Community > Posts By > woodford

woodford's photo
Fri 04/10/09 07:11 PM
totaly agree with mirror here.

makes me want to watch "encino man" agian. Polly Shore baby!!

woodford's photo
Fri 04/10/09 05:10 PM
well spoken advice here.

for my part I realy dont like to even mention the S word. I would like to start out with a good solid friendship that can grow into the volcano of lust and love I want to share with a partner in life.

mostly I dont talk about it strate off becouse I dont find sex to be the cornerstone to a relationship..... hmm, ok yeah it is. just not the first one put down. even tho sexual preferances and fetishes can sour a relationship when on uneven ground faster than finding out they are not as single as they first said they were.

woodford's photo
Fri 04/10/09 04:45 PM
next to love there is not much comparison to anything else.

there are substitues that fill the void. spending time with my family or friends always is a good substitute for the love of another.

woodford's photo
Fri 04/10/09 04:19 PM
depends, do they know she is with me? is she flirting back? if yes to those then no Im not. If she shoots em down and comes over to me and hugs me then yeah. still if they know she is with me I am usualy not thinking of much else but handing them a pice of my mind as to how disrespectfull I find them to be.

woodford's photo
Fri 04/10/09 04:11 PM
if your realy creative then take some time and using a cigar box *you can get em from a local tobaco retailer* and dress it up with pictures or drawings some ribbon and toggle tie to close it. things like that are cool. use buttons to give it texture even.

not sure but as a guy I always need a box to hold something in and something like that I have got as a gift befor. I use it to hold lots of momentos in.

woodford's photo
Thu 04/09/09 11:22 PM
like that sceen from "Train spotting" LOL.

when sober, same as when drunk I suppose. what do women want, why my current is so cool or if i dont have a current then why the last was a ****. relationship advice like, dude go to and totaly get your groove on when she gets that package. semi romantic gestures that can get you big points and are easy enough to not take lots of planning even tho they look it. or perhaps just be total pigs and talk about the hotties if we are all single LOL

woodford's photo
Thu 04/09/09 11:14 PM
living in arizona I tell my female friends to pack a gun and have me or someone they trust hang out tell the all clear sign is given. like when meeting at a coffee shop I hang out at another table tell she nods ok to me then i go. never had to deal with the alternitive. and a good phone call or text after a few hours is standard as well. cannot trust anyone blindely these days. sadly.

woodford's photo
Thu 04/09/09 11:06 PM

I'd be VERY leery of traveling anywhere to meet someone you've only met online, especially at your age. There's no telling what kind of nefarious schemes could be in store for you on the part of the person you're going to go see.


I love those words, I get to use it so little and I passed by a perfect oportunity!!!

woodford's photo
Thu 04/09/09 11:04 PM
Ill chip in a few bucks to help take people like that out of the DNA pool

woodford's photo
Thu 04/09/09 10:50 PM
Edited by woodford on Thu 04/09/09 10:54 PM
the worst thing would be for you to pay for a ticket to go to a strange place with no backup to see a person for the first time. have them come to you. as a guy I would rather go see a woman and let it be on her "turf" so that she has all the protection imaginable. especaly given your surcomstance I would insist on it.

another thing. if your hesitent there is a reason. if it sounds like it could bo bad then dont think of fairy tales and hope for a happy ever after. think of axe murderers and your parrents never knowing what realy happend to you.

hmm, ok sorry not trying to be all doom and gloom but yes Im trying to say what I would tell my sister. DONT TRUST UNTELL YOU HAVE GOOD REASON TO.

if you ment like to move to him and live together..... take that slow as well. perhaps he can move to you? moving away from your support group is hard if things get rocky or just flat dont work who are you going to turn to for emotional help. and dont say the phone its not as effective as a sholder to cry on and it cannot hug you back.

woodford's photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:56 PM
I found motivation and the desire to better myself more each day. to build myself and her up and become more than one person alone could be. To take the advice and counsle of my mate and intigrate it into my life in an effort to not just be an individual but part of a team.

abbot and costello are funy. yet singly are not so enjoyable. so it is with marrage for me.

not to say that im a slob and all that single. I just feel a distinct lack direction in my goals for life.

woodford's photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:45 PM

I will take "Things to do to Crush a Person to Pieces" for $1,000

I feel the same way.

as to wrong, its wrong to hurt anothers on purpouse yet unshared love is all around so there is no need to not try and express yourself in an effort to please those around you. just be assertive in your feelings twards the crush holder.

woodford's photo
Thu 04/09/09 04:50 PM
Edited by woodford on Thu 04/09/09 04:51 PM
years ago I got a friend a job where I worked. It didnt work out becouse my reputation was sullied do to his lack off ethic.

Later in life I was aproched by a guy who wanted me to hire him for a position I was interviewing canidates for. He thought that becouse we had gone to school together he was going to be my choice. Unfortunatly for him I had to say that he was not the ideal canditate for this position due to the ethic he had in school. he was upset and never called me again.

I figure if that guy could not see the line between friend and work or reality and fiction then I realy didnt need his friendship in the first place.

ps, it took me a week to call him and say what i ended up saying as it was hard to not want to lie and take the easy way out. or just hire him and carry him with loss to my own productivity.

woodford's photo
Thu 04/09/09 04:05 PM
Edited by woodford on Thu 04/09/09 04:08 PM
a friend is no longer a friend to me when there wants conflict with my needs. My needs are simple, be someone who I can trust and be someone who is supportive. these are the things I am offering for friendship why would I expect any less in return.

I also had to let my friends go many years ago when they wanted to do drugs and party. I wanted to walk a different path. recently a simular issue came up when my ex and I split. no need to try and share friends it will always lead to someone taking sides at some point.

woodford's photo
Wed 04/08/09 06:42 PM
Edited by woodford on Wed 04/08/09 06:55 PM
alternitive vs vanilla :banana: pitchfork

offtopic sorry Tina

woodford's photo
Wed 04/08/09 05:31 PM
Edited by woodford on Wed 04/08/09 05:35 PM

I dont feel its a good idea to discount anyone just baced on a simple fact of working together. I feel its best to evaluate it and insure its not infatuation or some other feeling as the ramifications are more than just personal. the secular implications are real and harsh.

no I have not dated anyone I worked with. mostly due to the fact that I was married and so was not looking. and currently the ones I would ask out are only in this country for a few months getting trained befor headed back to there home land. the others are just not my type. guess Ill find out one day if and when Im faced with that decision.

If you want to date someone at work, go for it. Some of us have just offered warnings about it. That's all.

and I beleve that your warnings are quite justified and come from a place of experiance and wisdom. I was just trying to offer my thoughts and as such should be looked as as no more note worthy than the few secconds it takes to scroll past them flowerforyou

I have worked with my ex wife when we were married. and it was noted by our employer that it was quite nice to see people who were able to leave it at the door. I guess I am just that kind of person that no matter what when Im working even during a fight I will not let it interfear. I just dont see a reason to share my fights or great love with everyone around me at inaproptiate times. *shrug* thats me tho and I agree not everyone is that way.

woodford's photo
Wed 04/08/09 05:27 PM
I tend to people watch as I think many of us do. nto the creepy sit at a park and watch kids but the look at those around you at a resteraunt or book store. Takeing a look at those around you vs taking an avid interest or prolonged look as someone of the oposit sex is very different to me. I expect my SO to notice there suroundings but to keep glancing over at the walking sculpture is another.

I do at least apreciate them doing it strate off as I know right away that I will not enjoy haning around them for long and that I may be an option.

nice bump to that thread:tongue:

woodford's photo
Tue 04/07/09 08:46 PM

Just a place to hang and visit with...the other visiters.


no expectations just make of it what you want.

woodford's photo
Tue 04/07/09 08:23 PM
I dont feel its a good idea to discount anyone just baced on a simple fact of working together. I feel its best to evaluate it and insure its not infatuation or some other feeling as the ramifications are more than just personal. the secular implications are real and harsh.

no I have not dated anyone I worked with. mostly due to the fact that I was married and so was not looking. and currently the ones I would ask out are only in this country for a few months getting trained befor headed back to there home land. the others are just not my type. guess Ill find out one day if and when Im faced with that decision.

woodford's photo
Tue 04/07/09 08:17 PM
most definatly I agree that no one should put themselfs in the position of door mat to another. EVERYONE is unique and special and deserves more than second prize and a thanks for playing hear is your play at home board game.