Community > Posts By > MyrtleBeachDude

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Wed 10/15/08 07:52 AM

Notwithstanding all the benefits of doing what you have done here MBD, I am just wondering from the people here if what you have done here has made them MORE attracted to you, or LESS attracted to you!!

How IS human nature, really? Curious minds want to know...

People that know me on this site know that most of my posts are pretty much fun and humorous and being able to laugh and poke fun at myself and share it on here attracts plenty of people just as it does in real life. This is such contrast to my usual posts and I would hope that no one would write something this heartfelt with any other agenda in mind.

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Wed 10/15/08 07:27 AM

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Wed 10/15/08 07:25 AM

YAY!! You found the email!!!!laugh laugh :tongue:

And Danny......I will send you one asking for you to send me your bank number so I can forward some cash that a wealthy relative left me, but that I can't claim right now. Sound good?

LOL ya know I have added it up and if everyone that has sent me a letter telling me they want to send me money actually does it, I will have a little over 700 million bucks! No money yet I'm still broke


MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Wed 10/15/08 07:14 AM

Time to stop beating yourself up. flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Thank you dear and everyone but really this is not about me but how this effects others. I just know what I have done and I can see the pain from both sides. The sun will still shine and we will all move on but I won't mislead people on here or IRL.

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Wed 10/15/08 07:07 AM
laugh Funny how companies seem to think that people haven't grown suspicious of this junk.

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Wed 10/15/08 07:01 AM
I just checked my email.

3 want to know if I want a larger private part
5 want me to grow hair
2 want me to have success with women
3 want me to buy a house for as little as 99.00
4 want me to work from home.

Nothing from you though

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Wed 10/15/08 06:57 AM
Let me know if that profile works for you. laugh

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Wed 10/15/08 06:51 AM
Oh! My bad, you said "snap on" not Strap....nevermind.

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Wed 10/15/08 06:50 AM
It seems like yesterday I bought my daughter a 5 dollar doll and she was thrilled. Last week I bought her a 2006 Jeep Liberty. I feel your pain.

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Wed 10/15/08 06:36 AM

Oh geeezzzzzzzz Louise

OP get a grip, you were hurt, learn from it, stop acting childish - build a bridge and flipping get over it already.

You respond to other members here quite chauvanistically, more man than another - we are all here to make friends, share laughs, jokes, etc., but flip the coin, it is extremely hard to take anyone seriously who is stuck on the 'woe is me' stage; the 'I am not worthy' stage; and the infamous 'why me' stage.

LOL thats my girl (((Fran)))

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Wed 10/15/08 06:02 AM
I need to look up the words "chromosomal aberration". I'll get back to you

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Wed 10/15/08 05:10 AM

Is it coming by regular mail, UPS, FedEx, local, another state, country, overseas, someone from here? More info

Overseas, not sure who the carrier will be. Coming from Ireland.

Beer mugs and Guinness beer.

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Wed 10/15/08 05:05 AM
Is it coming by regular mail, UPS, FedEx, local, another state, country, overseas, someone from here? More info

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Wed 10/15/08 04:20 AM

flowerforyou flowerforyou Cheers MBD...very movingflowerforyou flowerforyou

drinker And to you my friend

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Wed 10/15/08 04:14 AM
Many people come on here and claim they are single because the relationship they had been in ended because of a Cheating,or it was Abusive, or lots of Drinking/Drugs etc. I see very few that come on here and say "I am the one that screwed up that's why I'm single". Well ..... I am the one that screwed up. I cheated on my wife. I won't go into details but it was my fault not hers, she didn't drive me to do it, I just f*cked up. I can't blame one part of me cheating on her because she did nothing wrong it was all me. I see so many posts that say "If they cheat once they'll do it again" Well it depends on how much destruction and pain you caused and realized how stupid you were. If you think you were totally justified for cheating or blame the other person in your relationship then yep your probably going to cheat again. If your actions have caused so much pain and pure hurt and disappointment in so many lives then you say to yourself "deal me that same hand again and I'll play it different". Not one single person in my life or on this website could ever kick my ass any worse than I have already and do everyday. I admit this this morning because sometimes I log on here and I feel like I am surrounded by all victims and I want to make sure I keep me honest and just as I do in real life I will be the first to tell you I am not with my family because of me! My actions! She was innocent I am guilty. After reading so many posts I have seldom seen someone say "it's my fault" Well just know people, what you just read is what I DID. I have seen how much hurt some of you have gone through and when I read those posts I want to just crawl under a rock because I feel the guilt all over again and I don't ever see that going away. Sorry for showing my serious side this morning but I want to make it clear who myrtlebeachdude (MBD) is and by no means mislead the victims of something so destructful.

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Tue 10/14/08 11:54 AM
Sh!t I use it for everything

Funny as SH!T
Taste Like SH!T
That's good SH!T
That's bad SH!T
Looks like SH!T
Feel like SH!T
Smells like SH!T

And that was just on my honeymoon!

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Tue 10/14/08 11:50 AM
welcome back

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Tue 10/14/08 11:43 AM
How about our soldiers? My son did one of those on movie maker and sent it to me. He was in Iraq. The tune was Toby Keith American Soldier. It was a tear jerker for sure but I was delighted.

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Tue 10/14/08 08:54 AM
welcome drinker

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Tue 10/14/08 08:53 AM

at least they didn't need a price check

OMG I would have just thrown a 20 dollar bill at em and ran out