Community > Posts By > woodford

woodford's photo
Wed 04/01/09 07:20 PM
using a phony pic on the profile or one thats from many moons ago

woodford's photo
Wed 04/01/09 07:14 PM
relationships are all about compromise. not just simularitys but how you deal with differances. some things can be compromised others cannot.

no I wont become veggan. Yes I will not put my feet on the sink to cut my toe nails.

depends on the issue I guess is my point. but I do want to at least be communicated with as to a consern.

woodford's photo
Wed 04/01/09 07:08 PM
was married to a Bi woman. caused insicuritys but only when she wanted to act on those feelings. it would be the same if she wanted to act on feelings twards a man.

so, I dont care what sexual orientation you were or are just what are you going to do about it now that Im in your life.

as to male bi sexuals. *shrug* by brother is gay. what do I care what happens in your bedroom. I dont want to know honestly. I care what happens in my bedroom. and only me and my partner should be having anything go on in there.

woodford's photo
Wed 04/01/09 07:01 PM
I gave up TV watching long ago. I enjoy movies however my books have to stay. more often than not Im online or reading.... you can have my tube. leave the book racks alone.

woodford's photo
Wed 04/01/09 12:16 AM
Edited by woodford on Wed 04/01/09 12:17 AM
I read this and think wow, some people realy dont know how to take care of there own space to the point that on a first time over to the house the thought of simply cleaning up a little or putting the porn away is not going through there minds????

scarry actualy. guess I should not worry so much. I keep house like michiganman he and I are flying on easy streat comparitivly.

but yeah so not having the time to live like monk. I want to sleep some time.

woodford's photo
Wed 04/01/09 12:06 AM
my smile, my eyes and my way of puting people at ease.

woodford's photo
Wed 04/01/09 12:03 AM
so sorry to hear that was the case for you who were abused. glad to see you are still out there pitching and not curled up in a corner letting it keep you down.

hurra for you flowerforyou

woodford's photo
Wed 04/01/09 12:01 AM
the commitment on my part im not afraid of. the lack of commitment at the same level has burned me altho im kinda like the kid who keeps reaching for the item on the stove whem mom is yelling HOT HOT. Ill try again in hopes that that same level can be shared. if I half ass it it will show and wont reach that beautiful shangrila I want.

woodford's photo
Tue 03/31/09 11:50 PM
:tongue: flowerforyou

woodford's photo
Tue 03/31/09 11:49 PM
well. for me the answer is simple. if both partys love the other then there is never a point I call it quits. that said there is a difference in love of a friend and love of a partner in life. if one party is unwilling to continue the compromise that makes up a relationship in a heathy way for both then its at an end.

learning to speak the language of your partner and they yours will always help. going to a counceler can help.

hope that helped and didnt confuse you further.

woodford's photo
Tue 03/31/09 11:37 PM
agreed. the term market makes me think of fish on ice. or that I need a logo.

for myself, when I decide that this person is someone I want to date. no set number of dates but there is the feeling of more than just friendship and curiosity. there is that hmm your special to me. its a commitment of time that says im focused on you. and if its returned can bring some nice rewards.

woodford's photo
Tue 03/31/09 11:30 PM
as a guy who works for engineers. *what they dream up i have to build* I read your profile and say wow I know where your coming from. as a guy who was in a relationship and was left the thought is .... how to i show that it happend but im not the forgetfull cheating, wife beating, ignore the childeren for my own fun comes first type of guy? perhaps we just were truely not compadable... it happens. so we share to much in an effort to forgo some judgement that the words divorced or seperated can bring up.

and talkig about drive time and stuff... lol i know why you put it. but yeah there right. TMI. lots of other things to put like what qualitys you want out of your ideal partner. or a list of values you hold dear. umm a short list ... like 9.

anyway. partner I feal your pain. take it easy and your on the right track... your being yourself what more can be wanted or expected.

woodford's photo
Tue 03/31/09 08:09 PM
I think its a very nice profile. winking

woodford's photo
Tue 03/31/09 07:18 PM
Im from california beach area originaly. the heat you get used to. but its not easy.

woodford's photo
Tue 03/31/09 07:10 PM
hehe, trying to figure out what main pic i like best. thanks. cool picks yourself btw.

woodford's photo
Tue 03/31/09 07:07 PM
come back to glendale. its in need of nice people. just wait a few months its starting to get hot again

woodford's photo
Tue 03/31/09 06:59 PM
thanks :)

woodford's photo
Tue 03/31/09 06:47 PM
anyone up to atempting to help me out with my profile? thanks in advance.

woodford's photo
Tue 03/31/09 06:14 PM
I have looked in the mail for my meds... I figure they are still on the way tho. 4 to 6 week delivery time i guess.

lead balloons..... those would make a party kinda funny to see.

woodford's photo
Tue 03/31/09 06:10 PM
well, a bad pic is almost worse than no pic. but yeah. kinda need them. as to dating here..... Im just back to single life so I have no idea.