Community > Posts By > Milesoftheusa

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 03/14/16 05:18 AM

For the religious, the term "God" is a deity or supreme being who created the world and all of humankind. Also the "heavens and the earth" what ever that involves. (I am not sure how they imagine the entire universe of stars and planets and galaxies came into being or if the Bible mentions those.)

For Athiests, (or "brights" as some call themselves) most conclude that "God" does not exist and any idea of spirit, soul, supernatural phenomena, does not warrant any consideration. If there is no evidence, it is not to be considered true.

But what about the spiritual idea that we are all part of that intelligence? What about people who declare, as Jesus did, that "I and the father are one?"

What about the I AM? The realization that: "I am God"

**~Nisargadatta Maharaj says:

One has to understand that the search for reality, or God, or Guru and the search for the self are the same; when one is found, all are found. When 'I am' and 'God is' become in your mind indistinguishable, then something will happen and you will know without a trace of doubt that God is because you are, you are because God is. The two are one.

~Nisargadatta Maharaj



To deny "God is" �� would be to deny "��I am."��


I've decided to re-read your original post that started this thread which immediately led down to the inevitable path of god does exist, no he doesn't and so on.

This quote is quite true depending on interpretation. So combine I AM with GOD and to accept yourself that you yourself are god will achieve the closest outcome to reality that one can get. Let me explain. I AM is reference to me and this idea of GOD is reference to someone in charge thus I AM IN CHARGE and by summarizing it like that you will realize that in your life you are in charge, of your thoughts, your actions, your beliefs. You are in charge of you, you are your own god and you should believe in yourself. With your thoughts, knowledge and beliefs you can decide on how to act. Man is capable of the most wonderful and beautiful things and is also capable of the most dreadful horrors, what you choose to do with you life is your choice but remember that other peoples lives and choices are bound to be caught up with your own. Everyone's lives can subtly or drastically affect the lives of those around you. To being that person walking by on the pavement (insignificant) or being the culprit of a 26 car pile up on a motorway (pretty significant), how you affect other people will determine how they choose their Thoughts, Actions and Beliefs about you and the world.

Your thoughts, knowledge and beliefs can be molded from birth due to factors such as schooling and parents. One should be allowed to graze the lands and decide for themselves what their Beliefs are. I personally was Christened at a young age and attended schools who engaged in assembly where you soon learned the morning prayers. It wasn't until I myself around the age of 20 started to question what I had been taught before realizing how absurd some of it sounds. No one converted me into the dedicated Atheist of today other than me. I delved down the road of Noahs Ark. How could one build a ship to carry the weight of 2 of every animal on earth using only wood. How plausible is it, getting hold of 2 of every animal on earth. All Animal Zoos in the world haven't got 2 of every animal (combined) on display because its impossible and today we have helicopters, planes and boats to collect them and a zoo (on land) to store them all and we keep discovering more species of animal each year. There is over 35,000 species of Spider and your telling me that Noah got 2 of every one of them. Over a million different species in the world and he got 2 million animals on a boat. This was the starting point for me that made me pull everything else into question and it got pulled about piece by piece and the thing I hated most was all that time I spent learning about this crap and praying, I could have spent LEARNING about things that matter. For me growing up I was fascinated by world maps and the solar system and now I believe that the Earth and The Human Race are the two most important things but unfortunately The Human Race is still shackled with numerous balls and chains that slow or stop our progress and whilst doing so the Human Race is constantly adding to the pressure on Earths Shoulders, for it is currently our only home and like a virus to its host, we are killing our planet just to try and survive.

could 2 million animals be on a boat? Interesting so long ago a measurement was given for us today through science to ponder.

from the Smithsonian.

However, the Bible is clear on one thing: Noah got specific instructions for the ark’s dimensions (300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high) and material (“gopher wood”). Gopher wood may refer to pine, cedar, or cypress wood.

Read more:

“You don’t think of the Bible necessarily as a scientifically accurate source of information, so I guess we were quite surprised when we discovered it would work,” said Thomas Morris, one of the students who worked on the project, in a statement.

To float, a boat has to exert the same amount of force on the ocean as the weight of the water it displaces. This buoyancy force is essentially the biggest weight the ark could hold and not sink. To put it another way, an object with a density greater than water will sink. So if the Bible gives an approximate volume of the ark, and after factoring in the mass of the wood used to build it, one could figure out how much mass the system could take before it becomes more dense than water and sinks.

Now that we've defined the constraints on the system...what in the world is a cubit? Ancients defined a cubit as the distance from a person's elbow to tip of their middle finger. In modern units, this can typically range from 45.5 centimeters to 52.3 centimeters.

In their study, students decided on an average length for their calculations: 48.2 centimeters. This means that, by their approximations, the ark would have been 144.6 meters long, 24.1 meters wide, and 14.46 meters tall—the size of a very small cargo ship. They went with cypress wood, though pine and cedar wood have similar densities. Using the density of cypress, they calculated the weight of this hypothetical ark: 1,200,000 kilograms (by comparison the Titanic weighed about 53,000,000 kilograms). Based on the density of sea water, they figured out that an empty box-shaped ark would float with it's hull only dipping 0.34 meters into the water.

But what about an ark filled with human and animal cargo? Working backwards they assumed that the maximum weight would put the waterline right just below the top of the ark—if the ark is immersed beyond it's full height, water would spill into the vessel and the ark would capsize.

Forcing the bulk of the ark down into the water while still keeping it afloat would displace about 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools worth of sea water. Knowing the volume of displaced sea water, and knowing that an object in water displaces its own weight, they crunched the numbers and found the total mass needed to displace that water. They subtracted the mass of an empty ark and found that the ark could hold 50,540,000 kg. For some perspective: the average sheep is about 23.47 kilograms, so the biblical boat could have held about 2.15 million sheep.

Fitting two of each of all the world's animals in the ark is an entirely different matter, and scientists question how many species Noah would have needed to save to produce the modern populations of species that inhabit our planet today. Scientists have characterized about 1.7 million species to date, so the students argue that, if the average mass of species represented on the ark was the average mass of sheep, the ark would theoretically have been able to accommodate them all without capsizing.

Science can get things wrong but it is amazing the bible must be right by its standards always or it is a fairy tale. Noah's Ark seems to be something science would figure out now through engineering more than a man from ancient times. I wonder or have you ever wondered How were the Pyramids built? Why do we find Pyramids all around the world? Science can not figure that one out either even with so much technology at hand

Pyramids are believed to have been built to allow people to become closer to god and although to my minuscule knowledge the Egyptians and Aztecs did this, the Christians did not because they could make strong assumptions based on many events that it did not help nor hinder their allies or enemies for being "closer", thus a waste of time building them.

Back to my point on Noah's Ark however, The fact that scientifically a boat is big enough and light enough to carry 2 of every species of animal in the known world it just isn't plausible to expect someone with far less technology back then to actually carry out the impossible task that even today we would fail at. If we were to do it today just think of the huge amount of people that would be involved in sourcing and moving animals and building dimension specific boats (yes boats in case they get the first few wrong) and yet Noah did this all on his own with a limited time constraint, fairy tale comes to mind. The Bible has some fascinating story's but that is all they are. They should be in the fiction section of the Library and as far as stories go some of them are actually pretty good but for factitious accounts of the past they are highly over exaggerated.

The most fantastic thing about science is that scientists will hold their hands up and say we got it wrong, whereas religious nuts will carry every last word wrote in that single book of evidence they cling on to as unchangeable and therefore fact or law. Science has spent for more time, effort and resources into proving and solving many mysteries and as soon as science comes and says we have discovered gravity and this is how it works, out of the blue god invented gravity. Somehow this God fella is capable of having his hand in everything science finds and proves. Space didn't exist then all of a sudden it was God.

My simple opinion is this:

If you believe we live in a solar system with planets known to most as Mars, Jupiter and Saturn then you should not believe in God

If you believe in Gravity, then you should believe in Science

If you believe in Medicine and Vaccines then you should not believe in God

If you believe in DNA then you should believe in Science

If you believe in technology (such as computers and stuff) then you shouldn't believe in God

If you believe in God then you should be living on a flat earth where gravity doesn't exist(so everyone moves around by floating), where no medicine or cures actually do anything and are simply a waste of time (a bit like God) where you have no DNA which would mean you don't exist whilst playing with sticks and stones because computers don't exist. If this is not an accurate description of how your life is then you should believe in science. Simples!

and just why would all those things not be made and come from Yahweh.

one of the craziest theories I have ever heard of is we came up out of the ocean walked as a upright fish became a walking ape and now we are human. Now that's fanticy and science holds to this.

The bible says so many things science took forever to see.

Isa 40:22
22 It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,
And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers,
Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain,
And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.

sounds like someone 1000s of years ago knew about the earth and how its atmosphere works.

The Heavens or space is for signs. so why would I not believe in Planets?

Are vaccines good? well maybe. Personal choice if you want them. Is Medicine good? absolutely I believe all good comes from Yahweh/Creator. Not believing I do understand why so many do not believe. A lot of what you say I can see but just because mainstream religion tells us fanticy so much of the time does not make the bible untrue. Do not eat the blood because their is life in it. We finally learned this. Do not eat the fat I have seen people who suck on the fat because that's where the flavor is but Yahweh said not to do it.

It goes on and on in our physical world that we are in a Mad Scientist world . New diseases, organic foods used to be the way all foods were. Now we are in a world of manipulating nature in all forms. The weeds are declaring themselves to be wheat.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 03/14/16 01:46 AM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Mon 03/14/16 01:51 AM

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 03/13/16 05:18 AM

For the religious, the term "God" is a deity or supreme being who created the world and all of humankind. Also the "heavens and the earth" what ever that involves. (I am not sure how they imagine the entire universe of stars and planets and galaxies came into being or if the Bible mentions those.)

For Athiests, (or "brights" as some call themselves) most conclude that "God" does not exist and any idea of spirit, soul, supernatural phenomena, does not warrant any consideration. If there is no evidence, it is not to be considered true.

But what about the spiritual idea that we are all part of that intelligence? What about people who declare, as Jesus did, that "I and the father are one?"

What about the I AM? The realization that: "I am God"

**~Nisargadatta Maharaj says:

One has to understand that the search for reality, or God, or Guru and the search for the self are the same; when one is found, all are found. When 'I am' and 'God is' become in your mind indistinguishable, then something will happen and you will know without a trace of doubt that God is because you are, you are because God is. The two are one.

~Nisargadatta Maharaj



To deny "God is" �� would be to deny "��I am."��


I've decided to re-read your original post that started this thread which immediately led down to the inevitable path of god does exist, no he doesn't and so on.

This quote is quite true depending on interpretation. So combine I AM with GOD and to accept yourself that you yourself are god will achieve the closest outcome to reality that one can get. Let me explain. I AM is reference to me and this idea of GOD is reference to someone in charge thus I AM IN CHARGE and by summarizing it like that you will realize that in your life you are in charge, of your thoughts, your actions, your beliefs. You are in charge of you, you are your own god and you should believe in yourself. With your thoughts, knowledge and beliefs you can decide on how to act. Man is capable of the most wonderful and beautiful things and is also capable of the most dreadful horrors, what you choose to do with you life is your choice but remember that other peoples lives and choices are bound to be caught up with your own. Everyone's lives can subtly or drastically affect the lives of those around you. To being that person walking by on the pavement (insignificant) or being the culprit of a 26 car pile up on a motorway (pretty significant), how you affect other people will determine how they choose their Thoughts, Actions and Beliefs about you and the world.

Your thoughts, knowledge and beliefs can be molded from birth due to factors such as schooling and parents. One should be allowed to graze the lands and decide for themselves what their Beliefs are. I personally was Christened at a young age and attended schools who engaged in assembly where you soon learned the morning prayers. It wasn't until I myself around the age of 20 started to question what I had been taught before realizing how absurd some of it sounds. No one converted me into the dedicated Atheist of today other than me. I delved down the road of Noahs Ark. How could one build a ship to carry the weight of 2 of every animal on earth using only wood. How plausible is it, getting hold of 2 of every animal on earth. All Animal Zoos in the world haven't got 2 of every animal (combined) on display because its impossible and today we have helicopters, planes and boats to collect them and a zoo (on land) to store them all and we keep discovering more species of animal each year. There is over 35,000 species of Spider and your telling me that Noah got 2 of every one of them. Over a million different species in the world and he got 2 million animals on a boat. This was the starting point for me that made me pull everything else into question and it got pulled about piece by piece and the thing I hated most was all that time I spent learning about this crap and praying, I could have spent LEARNING about things that matter. For me growing up I was fascinated by world maps and the solar system and now I believe that the Earth and The Human Race are the two most important things but unfortunately The Human Race is still shackled with numerous balls and chains that slow or stop our progress and whilst doing so the Human Race is constantly adding to the pressure on Earths Shoulders, for it is currently our only home and like a virus to its host, we are killing our planet just to try and survive.

could 2 million animals be on a boat? Interesting so long ago a measurement was given for us today through science to ponder.

from the Smithsonian.

However, the Bible is clear on one thing: Noah got specific instructions for the ark’s dimensions (300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high) and material (“gopher wood”). Gopher wood may refer to pine, cedar, or cypress wood.

Read more:

“You don’t think of the Bible necessarily as a scientifically accurate source of information, so I guess we were quite surprised when we discovered it would work,” said Thomas Morris, one of the students who worked on the project, in a statement.

To float, a boat has to exert the same amount of force on the ocean as the weight of the water it displaces. This buoyancy force is essentially the biggest weight the ark could hold and not sink. To put it another way, an object with a density greater than water will sink. So if the Bible gives an approximate volume of the ark, and after factoring in the mass of the wood used to build it, one could figure out how much mass the system could take before it becomes more dense than water and sinks.

Now that we've defined the constraints on the system...what in the world is a cubit? Ancients defined a cubit as the distance from a person's elbow to tip of their middle finger. In modern units, this can typically range from 45.5 centimeters to 52.3 centimeters.

In their study, students decided on an average length for their calculations: 48.2 centimeters. This means that, by their approximations, the ark would have been 144.6 meters long, 24.1 meters wide, and 14.46 meters tall—the size of a very small cargo ship. They went with cypress wood, though pine and cedar wood have similar densities. Using the density of cypress, they calculated the weight of this hypothetical ark: 1,200,000 kilograms (by comparison the Titanic weighed about 53,000,000 kilograms). Based on the density of sea water, they figured out that an empty box-shaped ark would float with it's hull only dipping 0.34 meters into the water.

But what about an ark filled with human and animal cargo? Working backwards they assumed that the maximum weight would put the waterline right just below the top of the ark—if the ark is immersed beyond it's full height, water would spill into the vessel and the ark would capsize.

Forcing the bulk of the ark down into the water while still keeping it afloat would displace about 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools worth of sea water. Knowing the volume of displaced sea water, and knowing that an object in water displaces its own weight, they crunched the numbers and found the total mass needed to displace that water. They subtracted the mass of an empty ark and found that the ark could hold 50,540,000 kg. For some perspective: the average sheep is about 23.47 kilograms, so the biblical boat could have held about 2.15 million sheep.

Fitting two of each of all the world's animals in the ark is an entirely different matter, and scientists question how many species Noah would have needed to save to produce the modern populations of species that inhabit our planet today. Scientists have characterized about 1.7 million species to date, so the students argue that, if the average mass of species represented on the ark was the average mass of sheep, the ark would theoretically have been able to accommodate them all without capsizing.

Science can get things wrong but it is amazing the bible must be right by its standards always or it is a fairy tale. Noahs Ark seems to be something science would figure out now through engineering more than a man from antient times. I wonder or have you ever wondered How were the Pyramids built? Why do we find Pyramids all around the world? Science can not figure that one out either even with so much technology at hand

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 03/13/16 12:54 AM

It's pretty ironic, to compare the Muslims to the Jews. It is Christians and Jews who are being oppressed BY MUSLIMS and it always has been. Don't you dare try to draw a false equivalency between investigating potential hostiles in our country and the industrialized theft, rape, and murder of Christians by Muslims all over the world.

No organization that seeks to destroy the U.S. government is protected by the first amendment. Muslims should not be allowed into ANY free country for the simple reason that their guiding principles are antithetical to democracy. Americans are done listening to you people until you get the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists out of the White House and out of D.C. and close our damned borders!

Furthermore, I am disturbed that your argument is nothing more than socialist rhetoric that was poll tested in D.C. and repeated on all the praetorian media networks by the rabid Christian haters and antisemites. America has put American citizens into concentration camps without fair trial twice before on the basis of race alone, so do not act so incredulous to the concept of registering members of a radical organization like Islam. Heck the same group who supported the Kerumatsu decision are the ones calling RIGHT NOW to politically imprison climate deniers and NRA members while denouncing ANY kind of action against Muslims.

Martin Luther's writings were NOT antisemetic, but anti Jewish and based entirely on mistaken theology. The Lutheran church denounced said writings for the reason that they were not sound in doctrine. Since you brought it up, Hitler took Martin Luther's writings out of context as you have done with our founding documents, and just as with Hitler, you have turned the text inside out and against its original intention.

I suggest you read what Luther and his Predecessors have written about the Jews!
To call them anti-Jewish instead of anti-semitic is pure Hairsplitting!laugh
Luther wasn't exactly the "Sainted Individual" he is made out to be!
Besides,Hitler read every last word of Luther's Diatribes!

It was sort of inofficial Doctrine!

You are correct. "The Lie" wanted the Govt. to get rid of them

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 03/12/16 08:11 PM

Jews are forbidden to marry outside their religion and converting anyone into the Jewish religion is frowned upon. Jews have Jewish souls that need to be preserved and intermarriage destroys this concept because the children will not have a Jewish soul if at least the mother is not Jewish by birth. That is why Jews have remained so few in number. There are currently 15 million Jews in the world. The extermination during the Holocaust added to the shortage.

I am Where did you get this from? That is not biblical.

The only warning about marriage. is the marriage of Christians with wicked. read what happened to King Solomon by getting involved with ungodly women. If you read the Bible you will see. says nothing about race or color. It is not wrong to marry a black with white. provided that they are Christians.

In todays age with over 1000 denominations who call themselves Christian and refer to others as lost. With this in mind who would you call the wicked?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 03/12/16 07:52 PM

Jews are forbidden to marry outside their religion and converting anyone into the Jewish religion is frowned upon. Jews have Jewish souls that need to be preserved and intermarriage destroys this concept because the children will not have a Jewish soul if at least the mother is not Jewish by birth. That is why Jews have remained so few in number. There are currently 15 million Jews in the world. The extermination during the Holocaust added to the shortage.

I am Where did you get this from? That is not biblical.

The only warning about marriage. is the marriage of Christians with wicked. read what happened to King Solomon by getting involved with ungodly women. If you read the Bible you will see. says nothing about race or color. It is not wrong to marry a black with white. provided that they are Christians.
Are you Jewish? I spoke as a Christian. Is there much difference between Jews and Christians. as far as I yours. Jews denied Christ. They were one of the culprits of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Actually the High priest was the culprit. Yahshua was loved by many people. The High Priest was afraid of his authority that's why he did not have Yahshua killed himself. He said the law did not allow for him to have him stoned. That is not in the Law. This was all about the Religious Authority afraid of loosing control. Not the Israelites/ Jews as a whole.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 03/12/16 07:25 PM

Pilots have been known, to land midflight, to have unruly passengers ejected.

It can be, up to a $250,000. fine for disrupting a flight.

No charges filed?


At least put the hoodboogers responsible, on the no fly list.
Put them back on a greyhound bus, where they belong.

And the flight crew? Fire them, for not intervening BEFORE the situation was allowed to escalate.

Maybe if they did something they would be accused themselves of a crime.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 03/08/16 05:22 PM

Ever wonder why people are supporting Trump.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 03/05/16 03:39 AM

I very rarely use the term "Tea Party". I just did some searches (trying to figure out what you mean) on " Tea Party Oaths ".

Apparently there was a 'mock oath taking', involving Ted Cruz. (Didn't read it, may be a video on it).

And according to the searches " The Oath Keepers" are being viewed as military branch of the "Tea party". (Seems comical, to me).

The ' Oath Keepers' are as most know, military & police people , who have already sworn to uphold the Constitution against all enemies, foreign & domestic.

It appears from the titles of all the articles, there is a lot of fear based negativity of the "Tea Party & "The Oath Keepers" (2 separate groups, but I didn't check out either).

However: it does stand to reason, if anyone other than the military & police (who must take the oath), takes the oath, then they may consider upholding the Constitution as their duty.
So....perhaps some politicians have. In a serious or mock fashion, taken the oath. I have no idea. I didn't look into it further

Hope this helps a little.

Not sure what it means really or if it is that important. When I look at how the Republican Base argues something is going on. Since 2010 and on Republicans who most I believe who have taken this oath ( and I do not see why it is needed) have become a party of fighting and mud slinging. No respect for anyone not even their own. Makes me wonder whats really going on.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 03/03/16 08:28 PM

What exactly is the Tea Party?

I have heard about this Tea Party Oath that congressman have taken. What exactly is this?

I don't know.

The only "oath" or pledge related to congressmen and tea party I've heard about was around the time they voted in the budget control act and budget sequestration.

When I googled that this was the first thing I copy and pasted:

Sorry your google is broken.

Thanks.. Its not that my google is broken. To me it just does not seem like it says much. Ok a Tax pledge sounds good. A tax pledge for who? Their seems to be way more to this pledge. Congress since this pledge seems to fight and that's all they seem to do. Its like something in this pledge is very wrong and I can not put a finger on it and thought maybe someone knows more than just a google. If we think everything is on the net and can not be censored we are very deceived IMO

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 03/03/16 05:37 PM

What exactly is the Tea Party?

I have heard about this Tea Party Oath that congressman have taken. What exactly is this? Thanks

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 03/02/16 07:07 PM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Wed 03/02/16 07:10 PM


I know nothing I see Nothingdrinker laugh

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 03/01/16 04:54 AM

I have been happy with HP. Their warrant work sold me. My $1200 laptop was overheating and I only had 2 weeks left on my warranty. I called them on Friday and they tried a few things and said I needed to send it to cali. This was on a Friday. On Monday a laptop shipping box was delivered to my door by Fed Ex. on Tues they picked picked it up at my door shipped it 2000 miles. sent me a web tracking address to see where it was and the progress on my repair work. on Friday it was delivered to my door with 90 more days of warranty. they replaced like 5 things even the keyboard which I did not know was having problems. they sold me on their customer service.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 03/01/16 12:01 AM

For you so educated and wise Liberals use your F***ing brains for once in your life.

Do you think a man who has a daughter he loves more then life itself who IS Jewish, a son in law who is Jewish and adorable grandkids who are Jewish would EVER take an endorsement from or support the KKK or David Duke?

If so, you really need help.

Humm?? is that what brains are good for?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 02/29/16 11:42 PM
Has anyone had problems with their bookmarks on the yahoo toolbar disappearing?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 02/17/16 09:00 PM
So many problems in the world of phycology.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 02/11/16 10:12 PM
as long as a person can grow so much for themselves, Pharma will try to keep it illegal.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 01/05/16 01:51 AM
Is this the same court "Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals" That overturned the peoples vote in California?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 12/01/15 02:25 AM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Tue 12/01/15 02:25 AM

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 12/01/15 02:23 AM
He is what your treasure is. whatever that might be

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