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Topic: A Desperate Agenda
Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 09/28/18 01:53 PM

I really dont know about the Cosby accusers. I know I saw nothing that was proof of non consent, besides their word on what happened.

What she claims has still not been proven untrue, so it doesnt fit slander or libel. Cosby tried the same thing and they dismissed it, even before his TRIAL.

What she claims happened would not have 'evidence' beyond what she could do to prove its veracity, a lie detector test and the admission to a paid counselor years before. There was only one other person in the room with her and he would not have motive to incriminate himself, even under penalty of perjury(Remember Clinton?)

His denial is expected and the others merely said they didnt remember the party, which is proof of nothing.

You really don't know about the Cosby accusers?
Well, you sure as hell did know alot about them a year ago in your posts on the Cosby subject

You have a selective memory

laugh :

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 09/28/18 01:54 PM

Read this. MSh

no photo
Fri 09/28/18 02:07 PM
Brett Kavanaugh's Tears, Decoded by a Body Language Expert

In part,

"She goes on to add that tears, as well as laughter and anger, are known in deception detection as "cover emotions," which are "emotions that cover up their untruths."


no photo
Fri 09/28/18 02:44 PM
With her hair falling constantly in her face, I read that as she's trying hide something.

With Murkowski, Collins, and Flake on the fence,it looks like it'll be another week. If Murkowski and Collins decide to vote for, then this fbi probe may be for nothing.

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/28/18 03:11 PM
it reminded me really of a Kevin Hart skit where he is talking about winning an argument with a lady.

he said just get loud and yell about nonsense and then walk out before you can be called on it .. its hilarious, and that second half of the day made me wonder if certain folks had been taking notes.

I cant post Kevin here, but I think its under "How to win a fight with a woman' or something like that. She calls on him coming in the door telling him she saw him with another girl, and he goes on a tangent yelling about how she always has the microwave on high when he comes in the house.

the dramatic outbursts and evasive answers reminded me of it.

no photo
Fri 09/28/18 03:18 PM
Will he tell the truth?

Kavanaugh Friend Mark Judge Says He'll Cooperate With FBI If Investigation Opens

"Mark Judge, a high school friend of Brett Kavanaugh’s who Christine Blasey Ford said was present when Kavanaugh allegedly sexually assaulted her, said he will cooperate with the FBI if an investigation is opened".



no photo
Fri 09/28/18 03:20 PM

Brett Kavanaugh's Tears, Decoded by a Body Language Expert

In part,

"She goes on to add that tears, as well as laughter and anger, are known in deception detection as "cover emotions," which are "emotions that cover up their untruths."


The one that screams the loudest in denial is usually the most guilty.

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/28/18 03:25 PM
Deny and deflect, deny and deflect, deny and deflect, deny and deflect ...

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 09/28/18 04:25 PM

With her hair falling constantly in her face, I read that as she's trying hide something.

I noticed that !!! laugh

She should have pinned that hair back or up. Something !!

Workin4it's photo
Fri 09/28/18 05:05 PM

Here's the way it is, Nothing has been proven or disproven. If they go ahead and confirm him now without concrete evidence proving him innocent, They will once again be screwing themselves.

The way most people will look at it, they are railroading him in. Right now there is a big black cloud of doubt hanging over this guy. Confirming now is the same thing as saying it's OK. A justice is supposed to be beyond reproach. But without a full investigation, no one will ever really know.

If they confirm him now without all the evidence in, It will be seen as a Republican-led coverup.
the black cloud is there alright but not a cloud of dought on kavanaughs part . It's the cloud of deceit and diversion put there by a group of people without a shred of integrity. If we don't go through this sherade of a investigation that will reveal no more than what we know now, if we don't there will not be enough votes to confirm him( Jeff flake a republican in name only).

no photo
Fri 09/28/18 05:26 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Fri 09/28/18 05:28 PM
Under pressure, Trump orders FBI Kavanaugh probe, causing week delay


We will see.

no photo
Fri 09/28/18 06:17 PM
So says the the democratic party- the party of slander.

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 09/28/18 06:30 PM

So says the the democratic party- the party of slander.


indianadave4's photo
Fri 09/28/18 06:44 PM

Deny and deflect, deny and deflect, deny and deflect, deny and deflect ...

The FBI should do a 40 year background check on every member of Congress and every federal judge and see who's left standing!

no photo
Fri 09/28/18 06:53 PM
Edited by greeneyes148 on Fri 09/28/18 06:54 PM

Deny and deflect, deny and deflect, deny and deflect, deny and deflect ...

Ms..I started a thread on Bill Cosby..and you bring the first response defected to Trump. ? look at it..first response

So who' s deflecting who?

Can' t take it ..Lol

Let's call spade..a spade..you can dish it out..but can't take it.

indianadave4's photo
Fri 09/28/18 09:07 PM
WASHINGTON ― In 1999, Juanita Broaddrick said then-President Bill Clinton had raped her 20 years earlier. She received skeptical media attention at that time, and several polls found that the American public didn’t believe her.

Now, with the Me Too movement bringing greater scrutiny to bad men in politics, media and business ― and even ending their careers ― journalists have revisited Broaddrick’s story and found it more credible. Even Democratic voters now say they believe the sexual assault or harassment allegations against Clinton. For that, Broaddrick is glad.

Specifically, Broaddrick said Senate Democrats refused to read a deposition she’d given investigators into Clinton’s misconduct. Broaddrick’s allegation had been omitted from the articles of impeachment that passed the House in 1998, however, which focused on his committing perjury while president, and only surfaced after the Senate acquitted Clinton the following year.

The fact that nobody said they heard about Blasey’s assault around the time it occurred, Broaddrick said, is why she finds it unbelievable. “You compare that with mine ― data, dates, people I told, injuries,” she said, referring to her claim that Clinton bit her lip.

“I think she’s casting a very dark shadow on real victims,” Broaddrick said.

The only person other person Blasey said was in the room was Mark Judge, a classmate of Kavanaugh’s who has said he never saw the judge behave in the way Blasey described. But Republicans have shown little interest in getting further testimony from Judge, a conservative writer.



So will the democrat's ask that Bill Clinton be investigated by the FBI and DOJ?

Anyone holding their breath?

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/28/18 09:45 PM
Green, I was not referring to anyone posting here. I was referring, as I was in my previous posts, to KAVANAUGH's performance while being questioned.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 09/28/18 09:47 PM

Under pressure, Trump orders FBI Kavanaugh probe, causing week delay


We will see.

Now your criticizing him for doing what you guys ask? Jesus, there is no winning with the Looney Left.

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/28/18 09:50 PM

comparing how a teen in an all girls school would react to popular wealthy boys locking her in a room and covering her screams with their hand with how a career woman might react to an encounter with a colleague at a hotel room who has 'bit her lip' is a bit beyond the pale. Did Miss Broadrick ever undergo a polygraph or document her injuries?

Me thinks this may be just another chance to have a few minutes of spotlight for herself.

it really doesnt matter though, because Bill Clinton is no longer running for any office, let alone one that will be a LIFETIME job with authority over others.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 09/28/18 09:54 PM

comparing how a teen in an all girls school would react to popular wealthy boys locking her in a room and covering her screams with their hand with how a career woman might react to an encounter with a colleague at a hotel room who has 'bit her lip' is a bit beyond the pale. Did Miss Broadrick ever undergo a polygraph or document her injuries?

Me thinks this may be just another chance to have a few minutes of spotlight for herself.

it really doesnt matter though, because Bill Clinton is no longer running for any office, let alone one that will be a LIFETIME job with authority over others.

The polygraph isn't an argument I would use if I were you. It was not accurately done, the examiner was not allowed to ask baseline questions and was provided a script. All, which are no-no's. Even one of the top sex crimes prosecutors in the country didn't believe her.

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