Community > Posts By > dnewnew

dnewnew's photo
Tue 12/30/14 08:03 PM
Mine: 9 new (gets excited & clicks to see): 2 out of state, 2 out of country, 5 remaining: not local although my profile states my geographical limits. Oh well, back to watching cat videos on YouTube. Good luck to all in the New Year (especially me).

dnewnew's photo
Mon 12/29/14 06:06 PM
Compatible sex drives have a lot to do with how physically attracted you are to the person: when you are just starting up an RS & may only be seeing each other on the weekend you are really excited to get naked with them. When you have been married 20 years & have had (hopefully) a lot of naked time with them already then there's not that eagerness anymore (for both genders). I mean, humans get tired of anything that they experience frequently & routinely (ex: video games...that's why there's a new system or game series every year or so). The higher the adrenaline levels connected to the activity the faster it "wears off". That being said, sex & money are two things couples have the fiercest fights over. It is definitely a must to be on the same page with the other person as to those two things in order to have a chance at a happy RS. BTW, mine is high but haven't found a RS yet where we were on the same page about it.

dnewnew's photo
Mon 12/29/14 05:39 PM
To the OP: seems odd if she could clearly see your age: video chat is not the place where you can hide something like that LOL!

I routinely decline all 30 & under males who send me messages on my dating sites: they all think 1: she's older so she can teach me something sexually & 2: she's older so she'll be grateful for the attention & therefore have sex immediately & 3: she's older than the women (actually girls) my age & unlike them she has her own place where we can have that educational & immediate sex. See the theme here? It is true: age matters in how you view dating (if you ever actually get TO the dating, & how attractive you view the other person.

dnewnew's photo
Sun 12/28/14 11:17 AM
To the OP: please see below, please update the page if not correct...
Polygamy in the United Arab Emirates

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This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (September 2014)

Polygamous unions are legal in the United Arab Emirates[1][2] and like most traditionalist Islamic nations, frequently practiced and often encouraged.[citation needed] Muslim polygamy, in practice and law, differs greatly throughout the Islamic world. In some Muslim countries, polygamy is relatively common, while in most others, it is often rare or non-existent. Polygamy is most widely practiced by Muslims in West Africa (where it is also widely practiced by non-Muslims), as well as in certain traditionalist Arabian states such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

As with polygyny in Islam in general, men are allowed up to four wives, and women are not permitted multiple husbands.[1]

1.^ Jump up to: a b Publishing, Explorer (2006-11-30). Dubai: The Complete Residents' Guide. Explorer Publishing & Distribution. pp. 25–. ISBN 9789768182760. Retrieved 8 April 2013.
2.Jump up ^ Incorporated, Facts On File, (2008). United Arab Emirates. Infobase Publishing. pp. 65–. ISBN 9781438105840. Retrieved 8 April 2013.

Polygamous marriage by country

Polygamous marriage performed


Afghanistan ·
Algeria ·
Bahrain ·
Bangladesh ·
Brunei ·
Burkina Faso ·
Cameroon ·
Chad ·
Comoros ·
Congo ·
Djibouti ·
Egypt ·
Ethiopia ·
Gabon ·
The Gambia ·
India1 ·
Indonesia ·
Iran ·
Iraq ·
Jordan ·
Kenya ·
Kuwait ·
Lebanon ·
Libya ·
Malaysia ·
Maldives ·
Mali ·
Mauritania ·
Morocco ·
Myanmar ·
Niger ·
Oman ·
Pakistan ·
Qatar ·
Saudi Arabia ·
Senegal ·
Sierra Leone ·
Singapore ·
Somalia ·
Sri Lanka1 ·
Sudan ·
Syria ·
Tanzania ·
Togo ·
Uganda ·
Yemen ·


Eritrea (Sharia districts)2 ·
Nigeria (Sharia states) ·
Palestine (Gaza Strip ·
West Bank)

dnewnew's photo
Sun 12/28/14 10:42 AM

i meant two ladies that u can sleep with them bro so ur mom doesnt count:laughing: biggrin

Depends where you live

So true: in the UAE & Somalia & other middle eastern/African countries the man is allowed to have as many wives as he can buy. In the deserts of Utah & Nevada in the U.S. the FLDS members can have as many wives as they can kidnap or trade for w/other male family members & their ministers, as long as they have a large enough "compound" built.

dnewnew's photo
Sat 12/27/14 12:57 PM
Facebook = you getting what I'm saying? NONE of this is IRL. If you are attracted to this 2nd woman then pursue whatever with her. If she is not correct you'll find out soon enough based on her REAL LIFE behaviors. Good luck.

dnewnew's photo
Wed 12/24/14 01:54 AM
That's why you're supposed to have the sex AFTER the love...way less chance of someone getting their feelings rebuffed once the hormones abate & the oxytocin levels come down.

dnewnew's photo
Wed 12/24/14 01:48 AM
Hi Red6mist:

Seems to me that if you have to actively "think" about the sex then you don't actually have "the desire to have sex" with them. Real sexual attraction is almost instant & never needs to be worked up to via thoughts or pictures or anything. It just happens & especially with men being visually aroused.

She's not attractive to you = not visually arousing = No sexual desire.

dnewnew's photo
Wed 12/24/14 01:20 AM
In the front seat of boyfriend's car in a deserted parking lot of a park upstate in my late 20's...the cops caught us & told us off & I was so embarrassed & he was just glad they didn't give him a ticket. Ever since then I've NEVER had sex unless it was indoors.

dnewnew's photo
Wed 12/24/14 12:56 AM
To the OP: your father & the matchmaker will verify her virginity for you since the marriage will not be approved if she isn't & her family can't get her dowry back. There will be a contract & you just might be lucky enough to see her face the day before the wedding.

If you have been defrauded, you can keep the dowry & get another wife while keeping her as a maid. Any more questions?

dnewnew's photo
Mon 12/22/14 06:19 PM
Hi MelMaxx,

Depending on the rest of the profile you can tell a lot about the poster from their use of grammar & punctuation. Young "guys" use the term girls b/c that's what they are used to just coming out of high school/college. Older men (35+) use it b/c it may be part of their social upbringing or they are looking for marriage & want to start a family so they need a younger "girl" for that. Young males in general use a lot of "text speak" & poor punctuation b/c they are typing from their phones.

A lot of misspellings & use of "am" instead of I am & "will like to" instead of would as well as incorrect tenses indicates a scammer from another country who knows only about the same amount of written English as a 2nd grader here in the US.

PS: good luck on the site LOL!

dnewnew's photo
Mon 12/22/14 05:47 PM
They might "come at" you except: you are either in your home checking your dating sites on your computer OR you are doing it from your phone while you are out & about so since you are absorbed in a digital world you can't see or actually interact with any potential "hottie" who might just be walking by you right now...

dnewnew's photo
Mon 12/22/14 05:14 PM

So you're telling me those hot chicks from Russia aren't real???? frustrated sad :tongue: laugh

They ARE real, as in "real-ly far away in an internet caf� in the Ukraine & real-ly looking to get your $$" LOL!

dnewnew's photo
Mon 12/22/14 01:16 PM
Hi Tomishereagain,

I completely agree w/your suggestions about current photo, safety tips & using whatever tools a dating site provides.

However, I am not a "Skyper"...I guess b/c my 3 yr old laptop doesn't support it #1, & my personal preference #2. I feel it is probably necessary for those in a LDR (& I only think LDRS work when there is a definite "return" date for either partner) or when you are ONLY friends who are geographically separated. For the purposes of dating? No

Skype to me is a "substitute" for a real meeting. I'm willing to put on daytime clothes, comb my hair & meet IRL for a coffee...I mean, people would drive 20 minutes to go to the supermarket for what they want, how is meeting someone you have been talking & emailing to for 2 weeks any different? (& I'm a non-driver so I am fully aware of the limits to driving to meet someone for the 1st time - if a guy messages me from one county over I politely decline even if his profile seems tailor matched to mine). Skype seems like a "limbo". If my bf moved to Ca., I would try to arrange a Skype with her, but talking on the phone would be just as good. For a man I'm attracted to for a potential RS: in person meeting every time.

I would also add to carefully read a profile: one interest in common is just not enough...when you actually start messaging the conversation will drag pretty quickly b/c you just don't have things to say that are interesting to the other person if the profiles are too divergent. The beach loving dog owner will not have much to talk about besides the weather with the works from home rare book collector LOL!

dnewnew's photo
Sat 12/20/14 10:21 PM
There is something to the saying "if I knew then what I know now" in reference to age/inexperience. Now I don't have the fear of being alone but don't currently have the $$ to travel. Youth IS wasted on the young. Case in point: here in a affluent suburb of NY in the spring & summer you see a lot of convertibles on the road: shiny, fast EXPENSIVE cars, mustangs or Mercedes or whatever. Who is behind the wheel? 60 y.o. fat bald guys: they worked their whole lives to afford the car but now the hot women who would look good in such a car won't give them the time of day! LOL!

Same with a lot of things that folks regretted not doing while they were young. When you find yourself with the $/time/experience to do it - the opportunity/appropriateness of doing it is no longer available.

dnewnew's photo
Thu 12/18/14 09:28 PM
Taking vacations by myself...when I was younger I had the $$ but no one to go with so I never traveled unless one of my gf's was available & they were hardly ever so...I missed out on it b/c I was too timid to go anywhere by myself.

dnewnew's photo
Thu 12/18/14 07:20 PM
A lot of arguments in relationships wouldn't even start if the man & woman were honest & open w/each other in the very beginning about their likes/dislikes (about everything from sex to finances & all the way to how long dishes & garbage may remain in stasis before needing to be taken care of), political views (someone may become nauseated & vomit while the other is watching Fox News), and most importantly where they see their lives going in the future (nothing's like the conversation that begins with either partner saying "so when DO you think you will want to start a family)LOL!

It's these fundamental divisions in thoughts, habits, etc. that make it impossible to "shelve" an argument to start with. Of course if there was complete honesty then the relationship might never have developed since one or the other would decide that this person was not for them. So...can't shelve an argument that should never have started between a couple not compatible from the start.

dnewnew's photo
Thu 12/18/14 06:57 PM
Hi, the kitty is nice in the picture but since you're looking for intimate encounters I don't think she's enough to attract hot young things for anonymous sex LOL!

Not for nothing but women your age who do just want to hook up want to see a full body picture so they can judge how hot you are: most guys have one taken at the gym where they are flexing their muscles. Good luck on the site.

dnewnew's photo
Thu 12/18/14 06:40 PM
Even better question: Is SHE a "she"?: probably not LOL!

PS: you'll get real live women on this site occasionally, just be patient. I did read your profile & the one thing I would take out is the mention of income: scammers are not limited to "3rd world" countries & the lure is ALWAYS money. Good luck with everything.

dnewnew's photo
Mon 12/15/14 04:22 PM
What she said: local "real" ladies (not scammers) are more likely to take an interest in your profile or respond to your messages if you:

1. Post a picture or two (smiling is always good).

2. Fill in your profile (yours has "no answer"- which is exactly what you'll get from the women).

Even if all you want is an intimate encounter, the females still need specifics to work with...