Community > Posts By > Tessa02

Tessa02's photo
Sun 04/03/11 05:46 AM
Seeing as how you've only been dating a few months maybe he hasn't gotten to that comfortable level yet. It could also be a warning sign. My ex was like that the entire time we were together 21 years.

Tessa02's photo
Sun 04/03/11 05:42 AM

Great news I am enrolled in classes. I will start on April 5th of this year!!!

Just checking back in & glad to see you'll be going back to school in a few days. Best wishes & good luck! You look great in your uniform!! Already professional looking!;)

Tessa02's photo
Sun 04/03/11 05:14 AM

Don't you just hate it when you can't find your cell??:angry:
laugh I had that happen one night and came on here asking in a post for SOMEONE to call me as I knew it was close,,just not where it was,,,so two here called me,,and THAT let me find it,,,laugh

Now, that's smart thinking!!!

Tessa02's photo
Sun 04/03/11 05:10 AM
I think it depends a lot on peoples life experiences that makes them appear older or younger than some. I've recently met a woman who will be 44 monday & I swear to god she looks 60-65 already!! But, she's lived a rough life to make her look older than she actually is. Then yesterday I met a woman who was 71 & didn't look a day over 55. I think it goes the same with the opposite sex as well.

Tessa02's photo
Sun 04/03/11 04:57 AM
I got 8 computers in the house and 2 more out in the pumphouse. Not counting the 2 notebooks.

Sounds like a real computer junkie!rofl

Tessa02's photo
Sun 04/03/11 04:46 AM
First I'd make a list of the main purpose you use your PC for. Then find a kit that matches it's use. Example: If you're a gamer (sp) then you want a PC that will allow you to play games without hanging up, etc.

Tessa02's photo
Sun 04/03/11 04:43 AM
Your profile is very vague. Not much info to go on. More pics & info about your likes & dislikes may help. Joining the forums so everyone can get an idea of your personality is a plus. Good luck & welcome!!

Tessa02's photo
Wed 02/23/11 08:44 AM
Yeah, it was done right, alright!! Women rulz!!!!:banana:

Tessa02's photo
Tue 02/22/11 01:47 PM
Edited by Tessa02 on Tue 02/22/11 01:48 PM

keep in mind tho that flash drives are not intended as long term storage

you will need to burn a cd eventually as your start up and recovery disk

It should be fine for the short time she plays with it and finds out she loves it so much she has to put it on her hdd ;)

yes I think about 3 pages ago I told her to go get a cd and do it right slaphead

she prolly didn't even notice cause it made too much sense and was too logical slaphead :laughing:

And that was kind of a sensitive point in her journey, too. How do you tactfully say, "Hey! No! Stop! You're doing it wrong!" to a chick on a mission? I always play it safe and stay the helloutta the way but still try to offer a nudge in the right direction. It didn't take long for it to run it's course. I think she's ready for us, now ;)

And yes, best of luck to you, Tessa02!

Well, guys I did listen...although I hate DVD's. Borrowed one from my son & made a copy. It'll boot up & load but then I can't get the internet connected. Not sure all this BS is worth it!! Driving me F'n insane!!! PITA Thx

Tessa02's photo
Sat 02/19/11 12:47 PM
rofl I once hid in the kitchen cabinets giggling while everyone searched for me. Eventually I ended up falling asleep in there! Got my hide tanned when I was found tho!!!embarassed

Tessa02's photo
Sat 02/19/11 12:27 PM
You're pics are awesome especially the 2nd one!! It's not a requirement but I think what brings people together here is participating in the forums & getting a general idea how a person responds to post, likes, dislikes. I truely think posting in the forums lets others get to know you & really helps a lot. Welcome & good luck!waving

Tessa02's photo
Sat 02/19/11 12:22 PM

The more I see lists and assumptions about age, the more I chuckle to myself because I am one of a kind no matter what age I am.

I'm one of a kind too!! But, not everyone likes my kind of being kind!!:tongue:

Tessa02's photo
Sat 02/19/11 12:18 PM

"to your call, move alone" this is the meaning of a song composed by "Tagore", a Nobel prize winner for his collection "Gitanjali".
Sometimes we try to do something special/great and often we don't get support from others; but we should not stop rather we should continue.
Do you feel like this? explode

bigsmile WHY YESssssssss,,I do.
I KEEP trying to be LOVED,,and I am NOT DOING THAT WELL!

BUT,,,I KEEP ON KEEPING ON!drinker :wink: laugh laugh

To be real,,I am on here MORE,,,as a HELP AID,,,to shattered hearts
than I am on here to find ONE....:wink:
And THATS an emptiness of being,,,but a great fulfilment to me, as I know THEIR better through THAT,,because they had no-one who really gave a damn about hearing their problems or becoming their friend,,in life,, or on here...SO,,THAT my friend,,is ALL the rewards I truly need.
A partner in life,,would just be to KNOW,,I was Blessed...
Oh,,by the way,,THIS is a nice post,..Have a great weekend..drinker

That's why we love ya so!!!!! Yes, a person must keep on, keeping on. Giving up is a sign of weakness & defeat! My scruples may get shattered from time to time. But, like Humpty Dumpty I pick up the pieces & glue what's left back together again...always leaving little shattered pieces behind me.

Tessa02's photo
Sat 02/19/11 09:45 AM

im 22 almost 23, neways my longest relationship has been 3 months im the perfect partner and everything maybe i just get the wrong girls??

Why, at almost 23, are you sweating this? You have a raging pecker. Stamina. Qualities that some nice, good wholesome women (age 19-99) find adorable. Quit focusing on finding a "relationship". Go out. Meet chicks. Meet tons of them. Use your pecker when the opportunity arises. In a your life! Thank you, and go with God!

mentoring the youth of americalaugh rofl shocked

I won't lead them astray.

I think Goof's tutored a couple of my ex's!!:tongue: Sometimes what we think is being the perfect mate isn't the other persons idea of perfect. Can't believe I'm saying this but Goof has valid advice. Test the waters & make sure when you find that person you just can't stay away from & find being with them intoxicating then maybe that's the one.

Tessa02's photo
Sat 02/19/11 09:18 AM
Edited by Tessa02 on Sat 02/19/11 09:20 AM

I personally like the flash drives better than DVD's because they are more portable. I've just downloaded the ISO software (googled it to find out what it does) & am compressing the ubuntu file now. If this doesn't work I'll go out & pick up some DVD's tomorrow as I don't have any at the moment to copy too. Thx

I hear ya. And DVDs tend to get scratched up when you cart them about.
May I ask you the full name of the file you downloaded? The reason I ask is that I'm pretty certain that you already have an iso file.
Remember- windohs hides file extensions by default! (because M$ thinks you're too stupid to care)
I'm afraid you might be creating an iso file out of your iso file, which isn't going to work.

The only steps to a linux live cd are, typically;
1) Download the iso
2) Burn it to a disk
3) Reboot your machine and marvel at how easy that was

Because it sounds like you're willing to go an extra mile over this, here's a link with a lot of info about making live usbs (even from windohs!)-

Pardon me if I've misunderstood what you're up to.
I'd just like to see you to get it right the first time and have fun.

I'm not sure how this happened. I tried changing the file on my flashdrive. Have the same file in my documents. It changed both files & they are listed as Power ISO's which is the program I used to change the file. My DS has a CD but not sure if I can get it copied to the flash drive. Heading into town maybe I should pick up some DVD's while I'm out. Thx

Here's what the file is showing now:

ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso 478,316KB

ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.daa 471,475KB

There are 2 files now on my flash drive. The daa is after I tried the power iso program.frustrated

Documents folder file: ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso

Tessa02's photo
Sat 02/19/11 03:19 AM

What the hell is wrong when some people claiming to have been abducted by aliens claim to have been anal probed? Like Extra terrestrials come all this way to shove things up people's butts!

What is up with that????

Sounds kinda kinky if you ask me!!:wink:

Tessa02's photo
Fri 02/18/11 11:05 PM
Never heard the story of your son & DIL!! Congratulations, Granny!!!:smile:

Tessa02's photo
Fri 02/18/11 10:22 PM
I'm still here!! Unfortunately I don't remember you!! Welcome back!!waving

Tessa02's photo
Fri 02/18/11 10:21 PM

Your pics looks great!! Maybe a little more info about your likes & dislikes. A few words about the kind of woman you are seeking to give others an idea what you want from a relationship. Nevermind some of these bad azzes!! They tend to go a little nuts when a pretty girl isn't interested in the guys! They start wondering what's wrong with them!!:wink: Welcome & good luck!!!waving

Woe Woe Woe..!

Tess, i didnt say anythin like that., nothing wrong bieng a lesbo, though i feel a bit badluck that we guys cant get our hands on them., otherwise its fine

Ash, that's what I meant!! You guys go nuts when a pretty woman isn't interested in ya!!:tongue: Nothing meant against the sexes!!

Tessa02's photo
Fri 02/18/11 10:16 PM

I like to stalk!!laugh Once I get to know people & how they react I'll post on some of the threads. But, in RL I'm sort of quiet. Went to dinner tonight with 9 others & one of them asked me if something was wrong because I was too quiet. I didn't want to talk too much & embarrass myself & look like an idiot!! Sometimes I react the same way on the forums.


I like being out with a large group of people and being silent...allowing their conversations to wash over me..learning more, watching the non-verbal ues...I love it...and I think that takes more confidence to be silent...than to be constantly running off at the mouth!:wink: laugh

I'm more of an observer than talker. You're right. You learn more about a person listening than running off at the mouth. I mentioned this to someone else once & they started doing the same. Came up to me one day & told me I was right that they learned more listening themselves.

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