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Sat 07/26/08 02:20 AM

iss you said ask, ever made out with a farm animal? excluding sheep because most have made out with

LMAOdrinker drinker drinker drinker Have you noticed though that few women actually came to the table for this thread! Drinks for those who did! The rest just coward like they always do!

its 2 AM!!!!

they are sleeping.....

i dare you to post this at noon and see what lilith has to say to you!!!!!
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

This thread will still be around! I'm sure I will get right and truely lynched but I hope you see that its not bitterness or anger that drives me, its curiosity! Women have their secrets and I guess my ex's are just better at getting mine from me than I am from them! I"m not the person who put a hostile spin on this thread. Its the people who misunderstoon what i was asking!

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 02:16 AM


ok you have some serious issues....

first off.. i dont think that ALL men are DOGS!!! some yes.. and some girls are b!tch whores... if everyone were the same then we'd all be sittin on a burgendy couch in a white tank and green pj pants....
but we arent...

i dont lie about my past...

not all women lie....

what do you want to know???

ive been with 17 guys willingly.. been raped by 3 guys.. one twice.. but cannot pres charges cuz there was no proof..
ive had a gun held to my head and a knife to my throat... by a male...

and through all of this.. im still not near as jaded as you!!!!!!!!!

i feel sorry for you....

good luck

I'm not Jaded or angry, just get a chuckle out the whole thing. I was only asking a question! Cudos to you for stating openly, Its hard in these threads to keep from looking bitter when trying to have an open conversation! I do admit that the thread revolves around the people I interact with and does not include "all women" I'm not lashing out at women or making bitter statements, I'm just kind of saying what the hell!

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 02:11 AM

iss you said ask, ever made out with a farm animal? excluding sheep because most have made out with

LMAOdrinker drinker drinker drinker Have you noticed though that few women actually came to the table for this thread! Drinks for those who did! The rest just coward like they always do!

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 02:09 AM

I'd say on the field of dating, men/women have about the same batting average. They are both human, capable of the same manipulation and lies. There is no all men or all women. Each gender has their own anf same amount of fallacies.

Wise words, maybe my ex is just super cagey! I guess I should give the background in that she wasn't just an ex per say, we were engaged to be married but immigration wouldn't let her stay in Canada so she had to go home. We still talk online and that is what promted my question. She's always fishing for my dirt and playing angel at the same time. I know her though! Thats whats funny about it. She has mischeif bones in her body for sure!

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 02:06 AM

I answer all questions honestly and don't leave out things or try to cover things up...
However, I don't have much to tell bigsmile

Thats probably true but at the same time, thats what I mean, all women say they have nothing to tell. Us guys know that isn't true but we let you slide on it! Why do they all say they have nothing to tell?

Well...I can't speak for all women
But im a virgin and have chosen to lead me life a certain way...not only sex wise
But sometimes maybe for others it's that they are ashamed
And/or don't want you to view them a certain way

My question isn't motivated by anger or judgement but you kind of make my case for me. How do you think men feel? We don't want women to view us "a certain way" but we fess up, if we don't, we're in deep **** and we never hear the end of it. Does that mean that no woman has let her boyfriend take shall we say photos of her? Has she never had more than one man in her bed(you are allowed to you know)! Does she have no mistakes at all?

I don't have that answer for you...
We all make mistakes...mine just aren't sexual blushing
But I think you are honestly giving men too much lie 2...and I have had plenty of male friends admit they have skeletons they wouldn't tell their gf's....
So this is not a female's a human issue that varies from person to person
Whoever wants to believe me...that's on them
I don't lie...I have always been honest...and if that person doesn't like me....NEXT
I think people care what others think in general too much...
If they don't like the real you...that's their loss :]

A fair and true statement, I guess maybe I shouldn't have made it gender specific but I get told I'm honest to the point of being brutal! When someone asks me a question in private, I answer. I didn't really mean to put a sex overtone on the conversation, but I guess thats how it came out though. I was sort of shooting for general but now that you mention it, thats usually what a new parter goes fishing for man or woman. Okay, rephrase! Are you totally honest with your partner about who you are and where you've been when you enter into a new relationship? Hows that?

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 02:02 AM
Mabye I'm just naive enough to actually answer the questions with brutal honesty! For the men reading this thread, do you tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth or do you lie like the dogs women say you are?

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 01:59 AM

I answer all questions honestly and don't leave out things or try to cover things up...
However, I don't have much to tell bigsmile

Thats probably true but at the same time, thats what I mean, all women say they have nothing to tell. Us guys know that isn't true but we let you slide on it! Why do they all say they have nothing to tell?

Well...I can't speak for all women
But im a virgin and have chosen to lead me life a certain way...not only sex wise
But sometimes maybe for others it's that they are ashamed
And/or don't want you to view them a certain way

My question isn't motivated by anger or judgement but you kind of make my case for me. How do you think men feel? We don't want women to view us "a certain way" but we fess up, if we don't, we're in deep **** and we never hear the end of it. Does that mean that no woman has let her boyfriend take shall we say photos of her? Has she never had more than one man in her bed(you are allowed to you know)! Does she have no mistakes at all?

Sorry bro' never been faced with that one, of course not caring could be why. No future in the past!

Thats what I mean Peccy, no future in the past but for some reason, every women I date, has to have every scrap of info without being totally honest herself. I just wondered why they feel they don't have to come to the table is all. Maybe because it would mean that it isn't just men that are pigs!

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 01:54 AM

I answer all questions honestly and don't leave out things or try to cover things up...
However, I don't have much to tell bigsmile

Thats probably true but at the same time, thats what I mean, all women say they have nothing to tell. Us guys know that isn't true but we let you slide on it! Why do they all say they have nothing to tell?

Well...I can't speak for all women
But im a virgin and have chosen to lead me life a certain way...not only sex wise
But sometimes maybe for others it's that they are ashamed
And/or don't want you to view them a certain way

My question isn't motivated by anger or judgement but you kind of make my case for me. How do you think men feel? We don't want women to view us "a certain way" but we fess up, if we don't, we're in deep **** and we never hear the end of it. Does that mean that no woman has let her boyfriend take shall we say photos of her? Has she never had more than one man in her bed(you are allowed to you know)! Does she have no mistakes at all?

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 01:46 AM

I answer all questions honestly and don't leave out things or try to cover things up...
However, I don't have much to tell bigsmile

Thats probably true but at the same time, thats what I mean, all women say they have nothing to tell. Us guys know that isn't true but we let you slide on it! Why do they all say they have nothing to tell?

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 01:44 AM

Why do women rip through a mans past without mercy and without ever giving up secrets of their own? We never say how we feel you say, well you never open up either! why the double standard where the past is concerned?
Can't say I've ever shared my past and had it ripped up without mercy, were you a cross dresser or something?

LOL, sorry to let you down Peccy, I was chatting with an ex and she wanted all the details but wouldn't say whats up with her! Seems to be a regular theme!

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 01:41 AM

Cause men are pigs...obviously.

women aren't exactly angels either!

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 01:39 AM
Why do women rip through a mans past without mercy and without ever giving up secrets of their own? We never say how we feel you say, well you never open up either! why the double standard where the past is concerned?

no photo
Mon 07/21/08 10:52 AM

Another man bashing thread, these generalizations about men are getting boring!!!

drinker drinker frustrated drinker drinker slaphead

no photo
Sat 07/19/08 06:25 PM

How do people feel about the sale of a piece of our history? Do you think its just another business and not to worry or do you think it should have remained under Canadian ownership? Will you stop shopping there?

It makes no difference .
Look at Wal Mart , it has better prices for me than Hudson Bay .
It is only business and where I get a better deal I will join the crowd .
It makes no difference at all .
Many Canadian companies are owned by Americans .

The Bay isn't anything like a wal-mart. If it was just another company I wouldn't care at all but its a piece of Canadian history so it kind of bugs me and I doubt I will be shopping there anymore!

no photo
Sat 07/19/08 01:09 PM
I'm not sure Gypsy, I think the last time it was in the new, an american company acquired 51% of the shares and now the rest has been sold. I just read a little blurp about it online that said it sold on July 18th 2008. you might be right though. I will have to read a bit more about it. Its still a bummer though!

no photo
Sat 07/19/08 11:35 AM
How do people feel about the sale of a piece of our history? Do you think its just another business and not to worry or do you think it should have remained under Canadian ownership? Will you stop shopping there?

no photo
Tue 07/15/08 11:05 PM
I'm not sure how I feel about the whole thing. Being from Canada, the decision has pretty big implications and it will be interesting to see how it plays out. The one thing I wonder is did the guy come to Canada out of fear of service or was he objecting to the war in Iraq? I wonder if he would have been willing to finish his service if it was in Afghanistan. I agree with a statement made earlier in this thread that Bush should be punished for making the American military fight an illegal war but how when its so easy to just blame simple patriots or call them cowards when they are trying to tell people that something is wrong in Iraq. The guy wanted to serve in the war on terror not the Bushs private family campaign. How does one deal with Bush though, everybody knows he screwed up big but everybody just goes right on letting him get away with it. In my mind he broke a much much bigger law and that to me is more disgusting than one guy objecting to killing innocent people. Please keep that in the proper perspective. But your right, there is no draft and he did sign up. I think I would be happy sending him back to the states if he fled from Afghanistan but not Iraq. For the record though, I guess the only people that really have a right to comment on this are people who have served or are currently serving.

no photo
Tue 07/15/08 12:06 AM

I can speak for myself and say definitely...on a daily basis
But if you wonder about things too much it can eat you up inside...
Such on on the right career path? Am I with the right person? etc...

I hear you on wondering to much but in this case its not something that holds my beliefs so much but just my imagination. in terms of evolution, if it is to be taken as correct then it implies that we are evolving and becoming something new. Creationism kind of implies that we don't change or we are what we are. The potential of people is so unexplored because people just cast the idea off as science fiction an dreamy. I like to roll with the what if from time to time just for curiosity.

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Mon 07/14/08 11:44 PM
I guess people don't wonder about anything anymore. Sure there are some people that enjoy living in a box and don't think about things but are you even the slightest bit intrigued by what could be?

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 11:34 PM

OK, my friend and I are having this conversation about belief and facing the truth of what one believes. The basis for what we are talking about is based in human ability. One takes for granted the ability to calculate math, sense the world around us, have a sense of self, converse and interact but is this where it stops? Is it possible for people to exhibit such abilities as telepathy, empathy, dream walk, and other psychic abilities. At one point is a persons skill an act of how god created somebody and at what point is it basic unexplored human ability? Could these things be examples of the ever elusive term of genius? Are they examples of evolution or dormant and undiscovered abilities? Are these things available to regular people? Do they exist at all? Or, are they examples of evidence of the divine?

Everyone of those questions you ask,could very well be chapters in a book you write one day:wink: flowerforyou

LOL I'm not writing a book thanks, we just kind of wondered how chris angel does stuff like that and are there things that are illusions or are their things that really do occur in the natural world. Apply the question in any direction you like, but it still leave one to wonder, just what skills are people really capable of?

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