Topic: Is flirting on a dating site cheating?
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Wed 11/26/08 02:51 PM
I think it depends on your definition of flirting. My boyfriend and I met here and both are still here. We both "flirt" according to our definition but it's all on the forums and out in the open and we have discussed boundaries. We both respect each other and our relationship enough that we do not cross lines, especially sexual ones, and we are completely above board in letting people know we are in a monogamous relationship. flowerforyou

ashley_renee's photo
Wed 11/26/08 02:53 PM
So, you're cheating on your boyfriends ... but you're worried that flirting with somebody thousands of miles away is cheating? noway

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 03:01 PM

I don't really think flirting online is cheating. Now having multiple boyfriends that you see, well, that could be construed as cheating.

That I know (multiple boyfriends is cheating) but that was not what I asked. Im not really cheating because I told both of them that I dont date exclusively one guy, not right now anyways. If I meet that special guy then it will just be him and no others. For now I like having boyfriends in different places when I travel. Guys do it and they are called studs but when girls do it they are called other things. huh

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 03:02 PM

But you're saying you don't want to tell Boyfriend #2 now...sounds like a guilty conscience.

no guilt. biggrin guilt. Then perhaps this IS a rhetorical question? People only hide their actions when they feel it is wrong or it may hurt the other person's feelings. Sound like you have more on your plate than just wondering if online flirting is cheating...

Nope. Just a simple question or two. I dont want to hurt others feelings because I am not a bad person and I was just curious of others opinions.

Be careful, I think if you try to analyze someone on the basis of a few post you will just make a fool of yourself. People are complicated and they cant be dissected by the use of a few forum post. Its best if you just give your opinion on the topic and not try to talk about what you dont know.bigsmile
Don't ya hate it when things are analyzed to death and when you're judgedflowerforyou I get ya honey

Its the way of the net. Everyone is an expert on everything but no one knows anything. flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 03:05 PM

So, you're cheating on your boyfriends ... but you're worried that flirting with somebody thousands of miles away is cheating? noway

No. Im not cheating. Read up a few post. My question was more out of curiosity then anything. Im curious about how people view forum flirting when they are in a relationship.

jtip1977's photo
Wed 11/26/08 03:10 PM

I don't really think flirting online is cheating. Now having multiple boyfriends that you see, well, that could be construed as cheating.

That I know (multiple boyfriends is cheating) but that was not what I asked. Im not really cheating because I told both of them that I dont date exclusively one guy, not right now anyways. If I meet that special guy then it will just be him and no others. For now I like having boyfriends in different places when I travel. Guys do it and they are called studs but when girls do it they are called other things. huh

Well, in that case, what are you doing next Friday?

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 03:11 PM
To the turtle above me. The Friday after Thanksgiving Im going shopping. Next Friday I dont know, why? Was that one of them rhetorical questions?

redhead44613's photo
Wed 11/26/08 03:12 PM

I don't really think flirting online is cheating. Now having multiple boyfriends that you see, well, that could be construed as cheating.

That I know (multiple boyfriends is cheating) but that was not what I asked. Im not really cheating because I told both of them that I dont date exclusively one guy, not right now anyways. If I meet that special guy then it will just be him and no others. For now I like having boyfriends in different places when I travel. Guys do it and they are called studs but when girls do it they are called other things. huh
drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

jtip1977's photo
Wed 11/26/08 03:14 PM

To the turtle above me. The Friday after Thanksgiving Im going shopping. Next Friday I dont know, why? Was that one of them rhetorical questions?

I was just flirting online with you!!!laugh

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 03:17 PM

To the turtle above me. The Friday after Thanksgiving Im going shopping. Next Friday I dont know, why? Was that one of them rhetorical questions?

I was just flirting online with you!!!laugh

Im telling my boyfriends on you turtle. smooched smokin

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 11/26/08 04:06 PM

I don't consider it cheating if my man is flirting, and it is 500 miles away....but there is a line and that line shouldn't be crossed!

No web cams for cyber sex!
No conversations that are kept secret from me!
No handing out phone numbers!
Be respectful and do NOT ever string someone along!

I flirt alot here and I always keep my man informed of what was said and done.... But then we both have alot of trust in each other.JMO

I sponser the statement above, this message is brought to you by "Trojan®, when there is no room for mistakes".

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 04:09 PM

I sponser the statement above, this message is brought to you by "Trojan®, when there is no room for mistakes".

There's always room for Jello.

TheShadow's photo
Wed 11/26/08 04:11 PM

If you are seeing someone and you find out that person is carrying on an online flirting relationship with some other person 500 miles away is that cheating? If your dating partner doesnt get sexual but just keeps the flirting to the forums does that make a difference in whether or not its cheating? If cows could fly would you have to scrape cottage cheese off your car after parking under a tree?

==============================part 2

All right Im going to add more to this op question.
I travel a lot and I have a couple of boyfriends that are far away. We met in person while I was traveling not on a dating site. I am curious if I flirt with guys on mingle forums if my boyfriends might get offended. Should I tell them I an here? I am afraid they would make an account and start drama. Is online forum flirting even real?

Boyfriends?laugh Good luck with that

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 04:11 PM're 21yrs old & unless you have the advantage of remembering possible past lives, I don't think you have the experience...or you wouldn't be asking the questions. When you put your personal life out here on the internet...& ask others opinions...expect to get it. I personally don't see anything wrong with having a few boyfriends...hey, I did it in High School...but you asked a question, with several parts & then went on to say that one of your b/fs didn't need to know that you were on here. Who am I to say what is right for you...I do know that if I felt the need to hide something from my b/f...I guess it could be guilt from feeling that I was cheating on him in some way. But's your life...conduct it the way you see fit...& if you don't like the answers, then don't ask the questions...simple enough.

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 11/26/08 04:20 PM

I sponser the statement above, this message is brought to you by "Trojan®, when there is no room for mistakes".

There's always room for Jello.

I'm so going to use that in my next message!rofl rofl

SitkaRains's photo
Wed 11/26/08 04:21 PM
To put this really simple.
I have always summed up Cheating as something I would have a problem doing in front of an S/O. So therefore if you would act this way in front of them then no problem.
I do have one question for you tho. "A Couple of boyfriends" Sweety I think I would be more worried about them finding out in the real world.

Okay I just read more of what you have written you state You don't date just one guy.. So therefore there is no problem you are not exclusive with anyone. Now your reputation might be another thing all together and since you didn't ask that question I will keep my opinion to myself.

Good luck

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 04:28 PM
No, I wouldn't consider it cheating. Although I wouldn't consider it the best behavior, personally. I wouldn't do it, or like it done to me. However, every relationship is different, and if two people have an understanding that works for them, I say more power to them.

seahawks's photo
Wed 11/26/08 04:34 PM

If you are seeing someone and you find out that person is carrying on an online flirting relationship with some other person 500 miles away is that cheating? If your dating partner doesnt get sexual but just keeps the flirting to the forums does that make a difference in whether or not its cheating? If cows could fly would you have to scrape cottage cheese off your car after parking under a tree?

==============================part 2

All right Im going to add more to this op question.
I travel a lot and I have a couple of boyfriends that are far away. We met in person while I was traveling not on a dating site. I am curious if I flirt with guys on mingle forums if my boyfriends might get offended. Should I tell them I an here? I am afraid they would make an account and start drama. Is online forum flirting even real?

Boyfriends?laugh Good luck with that
shadow i picked up that soon as i read thread.!!!thought it was just me .!!laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 04:39 PM
if it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck.....

it's probably a duckshades

papersmile's photo
Wed 11/26/08 04:40 PM

if i saw my boyfriend flirting with another women in the forums, i'd be upset and hurt.

is it cheating?

i don't know, but i certainly wouldn't classify it as behaviour that would be acceptable, either from me or from him.

if he knows that it would hurt me, and does it anyway, it's just as bad as actual physical cheating.