Topic: New Pledge of Allegiance (TOTALLY AWESOME).
TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 04/18/07 02:25 PM
If a person has the right not to believe in God why the heck I don't
have the right to tell very loud what is my faith and that I believe in
God. That new government policy is just bull...

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/18/07 02:52 PM
Walker wrote:
“If a person has the right not to believe in God why the heck I don't
have the right to tell very loud what is my faith and that I believe in
God. That new government policy is just bull...”

I don’t know what policy you’re talking about but as far as I know you
do have the right to tell ‘very loud’ what your faith is and that you
believe in God.

But what do you mean about ‘very loud’. Why do you need to be loud?
Are you trying to shove it down someone’s throat who doesn’t want to
hear it?

The theory of evolution is NOT a religion. It doesn’t say anything at
all about whether or not a God exists. All it says is that if a God
exists that god either used evolution to create us, or planted fake
evidence to make it appear that way.

Evolution is about scientific observations. It’s not about any religion
or god.

Where are you not allow to tell about your religion? In public schools?
I hope not. Why would you go there to tell people about your belief in a

There are places where it’s just inappropriate to voice religious
beliefs (which would include atheism).

I disagree with you that people who do not believe in God have any more
rights than people who do.

Anywhere that you are not permitted to preach your religious ideas,
neither would an atheist be allowed to preach their non-religious ideas.

I don’t see any prejudice or favoritism at all.

In short, I don’t understand what you are complaining about?

What government policy is unfair?

redmange420's photo
Wed 04/18/07 03:12 PM
I honestly think it would be better to have ALL religions accepted in
school than none at all. The fact that we are supposed to have the
freedom of religion, but can't practice our religion in public is not
cool, and just about unconstitutional. Just my view.

By the way, Abra, I apologize to you as well if I came across rude with
my knee-jerk reaction earlier in the thread. My bad.

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 03:12 PM
yup. lotsa people dont get it. seperation of church ans state was never
intended to be a Gun pointed at Christians. What it was supposed to be
was no State sponsered religion. Now the Liberals/communists are using
it to ban everything christian.
Why is there no outcry about a buddist prayer, or a Jewish person
who practices saturday sabbath? seems equally outragous to me as banning
prayer in school. (asuming it is wrong).us older folks know that
communism cant survive or is directly affected by christianity. theres
your real problem. Buddists, witches, ect are not a threat because they
have little real power against satan. Do you know that the year before
prayer was banned from school, the teachers main complaint was students
spitting in on the sidewalks? the year it was instituted, rape went up
200 percent, murders 600 precent, assults went up 800 percent, while
dropout rates soared, grades dropped, ect. Get a clue... "they" are
afraid of prayer because prayer works. satan loves chaos, and prayer is
a direct attack on it. call it tolerance or whatever, the bottom line is
sin is rampant when prayer is removed.

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 04:12 PM
Just to clarify....I did NOT say that atheists cannot love.
I said that an atheist cannot KNOW love as a beliver can.
Webster defines atheism as - the belief that there is no God.
Believers believe that God is Love...How can one who doesn't believe
that God/Love exists, know Him?

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/18/07 04:25 PM
rambill wrote:
“separation of church and state was never intended to be a Gun pointed
at Christians”

I agree with you completely. Bun I don’t believe that it is a gun
pointed at Christians.

It only seems that way because of the way history has unfolded.

Christian traditions naturally found there way into the public school
systems. In the very early days people never gave it a thought because
the vast majority of people were Christians, and the few minorities back
then who went Christian would just quietly put up with it.

But then populations increased, and the minorities grew in number, and
also became more frustrated over time of always having to put up with
Christian traditions rather than being able to express their own
traditions. And finally it came to a head (along with a whole lot of
other social issues).

People in general began to realize that religion shouldn’t have ever
been ‘sponsored’ in public schools in the first place. The schools are
government run institutions and they shouldn’t be sponsoring religious

It was taken to the courts and the courts recognized the dilemma and
agreed that state institutions should not be sponsoring a particular
religion. So then became a matter of practicality. Should the
government try to embrace every possible religious tradition? Or maybe
better yet (and much more practical) just not sponsor any religion
traditions. Well, the latter choice makes so much more sense from a
practical point of view. Attempting to embrace all religious traditions
would be a never-ending nightmare. So instead of embracing all of them
they chose to not embrace any.

So that meant that no more Christian traditions could be ‘officially’
conducted by the schools or their direct employees (teachers, etc). Now
Christians feel like they have been singled-out. But that’s not true.
They haven’t been singled out. It’s just that they were the ONLY ONES
who ever got their foot in the door in the first place. So they somehow
feel singled-out because they are being asked to stop religions
traditions in schools. But it’s simply not true that they are being
singled-out. No religious traditions of any kind are allowed to be
officially conducted by government run establishments.

So Christians are NOT being singled-out. That’s totally not true.

Also, it is incorrect to think that the absence of religion in schools
somehow equate to atheism. Like the atheists won and got their way.
That’s total nonsense. No one is preaching atheism in the schools.

The theory of evolutions is NOT atheism.

The theory of evolution is just a scientific theory based on

It doesn’t say whether or not any god exists or doesn’t exist. It’s not
a religion of any kind.

So it’s totally bogus to claim that Christianity is getting a raw deal
here or being singled-out. That’s totally not true. It only appears
that way because they had their foot in a door they weren’t supposed to
have their foot in, in the first place. They were merely being asked
to step back out where everyone else already IS.

So it’s totally untrue to believe that Christianity is being unfairly
singled-out or somehow being picked on any differently from anyone else.

That’s simply not true.

adj4u's photo
Wed 04/18/07 04:25 PM
part of previous post

yup. lotsa people dont get it. seperation of church ans state was never
intended to be a Gun pointed at Christians. What it was supposed to be
was no State sponsered religion. Now the Liberals/communists are using
it to ban everything christian.

actually seperation of church and state is not really in the

more like -----congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof-----

which even makes it more wrong to prohibit the use of prayer and holy
books on an individual basis in the school

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 04/18/07 04:39 PM
Mr. Abra:
You didn't get my idea whatsoever. I don't try to preach anything to
anybody. I don't even care if people believe or not believe. What I'm
saying is that if I want to practice something I believe I have the
right to do it and people shouldn't feel offended at all.
As long as I stay away from them, and I don't mess with them.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 04/18/07 04:41 PM
I maybe absolutely crazy for most of you, but thta's my choice and I
stand on my believes regardless of everyvody else's opinion.

adj4u's photo
Wed 04/18/07 04:47 PM
yay yay yay


redmange420's photo
Wed 04/18/07 04:57 PM
That's the problem with us as American's nowadays (I'm guilty of it
myself). We're too quick to get butt-hurt about little sh*t that doesn't
really affect us, and the only way to stop it is together, but ya know
how quick that'll happen, since there's always gonna be that one whiny
b*tch sayin "That offends me, make them stop". Sad reality.

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:01 PM
OleJeb - Thanks for clarifying - and I apologize if my response to you
misrepresented your words.

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:24 PM
Lonely, I don't see anything crazy about what you are saying. I agree
with your opinion of how the world 'should' work, and I also think
that's how it -does-, already work in America.

I see Christians preaching on street corners downtown on most friday and
saturday nights. One of them - with an astoundingly loud natural voice
- will yell at the top of his lungs about how we need to repent. The
police ensure they don't obstruct the sidewalk and such, but otherwise
they are free to preach to the drinkers, cocaine addicts, and such.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:28 PM
adj4, this is for you and anybody who bought what you recently posted.

Separation of church and state is a political and legal doctrine which
states that government and religious institutions are to be kept
separate and independent of one another. Primarily discussed in the
context of United States law and politics, the term most often refers to
the combination of two principles: secularity of government and freedom
of religious exercise.[1]

The prevalence of the term "separation of church and state" is generally
said to derive from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson in 1802 to the
Danbury Baptists, in which he referred to the First Amendment of the
United States Constitution as creating a "wall of separation" between
church and state. The phrase was then quoted and endorsed by the United
States Supreme Court first in 1878, and then in a series of cases
starting in 1947.

And for you Ram - If you can honestly with truth in your heart say that
the year after prayer was taken out of schools, that those statistics
you wrote occured because of the lack of prayer than I can only respond
to you one way.
So in your mind it was the school teaching religion by saying a prayer
in the morning and before lunch. What of the families, did they also
thing the directive to stop prayer extended to their families. Do you
think that not one of those kids that prayed at home was NOT involved in
those statistics you listed?

Where's the logic in that Ram - come on, you can do better, I've seen
better battles from you before. try again.

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:38 PM
abra the magic trick,
ive been personally opressed for my religious beliefs. i KNOW first
hand that christians are being targeted in this country. Paul tells us
that we should be happy when being persecuted for our faith, so i let it
slide. ever read the 501c3 tax exemptt requirements for churches? Right
out of the IRS website. they are trying to control what is said in the
pulpit. One of the fastest growing movements ion churches is to get out
of this 501c3 noose. the churches out there who think they have to
comply are being forced to serve two masters, which of course is
impossible from a biblical standpoint. This is but one example, there
are legion.

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:39 PM
you know whether you believe in god or not, really isnt the point. the
fact that you are forbidden to talk about your belief (if your a
believer) and not admonished if you speak against it. and we're te
freedom of speech country? well at least the ACLU doesnt have all the
little christians running around with yellow stars of david pinned to
their shirts.
tolerance of others and their right to believe what they want to believe
with no judgement from any of you, is a basic human right, not just an
american one.

personally i am an agnostic and think you can have all your mumbo jumbo
stuff you want, just leave me alone with it. i wont judge you for it, i
wont think that im better than you, i wont even call you names for it or
make you wear the star... in fact i'd die for it.

so to the kid i'd say, say whaty you want to say, they are, and if its
good enough for them to do then its good enough for you to do, and if
they dont like it tell them to shove a snow cone up their asses.


no photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:48 PM
red.. of course it because of lack of prayer. what else changed?

Sanna's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:48 PM
Ever hear of this:

Separation of church and state is a political and legal doctrine which
states that government and religious institutions are to be kept
separate and independent of one another. Primarily discussed in the
context of United States law and politics, the term most often refers to
the combination of two principles: secularity of government and freedom
of religious exercise.[1]

The prevalence of the term "separation of church and state" is generally
said to derive from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson in 1802 to the
Danbury Baptists, in which he referred to the First Amendment of the
United States Constitution as creating a "wall of separation" between
church and state. The phrase was then quoted and endorsed by the United
States Supreme Court first in 1878, and then in a series of cases
starting in 1947. This led to popular and political discussion of the
concept, as well as criticism that the phrase overstates the limits
created under the Constitution.

Although primarily discussed in the context of the United States (and
more specifically United States constitutional interpretation), the
concept parallels various other international social and political
ideas, including secularism, disestablishment, religious liberty and

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 06:00 PM
and... ?

Sanna's photo
Wed 04/18/07 06:24 PM
Rambill Wrote:

ive been personally opressed for my religious beliefs. i KNOW first hand
that christians are being targeted in this country.

Sorry to inform you that most people have been opressed for one reason
or another. Not just because of religion. Look at the Native Americans,
opressed and beaten down like dogs, their land was taken, white men
killed them off with smallpox blankets to eliminate their race.
Afroamericans, Chinese, Japanese,Irish, Mexican, Polish, Jewish, etc,
etc, etc. Women have been opressed and so have children. Freedom of
Speech, Freedom of religion, Freedom to Live and Let Live, yet we are
hypocrits when we deny someone who wants the same!