something.

No one is perfect and somewhere down the line there may be a baby out of wed lock or a drug conviction or a lot of things that someone some where will take issue with. Such is life, but the truth is that you should be looked at for YOUR actions not anothers.

I totally agree with you there. I am not my Father, I am me, right? Too bad that society in general doesn't seem to agree with us. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree..."

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/27/08 08:42 AM
EE, I have the same condition and my doctor prescribed Cartia XT, I've been on it for a couple of years and so long as I remember to take it (I'm terrible about remembering my meds), I have no problems. It's sustained release, so you only have to take one every 24 hours.

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/27/08 08:24 AM

Oh yeah, my stepfather was a pedophile and convicted of severe animal cruelty. No one treats me different when they learn about it. Besides it was 80some years ago. I mean, if anyone looks at the family because of the actions of one member well, why would the family want to associate with that person besides everyone has someone in there family that has a ghost or skeleton.

Everyone? Not so sure about that. Still I was just speculating, in any case. Maybe his descendants, like you, don't really care anymore because of the passage of time, etc..

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/27/08 08:20 AM
Not really, out IT Dept. has been jumping since 8 AM, it's only now slowing to normal cruising speed.
:wink: happy

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/27/08 08:18 AM

I think it is a waste of tax payer money to research a case where the outcome...THE MAN IS DEAD already, it is a shame that the money used to look up this case (that ended 87 years ago) didn't go into looking in to the hundreds of cases that have no conviction or those people aready serving a life term.

What about his family? They had been living under the shadow of having a "convicted" rapist and murderer as a relative. At least now that his name has been cleared, they no longer have to live with that stigma attached to the family heritage.

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/27/08 08:09 AM

wings win
pistons win

tigers??? lose in 12 grumble grumble grumble grumble

Still, the best day Detroit has seen in decades

You sure got that right!

RicJL's photo
Mon 05/26/08 07:20 PM
This morning around 11 - shower

RicJL's photo
Mon 05/26/08 06:36 PM
I was given a prescription for that same stuff early last year after a neck injury. I researched it on the web and decided that I'd rather have the pain. I had a long weekend coming up that Spring and I went cold turkey. Not pleasant but I did it.

Still have 4 left in my medicine cabinet but I'm not sure how to dispose of it properly. Don't think that flushing it will do the environment much good. Next time I go to the Pharmacy (tomorrow) to drop off a refill, I think I'll ask the Pharmacist if they know what I should do with them.

RicJL's photo
Mon 05/26/08 06:15 PM
Shower if uninjured, hot bath with Epsom Salts if I'm hurtin'.

RicJL's photo
Mon 05/26/08 08:13 AM
For you Monty Python fans, BBC America is having a Monty Python Marathon all day today.

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/25/08 09:54 PM

I think your statement about northern/southern women is BAD

As a large northern woman with a heart of gold, I won't even bother giving my opinon.

Fixed that for ya.

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