Community > Posts By > sensualsweet

sensualsweet's photo
Thu 02/19/09 01:49 PM

Goatees are cool..Even the salt and pepper coloured ones..


Very sexy and hot indeed!!! :banana:

sensualsweet's photo
Thu 02/19/09 01:44 PM
I have also gone on a couple of dates (with guys I've met online) who've done the big No-No. Checking out every girl that passes by our table while he's trying to get to know me on our date.

We'd be talking and his eyes are wandering all around the room, never really making eye contact with me. Just checking out the ladies in the restaurant. That is so rude and inconsiderate. It's one of the tackiest things a guy can do. A quick glance is one thing, but his eyes followed these women around the room until they were out of his line of vision. It made me feel as though he had absolutely no interest in me.

Needless to say, I did not date either of these guys again. If a man can't restrain himself for the short time of a first date, it doesn't look very promising for his future behavior.

It's all a matter of respect and common courtesy.


sensualsweet's photo
Thu 02/19/09 01:33 PM
Edited by sensualsweet on Thu 02/19/09 01:36 PM
Call me old fashioned, but I think a little jealousy is healthy. I don't mind if my guy looks and admires a beautiful body, male or female... I will do the same.

Where I draw the line is if he does it in a disrespectful manner to me. Acting like he's available or making it look like we're not together. Let's say we're holding hands and he drops my hand to make it look like he's available.... (definitely not making points with me) on that one.

It's the same as dancing in my book. If I've been asking my man to dance with me and he's repeatedly declining, making excuses, etc., then I get up to go to the restroom only to find upon my return, that he's on the dance floor with another woman... slow dancing up close and personal... then I am gonna be madder than a hornet. Don't neglect me in your appreciation or "pursuit" of other women.

If we are together, we should respect one another. I dated a guy who would strike up conversations with women at the bar (after dinner) with me on the other side of him... totally ignoring me... his back to me, having a good old time. He'd be buying them drinks using money from our combined budget, and never include me in the conversation or introduce me.

My ex would just about knock me over to light another woman's cigarette, but would not offer to light mine.

It's that kind of disrespect and bad behavior that makes me touchy about his flirting or appreciating an attractive woman. It's ok to look and admire, but cat calls and making a scene over a hot woman, in my book is disrespectful and shows lack of class.

Just my old-fashioned beliefs I guess.

sensualsweet's photo
Thu 02/19/09 04:16 AM
Edited by sensualsweet on Thu 02/19/09 04:18 AM

I just dont write anymore even if I think they are perfect for me. Trying to say the right thing making sure everything is right and then Nothing. I just cruse the sites thats all.

You can't hit a homerun if you never swing the bat!

We may strike out more often than hitting the ball, but at least we're in the ball game and making an effort. I guess some people prefer to be spectators.

sensualsweet's photo
Thu 02/19/09 03:41 AM
Mornin' HG, Old Sage... and the rest!

sensualsweet's photo
Thu 02/19/09 03:40 AM
Good Morning! Bright eyed and bushy tailed here in SW Florida... on my second cup of coffee. Woo Hoo!!

sensualsweet's photo
Thu 02/19/09 03:34 AM
Romance is the act of doing things that put that sparkle in someone's eye and a little flutter in their heart.

sensualsweet's photo
Thu 02/19/09 03:32 AM
Hey "hot", I think your small beard is very sexy. You are a very attractive young man. My son has a similar beard and I think he looks great with it. A friend of mine (female a little older than me), said that he looks like a skinhead... he is bald (not by choice) and he has a mustache and gotee... she thinks it is unappealing, but I disagree. It just goes to prove that it depends on the person and how it is perceived.

I think she is full of sh!t. But again, it's a matter of preference.

sensualsweet's photo
Thu 02/19/09 03:28 AM

I have always been more attracted to men with facial hair. I love a mustache, and a beard is an added bonus. It's best when it is grown beyond the prickly stage. I also like some chest hair... a man who shaves his chest hair is a big turn-off to me. I don't mind the men who don't have the chest hair, but I prefer some chest hair.

So, to me, facial hair (and chest hair) are big attractions and turn-ons to me.

'looks down' dammit, no chest hair! wait!!! theres one!!!!!! woooo!drinker :banana:

I've dated men with no chest hair at all. And I've dated men with no facial hair as well... but not many. I just PREFER the ones with over the ones without. I just think that facial hair is very hot and distinguished on a man. Chest hair is just something I like to run my fingers through and trace on my way to better places.

'draws lots of chest hair on chest with marker' ok im ready!!! pitchfork

You're sweet... and funny too!!

sensualsweet's photo
Thu 02/19/09 03:25 AM
Yes, I agree, it is frustrating. But I figure they may be busy... not everyone checks their M2 email every day. I also figure that they don't share the same interest in me as I do with them. So, I don't take it personally. Although, it would be nice to get a response or acknowledgement. I have received a few such as:

Thanks for the interest, but I'm in a new relationship and would like to see how it goes.

Thanks for the email, but you are not my type.

Thanks, but the distance is too far.

At least with the above types of replies, I know they read my email and they had the courtesy to respond. Says a lot for their character.

Some don't respond simply because they just don't want to "go there". It's like fishing, you cast your line... if you don't have the right bait, or conditions aren't right, the fish just doesn't bite. They don't leave a note on the hook that they liked the bait, but just aren't ready to be hauled into a boat. Get my drift?

Same kinda thing goes for online dating.

sensualsweet's photo
Thu 02/19/09 03:09 AM
Edited by sensualsweet on Thu 02/19/09 03:10 AM

I have always been more attracted to men with facial hair. I love a mustache, and a beard is an added bonus. It's best when it is grown beyond the prickly stage. I also like some chest hair... a man who shaves his chest hair is a big turn-off to me. I don't mind the men who don't have the chest hair, but I prefer some chest hair.

So, to me, facial hair (and chest hair) are big attractions and turn-ons to me.

'looks down' dammit, no chest hair! wait!!! theres one!!!!!! woooo!drinker :banana:

I've dated men with no chest hair at all. And I've dated men with no facial hair as well... but not many. I just PREFER the ones with over the ones without. I just think that facial hair is very hot and distinguished on a man. Chest hair is just something I like to run my fingers through and trace on my way to better places. blushing :banana:

sensualsweet's photo
Thu 02/19/09 03:05 AM
Edited by sensualsweet on Thu 02/19/09 03:05 AM
Beisdes, if I were to find a knight, I would be happy to polish his armor anytime. blushing :wink: laugh

sensualsweet's photo
Thu 02/19/09 02:58 AM
Mr. Right is different for everyone. The same goes for the "knight in shining armor". These are just terms used to describe the person who is right for the seeker. Even though the reality will always be as you say, "Mr. good enough" or "Mr. He'll Do".

The tagline is simply a heading to state in few words what a person is looking for. It's meant to be an attention getter. So it should not be taken in the literal sense.

My profile says, "First Mate looking for her Captain" or something like that. It simply means that I like fishing and know my way around a boat... and I would love to find a man with similar interest in fishing and boating, etc.

I love to fish and love being around the water, so it is important to me to find a man who shares that same passion.

It does not mean that I want a man who owns a boat, nor does it mean that I am looking for a job as First Mate on someone's boat.

It's just my heading to attract those who like fishing and an aquatic atmosphere. It's meant to entice those interested to read my profile and hopefully respond.

sensualsweet's photo
Thu 02/19/09 02:49 AM
I have always been more attracted to men with facial hair. I love a mustache, and a beard is an added bonus. It's best when it is grown beyond the prickly stage. I also like some chest hair... a man who shaves his chest hair is a big turn-off to me. I don't mind the men who don't have the chest hair, but I prefer some chest hair.

So, to me, facial hair (and chest hair) are big attractions and turn-ons to me.

sensualsweet's photo
Wed 02/18/09 07:14 PM
Edited by sensualsweet on Wed 02/18/09 07:16 PM
Romance, to me, is the little things one does to make the other feel special. Little things to add a spark to a relationship, to keep the fire hot between two people. Rather like little love notes left in random places to remind the object of one's affection that there is passion and love in the air.

Romance is the act of romantic gestures and feelings put into visible things or creating an atmosphere of love. Like candles, or soft music, rose petals making a path to the bedroom or to a bubblebath surrounded by candles. It's the little things we do to create a mood of love. It's the flowers we give to someone on special occasions or for no reason at all. Giving a sensual massage or caressing someone are also romantic gestures. I used to write love notes on the mirror in lipstick. It's the things one does to woo someone. Perhaps the things we do to create a mood for intimacy.

This is a short version of what romance has always meant to me. These are the things that come to mind when I think of the word, Romance.

It's the things that one does that turns the other's heart to butter and makes them feel all warm and fuzzy.

sensualsweet's photo
Tue 02/17/09 08:37 AM
The power of positive thinking.

Rent the video, "The Secret".

sensualsweet's photo
Tue 02/17/09 08:33 AM
Edited by sensualsweet on Tue 02/17/09 08:35 AM
I guess one could compare online dating to car shopping. You know what features you are looking for. So, you go out and look at a few available cars that fit closely into your criteria. You take a few of your favorites for a test drive.

Of course, with online dating, test drive would begin with getting a history on the vehicle (woman)... chatting, talking, emailing, whatever to find out more details and see if it is a good fit so far.

Then if you think it's something you might want, you ask her out on a date. That is when you see if the chemistry is right. If so, go for a kiss (or start with a slow dance if in the right atmosphere for dancing). Does she still fit into your criteria after the first date? If so, then you can move to better things. It's not rocket science... you just have to be willing to "shop" around and test the waters.

Online dating is backwards... you don't have the natural chemistry that draws two people together when they meet in person. So, we have to go through a process of elimination or screening process to find out if there might be something there. Then you meet and if the chemistry is wrong, politely move on... If it's right, move forward.

It's not easy, but that's what dating is all about... getting to know someone and exploring the possibilites. It takes time and effort and a willingness on both parts.


offtopic oops :wink: laugh

BTW, none of us are on topic in this thread... none of this has much to do with long distance dating... that can be an entirely different ballgame.

sensualsweet's photo
Tue 02/17/09 08:22 AM

flowerforyou if a woman likes you she'll let you knowflowerforyou

She would? very few will actually they like the game of the "chase me some more, then maybe I will let my feelings be known" and you wonder why men are confused about it when they say "no games" j/kflowerforyou flowerforyou


sensualsweet's photo
Tue 02/17/09 06:46 AM
I'll try to avoid hitting an animal, squirrel included, but only if I can do it safely.

sensualsweet's photo
Mon 02/16/09 05:51 PM
I'm on my way to my bachelorette party... wow, those girls sure know how to introduce the stripper... so what's next? Do I undress you, or are you gonna strip right here in the street. Are the girls hiding in the bushes?

Wow, this is great.

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