Community > Posts By > ashryn

ashryn's photo
Sat 05/26/12 04:40 PM
most likely to be a patient man :smile:

ashryn's photo
Sat 05/26/12 04:36 PM
listening to the radio station 106.1

ashryn's photo
Sat 05/26/12 03:51 PM

ashryn's photo
Thu 05/24/12 06:31 PM
omg...i love it...everyday is different and you are always learning something new! i bet you are busy with your little 9 months they are always on the go crawling everywhere and finding every little thing on the floor lol

ashryn's photo
Thu 05/24/12 06:24 PM

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: That is funny.

she's my other kid! if she gets into trouble i tell her to go to time out and she goes and sits in the corner and looks at me all sad eyed. then she'll sneak over to me and try to lick me and i will point to go back into time out until the timer dings...she goes back but she walks sooo slow with her head down but as soon as the timer goes off she's like back into hyper mode lol

ashryn's photo
Thu 05/24/12 06:13 PM
my miniture pug decided to play music with the christmas ornaments last year. she would jump into the tree to hear the bells jingle! She would do it over and over all day long until i finally took the ornaments off so she would stop jumping into the tree. the last time she got stuff which was hilarious!

ashryn's photo
Thu 05/24/12 06:04 PM
Mine would be "A woman's Work" by Maxwell :)

ashryn's photo
Thu 05/24/12 06:02 PM
hi! i have two little ones but they are 7 and 8 years old but i do work in child care around babies that age! :) sorry to hear about your separation...hope you are doing okay :smile: flowerforyou

ashryn's photo
Thu 05/24/12 03:02 PM
wet laugh

ashryn's photo
Thu 05/24/12 04:29 AM
:wink: most likely realize when she makes a mistake

ashryn's photo
Tue 05/22/12 06:45 PM

JOPLIN, Mo. — President Barack Obama says the graduating seniors of a Missouri town devastated by deadly tornadoes are a "source of inspiration" to him and the nation.

Obama says the story of Joplin, Mo., is one of a community coming together in response to tragedy.

The president was speaking on the eve of the one-year anniversary of the tornado that killed 161 people. Joplin High School was destroyed and the students spent their senior year taking classes in a converted department store.

Obama says the graduating class can use it as a lesson that, in his words, "we can define our own lives not by what happens to us, but by how we respond."

Obama says that in the town of 50,000 people, nearly 50,000 more came to help after the tornado.

Parts of his speech are on the link. It was a touching speech about the people in Joplin.

Next month my church's youth group will be back in Joplin to help some more.

I think it was a wonderful heartfelt speech. It doesn't matter who wrote the words...its how it is delivered that makes the difference when it comes to a speech. It doesn't matter when he came...the fact that he came says alot. There are terrible tragedies all over the country so if we were to be realistic there is absolutely no way he could appear at every anniversary of a tragedy that has happened. I volunteered to help with a food drive to help families in Joplin as well as collect various donations such as clothing, money, batteries, etc. If anything those who graduate probably feel honored and yet the president was honored to be in their presence which would make any graduate feel proud. I send my prayers as well as my congrats to those who graduated. Their stories are truly inspirational and it just shows how a town can pull together in the mist of a tragedy. I know we all have our opinions and I respect everyone's opinion so I hope this post does not offend anyone because that was not my intent.
Thank you ashrynflowers

anytime flowerforyou

ashryn's photo
Tue 05/22/12 05:28 PM
I have to say I have meoments when i seriously want to punch a stranger. I work in a preschool. And every year when I get a new grop of kiddos I tell the parents about my son who has autism and that he will also be coming to my class after school but he will usually sit at my desk and play on the computer. One parent actually said I am so sorry. I just looked at her and asked sorry for??? She said that you have a child with autism. She was like I just can't imagine how awful that could be. I was speechless and pretty pissed but I kept my cool. We went into my office and talked a little more. My son was on my computer and we was on youtube. Then he closed out some of my files I had up and saved various papers that I had typed. She said that kid is pretty good with a computer, how old is he? I said he's 8 and he's my son. Yea he's my son, he's 8, has autism, taught himself how to use a computer, and the best thing?? His thing is befriend people without trying. He has this magnatism that just pulls people to him. :)

ashryn's photo
Tue 05/22/12 05:17 PM

My son is showing some signs of autism. I really could use some insight to the disorder. So if any one on here has a child with autism of any severity I would really appreciate some advice on how to handle a child with it. How do I go about getting him tested? etc etc

Thanks in advance

Simple autism test

We didn't have fear of autism because we signed a waiver and refused to allow our daughter to be vaccinated, an informed decision. Mathematically, there is a link to vaccines. In fact, there's even a risk of asthma, which really isn't a disease, but rather an allergic reaction. In fact, the epidemic of polio in the mid last century was caused by a live virus polio vaccine.

Medical science does not support the claim that vaccinations are linked to autism. Also, making such a claim here does nothing to help the parent of an autistic child.

When the rate of autism increases from 1 in 88 to 1 in 80, maybe you'll ask questions then. Numerically, they were linked when it jumped from 1 in 115 to 1 in 88. In fact, a vaccinated child is statistically more dangerous to an unvaccinated child and the reverse.

There is nothing to prove that autism is caused by vaccination you just as easily say it due to pasteurized milk, steriods in the animals for food, pollution affects upon the food and water sources, or even the water sanitization for drinking that over time it created austistic tendencies to rise and be passed on. Just as in your accusations against vaccinations there isn't proof of any of those things either.

I agree...My son has autism and I never thought it was from immunizations. Actually when I look back on it if I knew now what I knew then i probably could have had my son checked out way before 18 months. As a baby he did not do typical baby things. For example when you pick up a baby who is about 6 months old they tend to clutch to you. He never did that. He never made eye contact as a baby. There was a moment when we thought he may be deaf because he didn't react to things the way he should have. If anything I believe it is hereditary and it lays dormant until an environmental factor causes it to "awaken". I think it is hereditary because I can look at others in my family and see signs in them as well. Even myself. I don't like to make eye contact it creeps me out. But I know have to so I do silent counting in my head that way I am making enough eye contact to make sure people know I am listening ot them. I do have to say I really don't like when people make it seem like having a child with autism is a bad thing. It can be a wonderful experience if you want it to be. Good luck and I hope everything works out :)

ashryn's photo
Tue 05/22/12 05:09 PM

JOPLIN, Mo. — President Barack Obama says the graduating seniors of a Missouri town devastated by deadly tornadoes are a "source of inspiration" to him and the nation.

Obama says the story of Joplin, Mo., is one of a community coming together in response to tragedy.

The president was speaking on the eve of the one-year anniversary of the tornado that killed 161 people. Joplin High School was destroyed and the students spent their senior year taking classes in a converted department store.

Obama says the graduating class can use it as a lesson that, in his words, "we can define our own lives not by what happens to us, but by how we respond."

Obama says that in the town of 50,000 people, nearly 50,000 more came to help after the tornado.

Parts of his speech are on the link. It was a touching speech about the people in Joplin.

Next month my church's youth group will be back in Joplin to help some more.

I think it was a wonderful heartfelt speech. It doesn't matter who wrote the words...its how it is delivered that makes the difference when it comes to a speech. It doesn't matter when he came...the fact that he came says alot. There are terrible tragedies all over the country so if we were to be realistic there is absolutely no way he could appear at every anniversary of a tragedy that has happened. I volunteered to help with a food drive to help families in Joplin as well as collect various donations such as clothing, money, batteries, etc. If anything those who graduate probably feel honored and yet the president was honored to be in their presence which would make any graduate feel proud. I send my prayers as well as my congrats to those who graduated. Their stories are truly inspirational and it just shows how a town can pull together in the mist of a tragedy. I know we all have our opinions and I respect everyone's opinion so I hope this post does not offend anyone because that was not my intent.

ashryn's photo
Tue 05/22/12 04:13 PM

Why wud a guy cheat on u and then confess and apologise.2 forgive or not?

I had that happen to me. I guess the question would be how upset you are when you hear the news. some people don't think instead they let their emotions control them. My question to him was why? What was so bad about what we have that you needed to go sample somewhere else?? He actually ended up cheating on me twice. The last time he didn't tell me...I found out because she called my phone. I told him he was free to go. That I was not keeping him here. There was no reason for him to stay if he did not want to. I don't beg anyone to be with me. I also let him know that I don't need him to stay because we have kids together. He can be just as good a father in his own apartment as he can here. We are still friends and we still hang out but we have always been better just took us nine years to figure that out :)

ashryn's photo
Tue 05/22/12 03:56 PM
1. their accent
2. thier smell
3. their sense of humor
4. their ability to ask for help without actually asking for help lol
5. when they admit they made a mistake :)
6. must have patience with kids

ashryn's photo
Tue 05/22/12 03:50 PM

Do you think most women that you know chat a lot more then men do in general? lolll and if the answer is yes why? and if answer is no why? whats your opinion ?.................................... laugh :banana: biggrin waving :thumbsup:

I think we are a bit more chatty! My bestie and I will be on facebook and text each other at the same time! Its crazy. My sister and I are the same way...we have to talk to each other everyday about absolutely nothing. Now during football season we strictly text...I love my football and will usually put the phone away while its on lol

ashryn's photo
Tue 05/22/12 03:45 PM
I don't like when people ask about kid's personal information like do they have the same dad and so forth. I don't mind if they ask how old they are or about my son having autism. I also stop talking with them if they ask for pictures. Thats a big no no for me.

ashryn's photo
Tue 05/22/12 03:13 PM
this bowl of raisin bran is sooooo good!

ashryn's photo
Tue 05/22/12 04:45 AM
because I am apparently picky not everyone can deal with someone who has a kid with special needs...i'm busy and i can't always give them the attention they want...which i feel is understandable and fair...besides being single has its perks :)