Community > Posts By > InvictusV

InvictusV's photo
Tue 09/01/15 05:44 PM

Yes invictus this did happen. If you look at the video of that one protest during that specific chant you will also see that those marching in front of the banner some holding the banner and some behind the banner are white. Marching hand in hand chanting alongside the black protesters.

The Sheriff in the incident in Texas had a fair chance on national tv to respond to criticism to specific questions from specific named critics. His responses are listed above. The particular response that he conveyed to anyone watching or reading is,

"Clearly, my agenda is to make sure that we tone down the temperament of all rhetoric when it gets so inflammatory."

There are plenty of whites involved in this. I am certain that at some point the elite white progressives will start financing it as it was shown they were doing by paying people to protest in Ferguson.

They aren't doing it because they care about black lives they are doing it because they want a destabilized society.

Chaos and fear make them money.

InvictusV's photo
Tue 09/01/15 10:19 AM

There have not been reliable and stable statistics maintained about mentally ill people committing crimes, so trying to decide if there is a greater percentage of mentally ill people or not isn't definitely possible.

I know a couple of cautionary things to point out.

One, is that the clinical definition of mentally ill is changing all the time. Also, the LEGAL definition of mentally ill is changing as well, and it's only marginally related to the clinical definition.

The other, is that the people who report this stuff to us, are prone to following fads. So one month, while the hot fad is race-on-race crime, THAT will get reported prominently, even if race itself played no role in the actual crime. The next month, wannabe terrorists may be the hot topic, and every time some college kid expresses solidarity with the plight of some middle eastern subgroup, it will make the front page. Then obviously wildly incoherently insane crime will be a fad. And the crimes which were ignored the previous two months, will be headlined every day.

To top that all off, it's very probably true on some level, that ALL crime is a sign of mental illness. Everything except entirely accidental crime, at least.

Simple answer: I don't know if it's increasing or not, but I actually kind of hope that people think that it is. Because if they do, we might be able to finally begin to get our society to commit enough resources to dealing with mental health, that we can actually make more lasting headway against ALL crime.

I wouldn't go so far as to call the talking points 'fads' I think the speed and diversity of media outlets available and what we chose to pay attention to or can't ignore would be a more accurate description--for most. That being said I can understand why you worded it that way.
This topic played a major role in the murder of Harris County Sheriff Deputy Darren Goforth. Sheriff Ron Hickman initially attributed the heinous act to the Black Lives Matter movement and surrounding rhetoric.

In October 2012 Shannon Miles got into an altercation with another homeless man at a shelter in Austin Texas which resulted in him being charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Before Miles court date he was found "mentally incompetent to stand trial" by a psychiatrist the judge agreed and Miles was sent to a state mental hospital for 6 months. Miles had a few other misdemeanor charges that were penalized with time served but nothing major. (CNN Ed Lavendera)

Sheriff Ron Hickman when questioned by Anderson Cooper
"Is there any new evidence pointing to his alleged motive?"

"We continue to research that issue, certainly we are interested in any connection the two of them ever had.
Thus far we have not found a connection. "

"At this point, do you still believe Deputy Goforth was targeted solely targeted because of his uniform?"

"At this juncture we find no other motivation other than the fact that he eas wearing a uniform which makes it purely a random kind of issue."

"Over the weekend we heard you say black lives matter, white lives matter, well cops lives matter too. At any point when the rhetoric ramps up to the calculated cold blooded assassinations of police officers happen, that rhetoric has gotten out of control. To be clear, do you believe that the black lives matter movement is somehow responsible for Deputy Goforths death?"

"One can speculate that the rhetoric in our area, of course we're only a short distance down the road from Waller county where the Bland case has elevated the tension to those issues to a very high level. So it isn't a far stretch to believe that that kind of rhetoric could influence someone."

"But you have no direct evidence at this point of what was in this alleged killers mind?"
"No. Certainly not."
"There has been some criticism of your statement. Texas State Representative Garnett Coleman said that he thinks your statement is politicizing his death and it says it quote,"shows a lack of understanding what's occurring in this country when it comes to the singling out of African-Americans." I want you to be able to respond to that. Do you think there is any validity to the concerns of the black lives matter movement?"

"Well, I think he may misunderstand my purpose there. There will be people who want to make this a political issue. That's not my interest. I have visited with the wife of the slain Deputy and she very clearly indicated that she wants to communicate that we're on target. All lives do matter. If we have any connection whatsoever with the public we want to convey that message."

"An organizer of with a group called The Organization for the Black Struggle also criticized your statement saying "the Black lives matter movement has never condoned any violence against police officers and if you can't understand why people are saying black lives matter than that's the problem." I want you to be able to respond to that. "

"There will be people that pervert this, twist it for their own purposes and to pursue their own agendas. Clearly, my agenda is to make sure that we tone down the temperament of all rhetoric when it gets so inflammatory."

"So to those who say they will continue to protest in the Black lives matter movement, what do you say? Is your concern just bringing down some of the rhetoric, is it the movement in general?"

"I don't think the movement in general is what we're talking about. I think what we're talking about is the extremes. When you start talking about taking people's lives, and taking pictures (Roanoke) you know, killing cops on radio talkshows (this) kind of rhetoric can get out of hand."

"The President of the Fraternal Order of Police said that he thinks this should be labeled a hate crime. Do you think that's the case?"

"I think if we can demonstrate that he was isolated and selected because he's wearing a uniform I think that would qualify."

Transcript of entire interview lest I be blamed for taking it out of context. Subpoenas are in order for mental health records of Miles from the state hospital and any others. A six month State hospitalization on court order for awdw being his hand(s) would undeniably be a sign of mental illness. While Deputy Goforth was one of the good guys, Travis County court has proven that mental illness is without doubt a factor in his tragic death. May he rest in peace.

The Minneapolis march has come under criticism by police for a 30-second chant "pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon" uttered by some protesters during Saturday's four-hour march. Rashad Turner, the lead organizer of the Black Lives Matter protest, said the chant was meant to call for similar treatment between black people and police officers.

"We're not going to get caught up in one chant out of four hours and apologize for that," he said.;_ylt=A0LEVjoY3eVVJh4AGvMnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--

InvictusV's photo
Mon 08/31/15 08:20 PM
I like a good freak show..

You don't even have to pay to see this one..

InvictusV's photo
Mon 08/31/15 04:07 PM

This is a bit of a read, I hope you enjoy .... your thoughts are welcome.

Ok, I'm not sure if you've heard the talk of the possibility of a WWIII coming soon but It's NOT. It's been going on for a Decade and NOBODY has even realized it !!!
The reason no-one realizes it is simple, they don't recognize it. Why?, you say, "How would we not recognize war?".
It is because it is not a traditional war ... they did it in reverse. What's more, although most don't even know it has started, it is almost over ... and we have very nearly LOST!
In WWII you had a war we recognize because it was the natural order of WAR.
First: Invade with a military force.
Second: Take control of the Government and politicians.
Third: Take control of the finances
But they have changed the rules ....
In WWIII the natural order of War has changed or reversed, if you will..
First: Take control of finances through bank collapse and subsequent bailouts.
Second: Take control of governments and politicians with demands attached to said bailouts.
Third: Threat of Military force against any Non-compliant countries as a last resort.
Most will think step three is not possible but this option was included in the "Fiscal Compact" which we voted in favor of with the political cry, "There is NO other way", while the fine print in the deal told us otherwise.The same inane reasoning was used for the subsequent bank bailout, "There is no other way". Under the fiscal compact, any country who becomes non-compliant with the austerity measures handed down, can have their government completely replaced by Europe. The threat of military action was not denied by Sarkosy in a letter to Van Rumpoy from himself and Angela Merkle.
" Sarkozy was opaque on whether such “enforcement” would involve military action or invasion of the offending countries"-…/16624-merkozy-letter-to-eu-…
This is bad enough, Europe having complete control of each individual nation, with a single Government but this is not the end of it.
We now have the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP, which will, in one stroke of the pen, give Corporations control over sovereign nations and governments, and that includes the future single European government. Under this trade deal, corporations will be able to sue countries for loss of "Predicted future profits" if their bottom line is affected by either non-compliance or laws and legislation wanting to be passed by governments for the good of the people that would be deemed negative to the corporate bottom line. This in essence gives the power of law, legislation and the rules of trade to the corporations. This IS the definition of the "Corporate takeover".
If things were to go this far (and we're very nearly there) the option of "Revolution" for any individual nation will be met with overwhelming force. By this time the ONLY way through is a united European Revolution - WAR ! But this will be a WAR by each individual nation against Their Own Governments and the Corporations controlling them and it will need to be done simultaneously to work. The other option is to end up fighting FOR THEM.
We will get our traditional War one way or the other because if we do not fight the fight we need to fight, we will end up fighting the fight we DO NOT want to fight.
Full Scale WAR with America/Europe on one side and Russia/China on the other. Even Ireland will be brought into this because we are NOT a sovereign nation any more and neither are we a Neutral country.
If we are going to fight, why not fight NOW, for what we have, for the people of our nation and not for the good of faceless corporations and all they want.
Spread the awareness, TPP has to be Stopped and so does our Government of treacherous Yes men. We are running out of time but one way or another, it's getting time to "Baton down the Hatches"!

These free trade deals are so patently absurd I just have to shake my head.

Some factory worker in Vietnam making 45 cents an hour is now going to buy a brand new Cadillac because there are no tariffs on it... LMAO

It is a shame that for so long there have been so many stupid phucking people in this world to allow it to spiral into this cluster phucked mess..

InvictusV's photo
Sun 08/30/15 08:20 AM
Please note, I am not pointing my finger at anyone HERE, I think that so far, most of us have been reasonable.

I am sure everyone feels much better about themselves after reading this.

Already mentally ill people, and desperate people, and genuinely downtrodden and socially victimized people are again and again, being pushed to commit horrible acts

Elaborate for a change.. Sweeping generalized statements without fact are meaningless.

We have anti-black racists proclaiming that because the suspect is black, that this proves that they are right in their hatred; we have anti-gun control people proclaiming that this sort of thing proves that we should ALL openly carry guns, and point them at every stranger we see; we have pro-gun-control people who proclaim that this proves that they are right, and that very stringent laws against guns should be enacted

This is your interpretation. Show some evidence by posting links to validate these claims.

However, I do also think that more intelligent and careful attention needs to be paid than has been, to the whole DYNAMICS of these episodes.

What are these special dynamics that we are all missing?

Enlighten us..

InvictusV's photo
Thu 08/27/15 06:32 PM
The mental health problem in this country will never be fixed until the insurance companies stop deciding what kind of and how long care will be provided to people that are crazy..

InvictusV's photo
Thu 08/27/15 03:56 PM

must be nice,,, the subtle privilege of being in
the majority, pointing out all the ways others
are 'disproportionately' inferior...
What's nice is posting facts to disprove bull$hit posted by people too afraid to see the actual problem..
But hey, you should feel got me on that "violent" point. Blacks are more prolific murderers. Take solace in that...Im sure you and Jesse are proud.

13% commit HALF the murders....

Now this thread is all yours MsH...have at it. Excuse make away.....

LOL,, thats all right, Ill leave you with your justifications for the killing of unarmed black men,,,

The number of unarmed black men killed by cops is not even comparable to the number of unarmed black men killed by armed black men..

There are things that can be done to begin to limit the number of shootings by police. Training.. Tightening of the rules on use of deadly force and quite frankly vigorous prosecution of those cops that break the law.

But in terms of black on black crime... What is it going to take? There isn't going to be a magic wand waving...

Zero shootings by police won't stop black gangs from killing each other or innocent men women and children.

When do the lives of those men women and children murdered matter?

Mike Brown... Freddie Gray... Putting people that cause problems in the community on this pedestal because they were killed by cops and forgetting about children being slaughtered in the streets walking home from school is scandalous.

This black lives matter thing is going nowhere until the daily slaughter of black youth by other blacks is addressed in ways other than blaming slavery or segregation..

You want whites to own up to things that happened... You need to own to a few as well..

InvictusV's photo
Thu 08/27/15 11:42 AM

oh, I love the simple question

to come upon face to face, ENCOUNTER

by the numbers with there being a six to one ratio of whites to blacks

that means every unique black person potentially has six unique white people they could encounter

and in a largely segregated society, for another example, a black person may only encounter blacks in their immediate community on a regular basis,, but when they have to leave their community they are much less likely to avoid an encounter with whites

whereas, in that same society, a white person may only encounter whites in their community on a regular basis, and when they leave are more likely to be able to AVOID encountering blacks

that was one of the purposes of segregation, minorities had to live in the world of the white male,, not vice versa

You are talking about how encounters should equal crime.

Not every single black person wants to kill someone. So taking the overall numbers of people in the entire group and then saying that based on the number of encounters the crime rate should be higher is not a basis statistically to make that argument.

Where I work there are 40 production workers and 30 are black. Does that mean based on your logic that the interracial crime rate at my workplace should be much higher because when I leave my office I encounter 30 black men?


in your example,,,there are 3 black workers to every 1 white worker

that would mean it would be numerically logical, considering every white worker has 3 unique black victims,,, and only every third black worker has their own unique white victim

IF whites were 'more likely' to be involved in crimes of an INTERRACIAL nature against their coworkers,,

based on their being 'more likely' to have the opportunity to do so,,,

so, if someone were to point out that at your workplace that whites were involved in interracial crimes three times as much as blacks were, that would not prove some exceptional propensity towards crime, but would reflect numbers that logically added up based upon OPPORTUNITY to commit interracial crime being 3 times more likely

It isn't numerically logical because violent crimes in the workplace are not as common as on any given street . I would suggest that the workplace is in fact where the highest occurrence of these black white encounters take place.

InvictusV's photo
Thu 08/27/15 10:23 AM

oh, I love the simple question

to come upon face to face, ENCOUNTER

by the numbers with there being a six to one ratio of whites to blacks

that means every unique black person potentially has six unique white people they could encounter

and in a largely segregated society, for another example, a black person may only encounter blacks in their immediate community on a regular basis,, but when they have to leave their community they are much less likely to avoid an encounter with whites

whereas, in that same society, a white person may only encounter whites in their community on a regular basis, and when they leave are more likely to be able to AVOID encountering blacks

that was one of the purposes of segregation, minorities had to live in the world of the white male,, not vice versa

You are talking about how encounters should equal crime.

Not every single black person wants to kill someone. So taking the overall numbers of people in the entire group and then saying that based on the number of encounters the crime rate should be higher is not a basis statistically to make that argument.

Where I work there are 40 production workers and 30 are black. Does that mean based on your logic that the interracial crime rate at my workplace should be much higher because when I leave my office I encounter 30 black men?

InvictusV's photo
Thu 08/27/15 09:52 AM

ooh, so fun to play with numbers and statistics,,

my turn

estimated 2013 population 316,497,531

of which 245,918, 581 (77.7 %) are white
and 41,777, 674 (13.2%) are black

doing math, that makes (roughly) 6 white people for every black person
and conversely only a 1/6 chance for each white person to run into a black person


blacks are 6 times more likely to encounter a white person than vice versa

meaning if things were truly equal we should see whites being 6 times more likely to be killed by blacks, not 2 times

kind of knocking the idea of 'disproportionate' (interracial) criminality out of the water,,

I will be you...

What defines an encounter?

At work? At school? In the mall?

At what times of the day are these encounters taking place?

InvictusV's photo
Thu 08/27/15 09:29 AM

That's a cop oun intended

December 11, 2014 7:12 PM
The FBI has just released its supplemental
homicide data for 2012, including the numbers
of interracial killings . These are highly relevant
for the current rallying cry that “black lives
Unfortunately, the FBI continues its usual
practice of combining whites and Hispanics into
the single category “white,” thus overstating
white crime and victimization rates. Even so,
the data are telling.
A “white” homicide victim is over twice as likely
to be killed by a black than a black homicide
victim is to be killed by a “white.” Sixteen
percent of “white” victims in homicide incidents
involving a single victim and single offender
were killed by blacks, compared with only 7
percent of black victims who are killed by
“whites.” Given the fact that blacks are less
than 13 percent of the national population,
their homicide rate against whites and
Hispanics combined is vastly disproportionate
to their share of the population. There were 431
black killers of “whites,” compared to 193
“white” killers of blacks. Undoubtedly a large
percentage of interracial killings involve gang
killings among black and Hispanic gangs; the
number of non-Hispanic whites who kill blacks
is undoubtedly far lower than 193. (The number
of non-Hispanic whites killed by blacks is also
presumably lower than 431.)
Blacks are also disproportionately represented
among cop killers. In 2013, blacks made up 42
percent of all cop killers whose race was known.
It is tempting to say in response to this latest
data, drearily repetitive of everything that went
before it, that “white lives matter.” Of course
that would be racist. But it is precisely in
response to the disproportionate criminality
among the black population that the police are
deployed in much higher numbers in black
neighborhoods, where they are trying to save
innocent lives. There are thousands of law-
abiding inner-city blacks who live by bourgeois
values and who need protection from criminals.
Only the police are willing to provide that
protection. Their mantra could be “black lives
matter.” The 200 or so reported killings of
blacks by police officers — nearly all justified —
pale in comparison to the 6,000 or so killings
of blacks by other blacks.""

Now do what you do....totally ignore facts and spin away.

People prefer numbers that are contrived to fit their agenda.

When lies are told enough times they become the truth to the obtuse/ weak minded people that need an excuse for their failure and jealousy.

InvictusV's photo
Thu 08/27/15 07:12 AM
The Arab Spring has resulted in the Arab Flood..

InvictusV's photo
Wed 08/26/15 08:59 PM

no doubt the democrats WERE the party of slavery, emphasis on WERE, but look where that democratic party was mostly represented?

I wonder how many of those states are STILL democratic?

Obama won Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia and Florida twice.

InvictusV's photo
Wed 08/26/15 07:28 PM

Rev Jeremiah Wright...of the "Goddam America" fame...endorsed Obama....hell, he was Obama's pastor for 20 years.
I doubt Trump has ever been in the same room with that dumbazz David Duke.
It's a non issue.
So what? Wright has every reason to god damn America, every president of the US had a duke clone endorsing them.

The big difference is Wright nor Blacks have a history of genocide against whites, but Duke on the other hand comes from an old American tradition of terrorism.


the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.

Explain when this occurred..
???? Holy crap!! Lol!!!

Can you read?

Where in history did a genocide of blacks occur at the hands of whites in this country or any other country?

You don't have an answer because it never happened.. So LOL at that..
That's because you suffer from amnesia.

So I'll help you, scholars such as James Loewen estimates that as much as 3000 Black communities were ethnically cleansed by white violence and other means of intimidation during the early part of the 20th century alone.

That's genocide.

Historian Gregory Downs has researched that as many as 50,000 Black Americans were killed by White racial terrorism in the 30 years following the end of the American Civil War, this constitute genocide.

This total does not include the 4000-8000 lynchings, burnings that occurred throughout the south and other parts of the nation.
In 1919 alone there were 26 White on Black riots.

Study the infamous "Red Summers" in America.
There was Tulsa, Oklahoma, Rosewood, and The famouse Draft Riots in which even a Black orphanage was burned to the ground filled with children.

Genocide is well documented in American history.
One simply needs to remove the denial that is racism.

James Loewens book was totally discredited. By none other than the Washington Post.. Not your bastion of white racism. He couldn't provide the evidence to back up his numbers, so it has been concluded he just made them up..

So strike one..

Gregory Downs used an anonymous congressman's estimation that 50,000 were killed... Any substantiated proof to the claim? NOPE..

Strike two...

As much as you wish you knew as much as you think you do... Know this.... If whites were on a crusade to exterminate the black race in America... You would have never been born... Believe that..

There was no genocide...

InvictusV's photo
Wed 08/26/15 02:32 PM

Rev Jeremiah Wright...of the "Goddam America" fame...endorsed Obama....hell, he was Obama's pastor for 20 years.
I doubt Trump has ever been in the same room with that dumbazz David Duke.
It's a non issue.
So what? Wright has every reason to god damn America, every president of the US had a duke clone endorsing them.

The big difference is Wright nor Blacks have a history of genocide against whites, but Duke on the other hand comes from an old American tradition of terrorism.


the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.

Explain when this occurred..
???? Holy crap!! Lol!!!

Can you read?

Where in history did a genocide of blacks occur at the hands of whites in this country or any other country?

You don't have an answer because it never happened.. So LOL at that..

InvictusV's photo
Wed 08/26/15 10:10 AM
Another fine upstanding citizen...

InvictusV's photo
Wed 08/26/15 05:26 AM

Some people just can't recognize the merits of respecting and upholding a family name.
It is possible that a legacy is about to die...

The Mandela name lived on after Winnie was found to have ordered the murder, rape and torture of men women and children..

I just read that she threatened the accuser in this case.. Sent one of her bodyguards to pay them a visit and ask them if they wanted to join her to 'discuss' the matter at her home.. haha... Never to be seen or heard from again..

They declined... This girl won't make it to court to testify..

I dont know much about the wife, but she is not a Mandela by birthright. Its not the same as when male heirs of the family name disgrace the legacy their forefathers left.
I know that paternal lineage is not a big issue in some cultures, but it is still a consideration to many.
The fact that his grandson has already been accused, already tarnishes whatever his granddad stood for. "Taking care" of the problem doesnt help in the long run either.

I don't know how old you are, but she was the face of the crusade to get Mandela freed.

She was there arm and arm when he walked out of prison.

The world knows who she is and what she did.

No one knows who this grandson is.

i read some old articles that looked pertinent to his marriage to Winnie. i make my case. she does not affect the Mandela name and brand. but his kids and grandkids do.,-winnie.html

As I said. No one knows who the grandson is and if you weren't alive or paying attention during the Free Mandela campaign then you can't get that by reading a few articles.

InvictusV's photo
Tue 08/25/15 09:40 PM

Some people just can't recognize the merits of respecting and upholding a family name.
It is possible that a legacy is about to die...

The Mandela name lived on after Winnie was found to have ordered the murder, rape and torture of men women and children..

I just read that she threatened the accuser in this case.. Sent one of her bodyguards to pay them a visit and ask them if they wanted to join her to 'discuss' the matter at her home.. haha... Never to be seen or heard from again..

They declined... This girl won't make it to court to testify..

I dont know much about the wife, but she is not a Mandela by birthright. Its not the same as when male heirs of the family name disgrace the legacy their forefathers left.
I know that paternal lineage is not a big issue in some cultures, but it is still a consideration to many.
The fact that his grandson has already been accused, already tarnishes whatever his granddad stood for. "Taking care" of the problem doesnt help in the long run either.

I don't know how old you are, but she was the face of the crusade to get Mandela freed.

She was there arm and arm when he walked out of prison.

The world knows who she is and what she did.

No one knows who this grandson is.

InvictusV's photo
Tue 08/25/15 09:02 PM

Some people just can't recognize the merits of respecting and upholding a family name.
It is possible that a legacy is about to die...

The Mandela name lived on after Winnie was found to have ordered the murder, rape and torture of men women and children..

I just read that she threatened the accuser in this case.. Sent one of her bodyguards to pay them a visit and ask them if they wanted to join her to 'discuss' the matter at her home.. haha... Never to be seen or heard from again..

They declined... This girl won't make it to court to testify..

InvictusV's photo
Tue 08/25/15 08:41 PM
Edited by InvictusV on Tue 08/25/15 08:42 PM

Rev Jeremiah Wright...of the "Goddam America" fame...endorsed Obama....hell, he was Obama's pastor for 20 years.
I doubt Trump has ever been in the same room with that dumbazz David Duke.
It's a non issue.
So what? Wright has every reason to god damn America, every president of the US had a duke clone endorsing them.

The big difference is Wright nor Blacks have a history of genocide against whites, but Duke on the other hand comes from an old American tradition of terrorism.


the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.

Explain when this occurred..

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