Topic: If God were really standing right in front of you...
CowboyGH's photo
Wed 09/08/10 05:16 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Wed 09/08/10 05:21 PM

I'm not going to go through 42 pages of whatever ...

I see a statement on this page about never meeting a Christian that didn't think Jesus was god ... and I think
"you have never really talked to many Christians seriously"

the trinity ... is a Catholic idea ... not all Christians are Catholic.

Nowhere in any biblical text does it say Jesus is God ....

I think you need some serious rethinking of your position and some honest study of the subject.

I honestly don't see how you can say that. You talk about some honest study, but here it is right here:

John 10:

[24] Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.
[25] Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me.
[26] But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you.
[27] My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
[28] And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
[29] My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.
[30] I and my Father are one.
[31] Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.
[32] Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?
[33] The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.
[34] Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
[35] If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;
[36] Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?
[37] If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.
[38] But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.

It seems to be that as long as the Christians demand that God is a jealous egotistical Zeus-like Godhead, they have no choice but to believe that Jesus claimed to be God. Unless they want to reject the Gospel of John, because Jesus clearly states here, "I and my Father are one"

The only other interpretation that I can see here is to realize that Jesus was speaking from a pantheistic point of view. I personally do feel that this is what he was attempting to do because he also suggests "Ye are gods" which makes sense only from a pantheistic point of view. He also said, "the Father is in me, and I in him" which again is the pantheistic view.

However, the Chrsitains can't go that route without losing their Zeus-like judgemental Godhead.

So Christians really have no choice but to recognize that, according to their doctrine, Jesus did indeed claim to be one and the same as God. As long as Christians demand that God is a completely sepearate entity from all mortal men, then Jesus could have only been claiming to be that separate Godhead here. Nothing else works.

In John 14:6 the passage reads: Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Many other passages of John are undeniably ambiguous which causes quite a conundrum.

First, if Jesus said he is God or led others to believe that he is God then Jesus lied because according to Torah,from which the Old Testament was taken, for Jesus to have been the fulfillment of prophecy he must be a great human prophet, no divinity attached.

Of course there are much deeper issues, according to the Torah, as to why God could never be a physical being but we'll leave that for now.

Secondly, for any Christian who takes the Ten commanments seriously, there is a problem with what John has to report.

“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.

“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments.

If Jesus is not God (and he can't be according to Old Testament)then how can John 14:6 be true?
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

NOTHING is EVER to come between God and his people. Those who pray to God through Jesus, those who worship Jesus as their source of salvation - are idolters.

Jesus could not have fulfilled Torah or Old Testament prophecy because he targeted gentiles and failed to deliver those that prophecy said he would save.

Jesus could not have been God, every Jew understood that, because the essence of God does not mutate - the essense of God is not bound to the physical, nor can it be.

So if Jesus did not proclaim to be God, but did proclaim that the only way to God was through himself, then he created, of himself, a false idol.

Either way, this whole conundrum stands to invalidate the New Testament and all of Christianity whose belief encompasses the New Testament. For if nothing about Jesus is accurate and Jesus was propegating false idolotry, then what purpose is there to the New Testament?

No Jesus could not have been God in the times of the old testament very true. You know why? Because Jesus wasn't Jesus as we know him today in those times.

John 1:1
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14
14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth

As you see here Jesus was the word made flesh.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 09/08/10 06:04 PM

No Jesus could not have been God in the times of the old testament very true. You know why? Because Jesus wasn't Jesus as we know him today in those times.

John 1:1
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14
14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth

As you see here Jesus was the word made flesh.

All I see here is a man named John writing a bunch of nonsense. Isn't this the same guy who had the nightmares he recorded as "Revelations"?

I see no reason to believe these ramblings of John.

Who are we supposed to be placing our faith in again? John? Or Jesus?

This hearsay through a third party just doesn't cut it for me. If Jesus was the "WORD" then he should have been able to write the "WORD" down without having to depend on some guy named "John" to write it for him. whoa

Just how many channels must we go though before we get to God?

First we must believe in John, and then in Jesus, and finally in God?

And let's not forget Satan too! The whole religion falls apart without Satan. We must place Satan before Jesus! Otherwise we'd have nothing to be "saved" from.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 09/08/10 08:02 PM

No Jesus could not have been God in the times of the old testament very true. You know why? Because Jesus wasn't Jesus as we know him today in those times.

John 1:1
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14
14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth

As you see here Jesus was the word made flesh.

All I see here is a man named John writing a bunch of nonsense. Isn't this the same guy who had the nightmares he recorded as "Revelations"?

I see no reason to believe these ramblings of John.

Who are we supposed to be placing our faith in again? John? Or Jesus?

This hearsay through a third party just doesn't cut it for me. If Jesus was the "WORD" then he should have been able to write the "WORD" down without having to depend on some guy named "John" to write it for him. whoa

Just how many channels must we go though before we get to God?

First we must believe in John, and then in Jesus, and finally in God?

And let's not forget Satan too! The whole religion falls apart without Satan. We must place Satan before Jesus! Otherwise we'd have nothing to be "saved" from.

And that is your choice, what you do today will effect you for eternity my friend so i plea that you choose wisely.

no photo
Thu 09/09/10 05:35 AM

No it's not a lie and you're missing my ENTIRE point. God may have given Jesus, BUT it was still Jesus' own free will to do with what he wanted. Jesus COULD have become a drunk he wished to use his FREE WILL that way. But no, Jesus used his FREE WILL to do as our father wanted him to.

this happen before Jesus was even's no getting around the fact that God impregnanted Mary so that he could give Jesus away Mother like Son neither had any say so in the matter hence no "Free Will" ...everything was always foretold....that is what is meant by prophecy ....unless of course you are willing to admit that God makes mistakes and therefore not all prophecies by God come true

Prophecy is a foretold action. Does not mean that it's pushed in that way. Like my prophecy is later today the sun will go down and early tomorrow the sun will come up. I have NO way of CAUSING this to happen, it's just a foreseen action. And it specifically says Mary was willing to take this on. An angel appeared to marry before this happened, she could have said right then and there she does not wish to take this on. So therefore no free will was taken away. Marry knew this was gonna happen before it did and she was ok with it. And still Jesus had the free will to live his life how he wished. But he used again his free will to do God's will. Again, Jesus could have turned out to be a drunk, a theif, a killer, and many other things. But he used his free will to complete what he was sent to do. Just because someone is sent for something does NOT mean it's taking away their free will. With that idea of looking at it, then wow even I have taken away people's free will by asking them to do something for me.

again you keep trying to compare yourself to you have the power to prohibit the Sun from rising...God supposedly have that power which is why he has the power to push events to full fill his prophecies explain why God would make a prophecy that he couldn't full fill ...

Again a prophecy is ONLY a foreseen actions. Does NOT mean it's pushed to happen. And yes God does have the power to push to have the prophecies fulfilled, but if he did he would have taken away someone's free will. But that doesn't happen, so we don't have to worry about it. And what in the world are you talking about God making a prophecy that couldn't be fulfilled? ALL the prophecies of God have been and or will be fulfilled.

but you still haven't answer the are his prophecies full fill if he doesn't push the events?

actions of other people.

explain how? ...

I guess Cowboy can't "explain how" so I will explain what a prophecy is......a prophecy is what is referred to as the events that will take place in "God's Divine Plan" ....all events in this plan that has taken place or will take place has already be planned by God to take place .....

God's Divine Plan is like the gears within a watch that God himself has constructed order for "the watch of God" to reach the time of would be impossible for any of the gears within the watch to have "free Will" to accomplish this, they have "no choice" but to function in the way that God has programmed them to function in order to full fill the prophecy of 1am ..... when it is said that God "GAVE" his only begotton means that Jesus didn't have "Free Will" or any say so in the matter....

the insane part of God's Divine Plan" is that he will judge you for the exact things he himself forced you to do in order to full fill his prophecies

Sorry i did not see the question. A prophecy is:

"knowledge of the future (usually said to be obtained from a divine source)
# a prediction uttered under divine inspiration"

And so what you tried to say about it taking away anyone's free will is way out in left field, has nothing to do with that. Again, a prophecy is only a foretold story of what will happen. For instance, my prophecy could be that the sun will go down tonight about 8 pm and rise tomorrow about 5:45am.

Or even more on a personal level, I prophesy that you will use the restroom today. Am I taking away your free will? No, a prophecy is a foretold event ahead of time before it happens.

your definition of a "prophecy" stated that it is knowledge of the future obtained from a divine source referring to your prophecy that I will use the washroom today, did God or some other Divine source personally give you this information? ...

in other words did God say ...BEHOLD COWBOY...In the beginning there was Funches and Funches will use the washroom today

because if you didn't receive this information personally from God then you are what God and the bible warn people against...the False prophet which means you are in league with The AntiChrist ..check "Revelations"

so Cowboy now have three options ...did you get your prophecy that I will use the washroom today from God? from Satan?...or are you perhaps "mistaken" that the knowledge that people use the washroom everyday is actually having a prophecy?

no photo
Thu 09/09/10 06:15 AM

No Jesus could not have been God in the times of the old testament very true. You know why? Because Jesus wasn't Jesus as we know him today in those times.

John 1:1
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14
14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth

As you see here Jesus was the word made flesh.

since The Word aka (Jesus)in the beginning was still considered to be God ..this means that during the times of the Old testament Jesus as The Word was still responsible for drowning everyone including innocent babies in the Great Flood, that Jesus as The Word was also responsible for killing the first born of Pharoah's people, that Jesus as The Word cause plagues Earthquakes along with a number of other catastrophes

if believers are going to claim that Jesus is God..then to deny that Jesus as The Word was responsible for all the killing generated by God in the Old Testament would be hypocritical and a lack of faith that Jesus In the Beginning was God

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 09/09/10 07:23 AM

No it's not a lie and you're missing my ENTIRE point. God may have given Jesus, BUT it was still Jesus' own free will to do with what he wanted. Jesus COULD have become a drunk he wished to use his FREE WILL that way. But no, Jesus used his FREE WILL to do as our father wanted him to.

this happen before Jesus was even's no getting around the fact that God impregnanted Mary so that he could give Jesus away Mother like Son neither had any say so in the matter hence no "Free Will" ...everything was always foretold....that is what is meant by prophecy ....unless of course you are willing to admit that God makes mistakes and therefore not all prophecies by God come true

Prophecy is a foretold action. Does not mean that it's pushed in that way. Like my prophecy is later today the sun will go down and early tomorrow the sun will come up. I have NO way of CAUSING this to happen, it's just a foreseen action. And it specifically says Mary was willing to take this on. An angel appeared to marry before this happened, she could have said right then and there she does not wish to take this on. So therefore no free will was taken away. Marry knew this was gonna happen before it did and she was ok with it. And still Jesus had the free will to live his life how he wished. But he used again his free will to do God's will. Again, Jesus could have turned out to be a drunk, a theif, a killer, and many other things. But he used his free will to complete what he was sent to do. Just because someone is sent for something does NOT mean it's taking away their free will. With that idea of looking at it, then wow even I have taken away people's free will by asking them to do something for me.

again you keep trying to compare yourself to you have the power to prohibit the Sun from rising...God supposedly have that power which is why he has the power to push events to full fill his prophecies explain why God would make a prophecy that he couldn't full fill ...

Again a prophecy is ONLY a foreseen actions. Does NOT mean it's pushed to happen. And yes God does have the power to push to have the prophecies fulfilled, but if he did he would have taken away someone's free will. But that doesn't happen, so we don't have to worry about it. And what in the world are you talking about God making a prophecy that couldn't be fulfilled? ALL the prophecies of God have been and or will be fulfilled.

but you still haven't answer the are his prophecies full fill if he doesn't push the events?

actions of other people.

explain how? ...

I guess Cowboy can't "explain how" so I will explain what a prophecy is......a prophecy is what is referred to as the events that will take place in "God's Divine Plan" ....all events in this plan that has taken place or will take place has already be planned by God to take place .....

God's Divine Plan is like the gears within a watch that God himself has constructed order for "the watch of God" to reach the time of would be impossible for any of the gears within the watch to have "free Will" to accomplish this, they have "no choice" but to function in the way that God has programmed them to function in order to full fill the prophecy of 1am ..... when it is said that God "GAVE" his only begotton means that Jesus didn't have "Free Will" or any say so in the matter....

the insane part of God's Divine Plan" is that he will judge you for the exact things he himself forced you to do in order to full fill his prophecies

Sorry i did not see the question. A prophecy is:

"knowledge of the future (usually said to be obtained from a divine source)
# a prediction uttered under divine inspiration"

And so what you tried to say about it taking away anyone's free will is way out in left field, has nothing to do with that. Again, a prophecy is only a foretold story of what will happen. For instance, my prophecy could be that the sun will go down tonight about 8 pm and rise tomorrow about 5:45am.

Or even more on a personal level, I prophesy that you will use the restroom today. Am I taking away your free will? No, a prophecy is a foretold event ahead of time before it happens.

your definition of a "prophecy" stated that it is knowledge of the future obtained from a divine source referring to your prophecy that I will use the washroom today, did God or some other Divine source personally give you this information? ...

in other words did God say ...BEHOLD COWBOY...In the beginning there was Funches and Funches will use the washroom today

because if you didn't receive this information personally from God then you are what God and the bible warn people against...the False prophet which means you are in league with The AntiChrist ..check "Revelations"

so Cowboy now have three options ...did you get your prophecy that I will use the washroom today from God? from Satan?...or are you perhaps "mistaken" that the knowledge that people use the washroom everyday is actually having a prophecy?

""knowledge of the future (usually said to be obtained from a divine source)"

Notice this part of the definition, knowledge of the future....... "usually: said to be obtained from a divine source....... usually funches, usually. Does NOT have to always be from divine sources.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 09/09/10 07:27 AM

No Jesus could not have been God in the times of the old testament very true. You know why? Because Jesus wasn't Jesus as we know him today in those times.

John 1:1
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14
14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth

As you see here Jesus was the word made flesh.

since The Word aka (Jesus)in the beginning was still considered to be God ..this means that during the times of the Old testament Jesus as The Word was still responsible for drowning everyone including innocent babies in the Great Flood, that Jesus as The Word was also responsible for killing the first born of Pharoah's people, that Jesus as The Word cause plagues Earthquakes along with a number of other catastrophes

if believers are going to claim that Jesus is God..then to deny that Jesus as The Word was responsible for all the killing generated by God in the Old Testament would be hypocritical and a lack of faith that Jesus In the Beginning was God

This just shows you don't know what death is. Death is not passing away on this earth. The ONLY way one can die is by not receiving the gift of heaven. Those innocent babies you talk about that you claim were killed actually was not killed, those babies just got a straight ticket to heaven and didn't have to face the diseases and or pain on this earth. Again, passing away on earth is NOT death.

no photo
Thu 09/09/10 07:33 AM

No it's not a lie and you're missing my ENTIRE point. God may have given Jesus, BUT it was still Jesus' own free will to do with what he wanted. Jesus COULD have become a drunk he wished to use his FREE WILL that way. But no, Jesus used his FREE WILL to do as our father wanted him to.

this happen before Jesus was even's no getting around the fact that God impregnanted Mary so that he could give Jesus away Mother like Son neither had any say so in the matter hence no "Free Will" ...everything was always foretold....that is what is meant by prophecy ....unless of course you are willing to admit that God makes mistakes and therefore not all prophecies by God come true

Prophecy is a foretold action. Does not mean that it's pushed in that way. Like my prophecy is later today the sun will go down and early tomorrow the sun will come up. I have NO way of CAUSING this to happen, it's just a foreseen action. And it specifically says Mary was willing to take this on. An angel appeared to marry before this happened, she could have said right then and there she does not wish to take this on. So therefore no free will was taken away. Marry knew this was gonna happen before it did and she was ok with it. And still Jesus had the free will to live his life how he wished. But he used again his free will to do God's will. Again, Jesus could have turned out to be a drunk, a theif, a killer, and many other things. But he used his free will to complete what he was sent to do. Just because someone is sent for something does NOT mean it's taking away their free will. With that idea of looking at it, then wow even I have taken away people's free will by asking them to do something for me.

again you keep trying to compare yourself to you have the power to prohibit the Sun from rising...God supposedly have that power which is why he has the power to push events to full fill his prophecies explain why God would make a prophecy that he couldn't full fill ...

Again a prophecy is ONLY a foreseen actions. Does NOT mean it's pushed to happen. And yes God does have the power to push to have the prophecies fulfilled, but if he did he would have taken away someone's free will. But that doesn't happen, so we don't have to worry about it. And what in the world are you talking about God making a prophecy that couldn't be fulfilled? ALL the prophecies of God have been and or will be fulfilled.

but you still haven't answer the are his prophecies full fill if he doesn't push the events?

actions of other people.

explain how? ...

I guess Cowboy can't "explain how" so I will explain what a prophecy is......a prophecy is what is referred to as the events that will take place in "God's Divine Plan" ....all events in this plan that has taken place or will take place has already be planned by God to take place .....

God's Divine Plan is like the gears within a watch that God himself has constructed order for "the watch of God" to reach the time of would be impossible for any of the gears within the watch to have "free Will" to accomplish this, they have "no choice" but to function in the way that God has programmed them to function in order to full fill the prophecy of 1am ..... when it is said that God "GAVE" his only begotton means that Jesus didn't have "Free Will" or any say so in the matter....

the insane part of God's Divine Plan" is that he will judge you for the exact things he himself forced you to do in order to full fill his prophecies

Sorry i did not see the question. A prophecy is:

"knowledge of the future (usually said to be obtained from a divine source)
# a prediction uttered under divine inspiration"

And so what you tried to say about it taking away anyone's free will is way out in left field, has nothing to do with that. Again, a prophecy is only a foretold story of what will happen. For instance, my prophecy could be that the sun will go down tonight about 8 pm and rise tomorrow about 5:45am.

Or even more on a personal level, I prophesy that you will use the restroom today. Am I taking away your free will? No, a prophecy is a foretold event ahead of time before it happens.

your definition of a "prophecy" stated that it is knowledge of the future obtained from a divine source referring to your prophecy that I will use the washroom today, did God or some other Divine source personally give you this information? ...

in other words did God say ...BEHOLD COWBOY...In the beginning there was Funches and Funches will use the washroom today

because if you didn't receive this information personally from God then you are what God and the bible warn people against...the False prophet which means you are in league with The AntiChrist ..check "Revelations"

so Cowboy now have three options ...did you get your prophecy that I will use the washroom today from God? from Satan?...or are you perhaps "mistaken" that the knowledge that people use the washroom everyday is actually having a prophecy?

""knowledge of the future (usually said to be obtained from a divine source)"

Notice this part of the definition, knowledge of the future....... "usually: said to be obtained from a divine source....... usually funches, usually. Does NOT have to always be from divine sources.

that's because "usually" refer to something else other than God ...some believe that Satan is a Divine source again I asked where did you get your prophecy from....did you get it personally from God or some other divine source?

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 09/09/10 07:58 AM

No it's not a lie and you're missing my ENTIRE point. God may have given Jesus, BUT it was still Jesus' own free will to do with what he wanted. Jesus COULD have become a drunk he wished to use his FREE WILL that way. But no, Jesus used his FREE WILL to do as our father wanted him to.

this happen before Jesus was even's no getting around the fact that God impregnanted Mary so that he could give Jesus away Mother like Son neither had any say so in the matter hence no "Free Will" ...everything was always foretold....that is what is meant by prophecy ....unless of course you are willing to admit that God makes mistakes and therefore not all prophecies by God come true

Prophecy is a foretold action. Does not mean that it's pushed in that way. Like my prophecy is later today the sun will go down and early tomorrow the sun will come up. I have NO way of CAUSING this to happen, it's just a foreseen action. And it specifically says Mary was willing to take this on. An angel appeared to marry before this happened, she could have said right then and there she does not wish to take this on. So therefore no free will was taken away. Marry knew this was gonna happen before it did and she was ok with it. And still Jesus had the free will to live his life how he wished. But he used again his free will to do God's will. Again, Jesus could have turned out to be a drunk, a theif, a killer, and many other things. But he used his free will to complete what he was sent to do. Just because someone is sent for something does NOT mean it's taking away their free will. With that idea of looking at it, then wow even I have taken away people's free will by asking them to do something for me.

again you keep trying to compare yourself to you have the power to prohibit the Sun from rising...God supposedly have that power which is why he has the power to push events to full fill his prophecies explain why God would make a prophecy that he couldn't full fill ...

Again a prophecy is ONLY a foreseen actions. Does NOT mean it's pushed to happen. And yes God does have the power to push to have the prophecies fulfilled, but if he did he would have taken away someone's free will. But that doesn't happen, so we don't have to worry about it. And what in the world are you talking about God making a prophecy that couldn't be fulfilled? ALL the prophecies of God have been and or will be fulfilled.

but you still haven't answer the are his prophecies full fill if he doesn't push the events?

actions of other people.

explain how? ...

I guess Cowboy can't "explain how" so I will explain what a prophecy is......a prophecy is what is referred to as the events that will take place in "God's Divine Plan" ....all events in this plan that has taken place or will take place has already be planned by God to take place .....

God's Divine Plan is like the gears within a watch that God himself has constructed order for "the watch of God" to reach the time of would be impossible for any of the gears within the watch to have "free Will" to accomplish this, they have "no choice" but to function in the way that God has programmed them to function in order to full fill the prophecy of 1am ..... when it is said that God "GAVE" his only begotton means that Jesus didn't have "Free Will" or any say so in the matter....

the insane part of God's Divine Plan" is that he will judge you for the exact things he himself forced you to do in order to full fill his prophecies

Sorry i did not see the question. A prophecy is:

"knowledge of the future (usually said to be obtained from a divine source)
# a prediction uttered under divine inspiration"

And so what you tried to say about it taking away anyone's free will is way out in left field, has nothing to do with that. Again, a prophecy is only a foretold story of what will happen. For instance, my prophecy could be that the sun will go down tonight about 8 pm and rise tomorrow about 5:45am.

Or even more on a personal level, I prophesy that you will use the restroom today. Am I taking away your free will? No, a prophecy is a foretold event ahead of time before it happens.

your definition of a "prophecy" stated that it is knowledge of the future obtained from a divine source referring to your prophecy that I will use the washroom today, did God or some other Divine source personally give you this information? ...

in other words did God say ...BEHOLD COWBOY...In the beginning there was Funches and Funches will use the washroom today

because if you didn't receive this information personally from God then you are what God and the bible warn people against...the False prophet which means you are in league with The AntiChrist ..check "Revelations"

so Cowboy now have three options ...did you get your prophecy that I will use the washroom today from God? from Satan?...or are you perhaps "mistaken" that the knowledge that people use the washroom everyday is actually having a prophecy?

""knowledge of the future (usually said to be obtained from a divine source)"

Notice this part of the definition, knowledge of the future....... "usually: said to be obtained from a divine source....... usually funches, usually. Does NOT have to always be from divine sources.

that's because "usually" refer to something else other than God ...some believe that Satan is a Divine source again I asked where did you get your prophecy from....did you get it personally from God or some other divine source?

My prophecy had no divine source, again it's only usually got a divine source, this is a time when there is no divine source. And this is the last response to this question for it is not of talk about religions at all nor is it in the subject of what this thread is about. It is getting personal, you use that tactic to get under people's skin so that they will get frustrated and respond out of frustration and not with totally clear thinking. So good day to you sir less you wish to get back to the topic of the thread.

no photo
Thu 09/09/10 08:02 AM

No Jesus could not have been God in the times of the old testament very true. You know why? Because Jesus wasn't Jesus as we know him today in those times.

John 1:1
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14
14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth

As you see here Jesus was the word made flesh.

since The Word aka (Jesus)in the beginning was still considered to be God ..this means that during the times of the Old testament Jesus as The Word was still responsible for drowning everyone including innocent babies in the Great Flood, that Jesus as The Word was also responsible for killing the first born of Pharoah's people, that Jesus as The Word cause plagues Earthquakes along with a number of other catastrophes

if believers are going to claim that Jesus is God..then to deny that Jesus as The Word was responsible for all the killing generated by God in the Old Testament would be hypocritical and a lack of faith that Jesus In the Beginning was God

This just shows you don't know what death is. Death is not passing away on this earth. The ONLY way one can die is by not receiving the gift of heaven. Those innocent babies you talk about that you claim were killed actually was not killed, those babies just got a straight ticket to heaven and didn't have to face the diseases and or pain on this earth. Again, passing away on earth is NOT death.

sorry Cowboy...but since one of Jesus"s commandments is "thou shalt not kill" proves that people can be kill including those babies that Jesus killed during The Great Flood..

Jesus also deem those babies as being tainted by their parents which means those babies weren't whisked to Heaven because that would mean that Heaven would be tainted by it's more than likely that Jesus is sending those babies into the lake of fire ...

no photo
Thu 09/09/10 08:15 AM

My prophecy had no divine source, again it's only usually got a divine source, this is a time when there is no divine source. And this is the last response to this question for it is not of talk about religions at all nor is it in the subject of what this thread is about. It is getting personal, you use that tactic to get under people's skin so that they will get frustrated and respond out of frustration and not with totally clear thinking. So good day to you sir less you wish to get back to the topic of the thread. you're trying to blame me?...see that's what I like about the's made sure that people like you didn't go around lying in the name of God and claiming they have prophecies ....

since you just claim that your prophecy was not from a divine source such as God then where did you get your prophecy information from ...since you are supposedly a Christian and your prophecy did not come from could have only come from Satan

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 09/09/10 08:54 AM

No Jesus could not have been God in the times of the old testament very true. You know why? Because Jesus wasn't Jesus as we know him today in those times.

John 1:1
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14
14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth

As you see here Jesus was the word made flesh.

since The Word aka (Jesus)in the beginning was still considered to be God ..this means that during the times of the Old testament Jesus as The Word was still responsible for drowning everyone including innocent babies in the Great Flood, that Jesus as The Word was also responsible for killing the first born of Pharoah's people, that Jesus as The Word cause plagues Earthquakes along with a number of other catastrophes

if believers are going to claim that Jesus is God..then to deny that Jesus as The Word was responsible for all the killing generated by God in the Old Testament would be hypocritical and a lack of faith that Jesus In the Beginning was God

This just shows you don't know what death is. Death is not passing away on this earth. The ONLY way one can die is by not receiving the gift of heaven. Those innocent babies you talk about that you claim were killed actually was not killed, those babies just got a straight ticket to heaven and didn't have to face the diseases and or pain on this earth. Again, passing away on earth is NOT death.

sorry Cowboy...but since one of Jesus"s commandments is "thou shalt not kill" proves that people can be kill including those babies that Jesus killed during The Great Flood..

Jesus also deem those babies as being tainted by their parents which means those babies weren't whisked to Heaven because that would mean that Heaven would be tainted by it's more than likely that Jesus is sending those babies into the lake of fire ...

Since the bible is translated into english from a different language and i've seen translations of the commandments that say specifically "thou shall not murder". You can't take just one verse here and there and have it make sense. You have to take the entire bible to grasp the meaning. Because Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, is referring to the death of our souls, eg., not receiving the gift of heaven.

no photo
Thu 09/09/10 09:00 AM

My prophecy had no divine source, again it's only usually got a divine source, this is a time when there is no divine source. And this is the last response to this question for it is not of talk about religions at all nor is it in the subject of what this thread is about. It is getting personal, you use that tactic to get under people's skin so that they will get frustrated and respond out of frustration and not with totally clear thinking. So good day to you sir less you wish to get back to the topic of the thread. you're trying to blame me?...see that's what I like about the's made sure that people like you didn't go around lying in the name of God and claiming they have prophecies ....

since you just claim that your prophecy was not from a divine source such as God then where did you get your prophecy information from ...since you are supposedly a Christian and your prophecy did not come from could have only come from Satan

If the Bible is so logical, why do you have soooo many questions about it?

Prophecy, a foretelling of the future.
True prophet = 100% correct.
False prophet = Not 100% correct.

no photo
Thu 09/09/10 10:07 AM

No Jesus could not have been God in the times of the old testament very true. You know why? Because Jesus wasn't Jesus as we know him today in those times.

John 1:1
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14
14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth

As you see here Jesus was the word made flesh.

since The Word aka (Jesus)in the beginning was still considered to be God ..this means that during the times of the Old testament Jesus as The Word was still responsible for drowning everyone including innocent babies in the Great Flood, that Jesus as The Word was also responsible for killing the first born of Pharoah's people, that Jesus as The Word cause plagues Earthquakes along with a number of other catastrophes

if believers are going to claim that Jesus is God..then to deny that Jesus as The Word was responsible for all the killing generated by God in the Old Testament would be hypocritical and a lack of faith that Jesus In the Beginning was God

This just shows you don't know what death is. Death is not passing away on this earth. The ONLY way one can die is by not receiving the gift of heaven. Those innocent babies you talk about that you claim were killed actually was not killed, those babies just got a straight ticket to heaven and didn't have to face the diseases and or pain on this earth. Again, passing away on earth is NOT death.

sorry Cowboy...but since one of Jesus"s commandments is "thou shalt not kill" proves that people can be kill including those babies that Jesus killed during The Great Flood..

Jesus also deem those babies as being tainted by their parents which means those babies weren't whisked to Heaven because that would mean that Heaven would be tainted by it's more than likely that Jesus is sending those babies into the lake of fire ...

Since the bible is translated into english from a different language and i've seen translations of the commandments that say specifically "thou shall not murder". You can't take just one verse here and there and have it make sense. You have to take the entire bible to grasp the meaning. Because Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, is referring to the death of our souls, eg., not receiving the gift of heaven.

oh oh...(the olde bible must have been mis-translated excuse) ....if you actually believe that even one thing even one iota in the bible is mis-translated then you have no faith in God's Word...

because perhaps the word Satan was mis-translated and actually means Jesus other words stick to what's written in the bible only those in league with Satan would try and change what's written in it

if the bible says "Thou Shalt Not Kill"...then you as a Christian should not be suggesting that the bible has been mis-translated and that God's Word in the bible is a lie

no photo
Thu 09/09/10 10:22 AM

If the Bible is so logical, why do you have soooo many questions about it?

BEHOLD ....I have no questions...only answers...funches 3:16

Prophecy, a foretelling of the future.
True prophet = 100% correct.
False prophet = Not 100% correct.

this still means that as Christians if you and Cowboy didn't get your prophecy information from God you have to get it from Satan

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 09/09/10 10:22 AM

No Jesus could not have been God in the times of the old testament very true. You know why? Because Jesus wasn't Jesus as we know him today in those times.

John 1:1
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14
14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth

As you see here Jesus was the word made flesh.

since The Word aka (Jesus)in the beginning was still considered to be God ..this means that during the times of the Old testament Jesus as The Word was still responsible for drowning everyone including innocent babies in the Great Flood, that Jesus as The Word was also responsible for killing the first born of Pharoah's people, that Jesus as The Word cause plagues Earthquakes along with a number of other catastrophes

if believers are going to claim that Jesus is God..then to deny that Jesus as The Word was responsible for all the killing generated by God in the Old Testament would be hypocritical and a lack of faith that Jesus In the Beginning was God

This just shows you don't know what death is. Death is not passing away on this earth. The ONLY way one can die is by not receiving the gift of heaven. Those innocent babies you talk about that you claim were killed actually was not killed, those babies just got a straight ticket to heaven and didn't have to face the diseases and or pain on this earth. Again, passing away on earth is NOT death.

sorry Cowboy...but since one of Jesus"s commandments is "thou shalt not kill" proves that people can be kill including those babies that Jesus killed during The Great Flood..

Jesus also deem those babies as being tainted by their parents which means those babies weren't whisked to Heaven because that would mean that Heaven would be tainted by it's more than likely that Jesus is sending those babies into the lake of fire ...

Since the bible is translated into english from a different language and i've seen translations of the commandments that say specifically "thou shall not murder". You can't take just one verse here and there and have it make sense. You have to take the entire bible to grasp the meaning. Because Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, is referring to the death of our souls, eg., not receiving the gift of heaven.

oh oh...(the olde bible must have been mis-translated excuse) ....if you actually believe that even one thing even one iota in the bible is mis-translated then you have no faith in God's Word...

because perhaps the word Satan was mis-translated and actually means Jesus other words stick to what's written in the bible only those in league with Satan would try and change what's written in it

if the bible says "Thou Shalt Not Kill"...then you as a Christian should not be suggesting that the bible has been mis-translated and that God's Word in the bible is a lie

as i've mentioned, alot bible translations state specifically thou shall not "MURDER". It's not mis-tralsated, just similar meanings, you have to keep the context of the bible and again take the whole bible to get what it's saying, not a verse here and a verse there. Murder would consist of you killing someone's physical self. Sin is the ONLY way to die. For death is the wage for sin but eternal life comes through Jesus. I can NOT Kill you, nor can you kill me or anyone else. You can murder me, but you can NOT kill me.

no photo
Thu 09/09/10 10:34 AM

No Jesus could not have been God in the times of the old testament very true. You know why? Because Jesus wasn't Jesus as we know him today in those times.

John 1:1
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14
14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth

As you see here Jesus was the word made flesh.

since The Word aka (Jesus)in the beginning was still considered to be God ..this means that during the times of the Old testament Jesus as The Word was still responsible for drowning everyone including innocent babies in the Great Flood, that Jesus as The Word was also responsible for killing the first born of Pharoah's people, that Jesus as The Word cause plagues Earthquakes along with a number of other catastrophes

if believers are going to claim that Jesus is God..then to deny that Jesus as The Word was responsible for all the killing generated by God in the Old Testament would be hypocritical and a lack of faith that Jesus In the Beginning was God

This just shows you don't know what death is. Death is not passing away on this earth. The ONLY way one can die is by not receiving the gift of heaven. Those innocent babies you talk about that you claim were killed actually was not killed, those babies just got a straight ticket to heaven and didn't have to face the diseases and or pain on this earth. Again, passing away on earth is NOT death.

sorry Cowboy...but since one of Jesus"s commandments is "thou shalt not kill" proves that people can be kill including those babies that Jesus killed during The Great Flood..

Jesus also deem those babies as being tainted by their parents which means those babies weren't whisked to Heaven because that would mean that Heaven would be tainted by it's more than likely that Jesus is sending those babies into the lake of fire ...

Since the bible is translated into english from a different language and i've seen translations of the commandments that say specifically "thou shall not murder". You can't take just one verse here and there and have it make sense. You have to take the entire bible to grasp the meaning. Because Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, is referring to the death of our souls, eg., not receiving the gift of heaven.

oh oh...(the olde bible must have been mis-translated excuse) ....if you actually believe that even one thing even one iota in the bible is mis-translated then you have no faith in God's Word...

because perhaps the word Satan was mis-translated and actually means Jesus other words stick to what's written in the bible only those in league with Satan would try and change what's written in it

if the bible says "Thou Shalt Not Kill"...then you as a Christian should not be suggesting that the bible has been mis-translated and that God's Word in the bible is a lie

as i've mentioned, alot bible translations state specifically thou shall not "MURDER". It's not mis-tralsated, just similar meanings, you have to keep the context of the bible and again take the whole bible to get what it's saying, not a verse here and a verse there. Murder would consist of you killing someone's physical self. Sin is the ONLY way to die. For death is the wage for sin but eternal life comes through Jesus. I can NOT Kill you, nor can you kill me or anyone else. You can murder me, but you can NOT kill me.'s time that you and other Christians learn that just because you claim to be christians it doesn't give you the right to change what's written in the bible, and that only Satan would tempt you to change God's Word....

it's amazing how me a non-believer have to tell you to have faith as to what's written in the bible ....pure karma

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 09/09/10 10:39 AM

No Jesus could not have been God in the times of the old testament very true. You know why? Because Jesus wasn't Jesus as we know him today in those times.

John 1:1
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14
14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth

As you see here Jesus was the word made flesh.

since The Word aka (Jesus)in the beginning was still considered to be God ..this means that during the times of the Old testament Jesus as The Word was still responsible for drowning everyone including innocent babies in the Great Flood, that Jesus as The Word was also responsible for killing the first born of Pharoah's people, that Jesus as The Word cause plagues Earthquakes along with a number of other catastrophes

if believers are going to claim that Jesus is God..then to deny that Jesus as The Word was responsible for all the killing generated by God in the Old Testament would be hypocritical and a lack of faith that Jesus In the Beginning was God

This just shows you don't know what death is. Death is not passing away on this earth. The ONLY way one can die is by not receiving the gift of heaven. Those innocent babies you talk about that you claim were killed actually was not killed, those babies just got a straight ticket to heaven and didn't have to face the diseases and or pain on this earth. Again, passing away on earth is NOT death.

sorry Cowboy...but since one of Jesus"s commandments is "thou shalt not kill" proves that people can be kill including those babies that Jesus killed during The Great Flood..

Jesus also deem those babies as being tainted by their parents which means those babies weren't whisked to Heaven because that would mean that Heaven would be tainted by it's more than likely that Jesus is sending those babies into the lake of fire ...

Since the bible is translated into english from a different language and i've seen translations of the commandments that say specifically "thou shall not murder". You can't take just one verse here and there and have it make sense. You have to take the entire bible to grasp the meaning. Because Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, is referring to the death of our souls, eg., not receiving the gift of heaven.

oh oh...(the olde bible must have been mis-translated excuse) ....if you actually believe that even one thing even one iota in the bible is mis-translated then you have no faith in God's Word...

because perhaps the word Satan was mis-translated and actually means Jesus other words stick to what's written in the bible only those in league with Satan would try and change what's written in it

if the bible says "Thou Shalt Not Kill"...then you as a Christian should not be suggesting that the bible has been mis-translated and that God's Word in the bible is a lie

as i've mentioned, alot bible translations state specifically thou shall not "MURDER". It's not mis-tralsated, just similar meanings, you have to keep the context of the bible and again take the whole bible to get what it's saying, not a verse here and a verse there. Murder would consist of you killing someone's physical self. Sin is the ONLY way to die. For death is the wage for sin but eternal life comes through Jesus. I can NOT Kill you, nor can you kill me or anyone else. You can murder me, but you can NOT kill me.'s time that you and other Christians learn that just because you claim to be christians it doesn't give you the right to change what's written in the bible, and that only Satan would tempt you to change God's Word....

it's amazing how me a non-believer have to tell you to have faith as to what's written in the bible ....pure karma

LoL funches nothing is being changed. It's written in the bible "thou shall not murder".

no photo
Thu 09/09/10 11:03 AM

No Jesus could not have been God in the times of the old testament very true. You know why? Because Jesus wasn't Jesus as we know him today in those times.

John 1:1
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14
14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth

As you see here Jesus was the word made flesh.

since The Word aka (Jesus)in the beginning was still considered to be God ..this means that during the times of the Old testament Jesus as The Word was still responsible for drowning everyone including innocent babies in the Great Flood, that Jesus as The Word was also responsible for killing the first born of Pharoah's people, that Jesus as The Word cause plagues Earthquakes along with a number of other catastrophes

if believers are going to claim that Jesus is God..then to deny that Jesus as The Word was responsible for all the killing generated by God in the Old Testament would be hypocritical and a lack of faith that Jesus In the Beginning was God

This just shows you don't know what death is. Death is not passing away on this earth. The ONLY way one can die is by not receiving the gift of heaven. Those innocent babies you talk about that you claim were killed actually was not killed, those babies just got a straight ticket to heaven and didn't have to face the diseases and or pain on this earth. Again, passing away on earth is NOT death.

sorry Cowboy...but since one of Jesus"s commandments is "thou shalt not kill" proves that people can be kill including those babies that Jesus killed during The Great Flood..

Jesus also deem those babies as being tainted by their parents which means those babies weren't whisked to Heaven because that would mean that Heaven would be tainted by it's more than likely that Jesus is sending those babies into the lake of fire ...

Since the bible is translated into english from a different language and i've seen translations of the commandments that say specifically "thou shall not murder". You can't take just one verse here and there and have it make sense. You have to take the entire bible to grasp the meaning. Because Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, is referring to the death of our souls, eg., not receiving the gift of heaven.

oh oh...(the olde bible must have been mis-translated excuse) ....if you actually believe that even one thing even one iota in the bible is mis-translated then you have no faith in God's Word...

because perhaps the word Satan was mis-translated and actually means Jesus other words stick to what's written in the bible only those in league with Satan would try and change what's written in it

if the bible says "Thou Shalt Not Kill"...then you as a Christian should not be suggesting that the bible has been mis-translated and that God's Word in the bible is a lie

as i've mentioned, alot bible translations state specifically thou shall not "MURDER". It's not mis-tralsated, just similar meanings, you have to keep the context of the bible and again take the whole bible to get what it's saying, not a verse here and a verse there. Murder would consist of you killing someone's physical self. Sin is the ONLY way to die. For death is the wage for sin but eternal life comes through Jesus. I can NOT Kill you, nor can you kill me or anyone else. You can murder me, but you can NOT kill me.'s time that you and other Christians learn that just because you claim to be christians it doesn't give you the right to change what's written in the bible, and that only Satan would tempt you to change God's Word....

it's amazing how me a non-believer have to tell you to have faith as to what's written in the bible ....pure karma

LoL funches nothing is being changed. It's written in the bible "thou shall not murder".

well I'm going out on a limb here and going to assume that you can't read Hebrew and that the bible you were taught from was of an English which version of the english bible did you get this from that "thou shalt not murder" ...

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 09/09/10 11:18 AM

No Jesus could not have been God in the times of the old testament very true. You know why? Because Jesus wasn't Jesus as we know him today in those times.

John 1:1
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14
14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth

As you see here Jesus was the word made flesh.

since The Word aka (Jesus)in the beginning was still considered to be God ..this means that during the times of the Old testament Jesus as The Word was still responsible for drowning everyone including innocent babies in the Great Flood, that Jesus as The Word was also responsible for killing the first born of Pharoah's people, that Jesus as The Word cause plagues Earthquakes along with a number of other catastrophes

if believers are going to claim that Jesus is God..then to deny that Jesus as The Word was responsible for all the killing generated by God in the Old Testament would be hypocritical and a lack of faith that Jesus In the Beginning was God

This just shows you don't know what death is. Death is not passing away on this earth. The ONLY way one can die is by not receiving the gift of heaven. Those innocent babies you talk about that you claim were killed actually was not killed, those babies just got a straight ticket to heaven and didn't have to face the diseases and or pain on this earth. Again, passing away on earth is NOT death.

sorry Cowboy...but since one of Jesus"s commandments is "thou shalt not kill" proves that people can be kill including those babies that Jesus killed during The Great Flood..

Jesus also deem those babies as being tainted by their parents which means those babies weren't whisked to Heaven because that would mean that Heaven would be tainted by it's more than likely that Jesus is sending those babies into the lake of fire ...

Since the bible is translated into english from a different language and i've seen translations of the commandments that say specifically "thou shall not murder". You can't take just one verse here and there and have it make sense. You have to take the entire bible to grasp the meaning. Because Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, is referring to the death of our souls, eg., not receiving the gift of heaven.

oh oh...(the olde bible must have been mis-translated excuse) ....if you actually believe that even one thing even one iota in the bible is mis-translated then you have no faith in God's Word...

because perhaps the word Satan was mis-translated and actually means Jesus other words stick to what's written in the bible only those in league with Satan would try and change what's written in it

if the bible says "Thou Shalt Not Kill"...then you as a Christian should not be suggesting that the bible has been mis-translated and that God's Word in the bible is a lie

as i've mentioned, alot bible translations state specifically thou shall not "MURDER". It's not mis-tralsated, just similar meanings, you have to keep the context of the bible and again take the whole bible to get what it's saying, not a verse here and a verse there. Murder would consist of you killing someone's physical self. Sin is the ONLY way to die. For death is the wage for sin but eternal life comes through Jesus. I can NOT Kill you, nor can you kill me or anyone else. You can murder me, but you can NOT kill me.'s time that you and other Christians learn that just because you claim to be christians it doesn't give you the right to change what's written in the bible, and that only Satan would tempt you to change God's Word....

it's amazing how me a non-believer have to tell you to have faith as to what's written in the bible ....pure karma

LoL funches nothing is being changed. It's written in the bible "thou shall not murder".

well I'm going out on a limb here and going to assume that you can't read Hebrew and that the bible you were taught from was of an English which version of the english bible did you get this from that "thou shalt not murder" ...

New international Version (1984)
You shall not murder

New Living tralation (2007)
You must not murder

English Standard Version
You shall not murder

English Revised Version
Thou shalt do no murder

Youg's Literal Translation
Thou dost not murder