Community > Posts By > 2OLD2MESSAROUND

Tue 06/30/15 09:55 AM
Ohhhhhh, SassyEuro ....the **** is hitting the fan; after Sweat starts his purging of his soul while in the hospital bed!!!
WOWSERS - WOW - WOW - WOW shocked

BREAKING News New York Prison Escape

Jun 30 2015, 12:03 pm ET
New York Prison Break: Twelve Employees Placed on Leave After Escape

by Cassandra Vinograd and Tom Winter

A host of correctional officers and prison executives — including the superintendent — have been placed on leave from Clinton Correctional facility following the escape of two convicted murderers, authorities said Tuesday.

The New York State Department of Corrections said in a statement that three members of the upstate prison's executive team and nine security staff are on "administrative leave" as part of the ongoing review into the jailbreak. It did not offer further details.

Steven Racette, the prison superintendent, along with his deputy Stephen Browne, who oversees security, were two of the three executives suspended, a senior New York official with direct knowledge of the matter told NBC News.

Convicted murderers Richard Matt and David Sweat used power tools to escape from the maximum-security prison in Dannemora on June 6. The duo were on the lam for three weeks: Matt was shot and killed on Friday while Sweat was shot and wounded two days later. He is in custody at the Albany Medical Center, which on Tuesday upgraded his condition to "fair" from "serious."

Tue 06/30/15 09:05 AM

IamWhoIam posted >>>
^ For the love of God, please do not create a Well Wishes thread for relocation.

2old2 replied >>>
noway The number of redundant threads is ANNOYING AS HELL~~~but without a 'SEARCH OPTION' around here that's going to happen! :wink:

And 'FAT CHANCE' of getting anything done about that; I've asked for a separate 'SPAMMER FORUM' group so all the newbies would have just one place to come in and DUMP THEIR ISSUES --- that ain't happen either! grumble

melmaxx stated >>>
LOL....sounds like 2OLD is also a little burned out bigsmile flowerforyou
....isn't it just frustrating frustrated

WHEW...hell ya!

But some of my frustration came via the mail yesterday; my homeowners insurance went up $749. per yr - just for this year and our county taxes had an increase and now I'm hearing that our local mil levy is going up too!!!

TY Gov. Brownbeck for all your inept/F'd up way of handling our school bond tax issues.:angry:

The homeowners insurance was due to: the poll that the underwriters do every other year and that 'POLL' was via the Builders Association and the increased cost to rebuild my home if a tornado took it completely out! Increased cost per sq ft $64. too $120. per sq ft...oh, and a wee little increase from 2012 that they decided to hold off on! rant explode

Tue 06/30/15 08:59 AM

no1phD stated >>>
good morning I hope you^^ feel better flowerforyou

SitikaRains posted >>>
Thank you ... I am actually... And smilin again and don't knock over my coffee takes to long to get a new cup...flowerforyou

Say, because I'm so damn curious and don't know WTH happened to you - and if it's not too mentally brokenheart wrenching to speak of it or retell WTH happened...could you do that some time - or what you are able to recall?

And if you don't want to write about it - that's OK too! :angel: flowers

Tue 06/30/15 08:40 AM
IamWhoIam posted >>>
^ For the love of God, please do not create a Well Wishes thread for relocation.

noway The number of redundant threads is ANNOYING AS HELL~~~but without a 'SEARCH OPTION' around here that's going to happen! :wink:

And 'FAT CHANCE' of getting anything done about that; I've asked for a separate 'SPAMMER FORUM' group so all the newbies would have just one place to come in and DUMP THEIR ISSUES --- that ain't happen either! grumble

Tue 06/30/15 08:35 AM
Hmmm; here's my 2� worth on our SCOTUS and their rulings!

A.) perhaps the dissenting Judges allowed their 'FAITH' to over ride their ability to hear the context of our 'all men are created equal' and the 'separation of church and state'; and the reasoning behind those specific two terminology on our founding fathers mind

B.) if we {my generation - the largest voting block} have watched the segregation and moral dilemma for all these years of our media driven news and think & feel that this 'equality for all mankind' is what is right and legal

C.) we arrived here from an oppressed society and were treated like indentured servants to the King of England; don't you think we have {collectively} witnessed enough suffering/brow beating from the religious sects of this great nation

Tue 06/30/15 08:24 AM
Kandy - that's not always a 'GIVEN'...

Lots of images will provide you with the 'URL' http://...but the copy right has been modified - changed to PRIVATE or LOCKED and the image won't be able to be relocated.

Tue 06/30/15 08:16 AM
Edited by 2OLD2MESSAROUND on Tue 06/30/15 08:19 AM
IamWhoIam stated >>>
Stoning them to death or setting them on fire works really well, too.

And it's real cheap.

Wellllll...that's been something that we never implemented here; and yet you make perfect sense! Victim families could have the first round of 'ROCK THROWING' and when they wore out the subsequent 2nd round of other 'Victim Project' could step up if they wanted to. VERY - VERY THERAEPUDIC...IMHO

Frankly I'd be more liking a front loader; while the 'criminal stood in his grave' and we just dumped the bucket load of 4" sized rock down upon them!
All in one swiftly done job; pounded/covered & buried at the same time :wink: :banana:

Tue 06/30/15 08:02 AM
Tmommy posted >>>
Moving day happy


Tue 06/30/15 07:41 AM
dreameranna stated >>>
happy and loved's the softball team doing; are you finished for the season? flowerforyou

Tue 06/30/15 06:46 AM
Debbie asked >>>
I agree with the death penalty, but they must be 100 percent sure they got the right person.

few questions mingle peeps

1/ is the death penalty still happening, if so, where? I thought there were still parts of texas that did, but I could be wrong.

2/ does anyone know what the lethal injection consists of?

I cant remember fully, but I thought it was a combination of three drugs, potassium to stop the heart, a general anesthetic, but I cant remember the third, and I could be wrong about the first 2.

3/I have heard horror stories where the injection went wrong and some people died in sheer agony. is this true?

thanks in advance if someone answers the questions I asked.flowerforyou

2old2 posted >>>
My state has the death penalty; it was challenged and had to be rewritten due to the wording! Amazing how a group of legal humans got that wrong. At one time the prisoner had a choice: HANGING - FIRING SQUAD - LETHAL INJECTION - GAS CHAMBER - Electrocution. Then budgets & funding got tight so it was down to 2 options...and the prisoner would be relocated according to the prison that has that process: either electrocuted or lethal place still had a gas chamber but the gas wasn't available anymore!

Yes, the 3 combination lethal injection was the standard process; but then the manufacturing (big pharma) stopped making one of the 3...and they are trying a NEW COMBNATION.

Yes, there was a couple of problems with the most recent death row humans...the last one in Oklahoma took over 30 minutes for his heart to finally STOP!

IMHO...we need the death penalty for: terrorist - serial killers - child rapist - repeat child molesters!

Debbie replied >>>
over 30 minutes? wow

they should have injected potassium straight into his heart.

it will be interesting what the new combination will be.

I agree we need the death penalty back.

Found this on Wikipedia >>>
In the United States, capital punishment—also called the death penalty—is a legal sentence in 31 states[1] and the federal civilian and military legal systems. Its application is limited by the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution to aggravated murders committed by mentally competent adults.

Capital punishment was a penalty for many felonies under English common law, and it was enforced in all of the American colonies prior to the Declaration of Independence. The methods of execution and the crimes subject to the death penalty vary by state and have changed over time. The most common method since 1976 has been lethal injection. Since capital punishment was reinstated in 1976, thirty-four states have performed executions.

In 2013, 39 inmates were executed in the United States,[2] and 3,088 were on death row.[3] Many states such as Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, Missouri, Ohio, Virginia, and Arizona, regularly execute convicted murderers. Texas has performed the most executions by far, and Oklahoma has had (through mid-2011) the highest per capita execution rate.[4] In contrast, Michigan, Wisconsin and Maine abolished the death penalty in the 19th century

And here's an excellent link for current data on:
State and process for the termination of LIFE >>>

And I read where my state is now just down to 'Lethal Injection' but there are a couple of other states that have 'HANGING & FIRING SQUAD' still listed as options.

Tue 06/30/15 05:41 AM
I've grown curious about this fixation you seem to have latched onto about 'SEX' and all the basics that go along with that subject matter!

For example:
Who.s man or wife
Who's on top
What's the most favoite position

uche stated >>>
Let me pretend that I didnt see the barrage of 'nay nay' responses from those that have apparently lost the sense of the sacredness of sex and understandably took refuge in the alibi of "cultural and religious differences". Luckly enough, "we" on this side of the divide aint yet influenced by sodom nor depraved by the tendencies of Gomorrah. So, sex is not a 'food' we rush to eat, not until marriage. That is the ideal thing here and elsewhere where the contaminating virus of immorality hasnt polluted to irredeemable abysmal degree. I insist, it got nothing to do with religion nor culture. It got all to do with self esteem, principle, self respect, standard, dignity, class, value, etc.

And then you'll toss in a tidbit from your faith and smash it all together like it makes perfect sensegrumble noway
Has the topic of sex or the lack thereof become an addiction for youwhat

Tue 06/30/15 05:16 AM
Debbie asked >>>
I agree with the death penalty, but they must be 100 percent sure they got the right person.

few questions mingle peeps

1/ is the death penalty still happening, if so, where? I thought there were still parts of texas that did, but I could be wrong.

2/ does anyone know what the lethal injection consists of?

I cant remember fully, but I thought it was a combination of three drugs, potassium to stop the heart, a general anesthetic, but I cant remember the third, and I could be wrong about the first 2.

3/I have heard horror stories where the injection went wrong and some people died in sheer agony. is this true?

thanks in advance if someone answers the questions I asked.flowerforyou

My state has the death penalty; it was challenged and had to be rewritten due to the wording! Amazing how a group of legal humans got that wrong. At one time the prisoner had a choice: HANGING - FIRING SQUAD - LETHAL INJECTION - GAS CHAMBER - Electrocution. Then budgets & funding got tight so it was down to 2 options...and the prisoner would be relocated according to the prison that has that process: either electrocuted or lethal place still had a gas chamber but the gas wasn't available anymore!

Yes, the 3 combination lethal injection was the standard process; but then the manufacturing (big pharma) stopped making one of the 3...and they are trying a NEW COMBNATION.

Yes, there was a couple of problems with the most recent death row humans...the last one in Oklahoma took over 30 minutes for his heart to finally STOP!

IMHO...we need the death penalty for: terrorist - serial killers - child rapist - repeat child molesters!

Tue 06/30/15 04:31 AM
Igor' just ignore the off topic BS; there's no way to stop it or delete it!

But did you click on the link and LOOK at any of the graphs???

Mon 06/29/15 07:25 PM
Oh, Annie...I'd forgotten about that one >>>

Mon 06/29/15 07:09 PM
tta1128 stated >>>
Now that was truly sad for Michelle Warnky. She was amazing and awesome. Damn!

But her time and distance still qualified her; so they must want at least one female to compete from each trial city...hmmm

Gonna have to check on our other ANW viewing buddy - SuzQ66, wonder what up with her not being in here tonight!

Mon 06/29/15 07:05 PM
SassyEuro Stated >>>
For myself :
Perfume - Joy
Natural Scents - ALL Citrus

For Men - NONE. ill
* Either I like your pheromones or I don't *

My mother always wore 'Evening in Paris'
My dad - Old Spice
My husband - 'British Sterling' or 'BRUT'{and he was adamant about those 2}
Mine was Armarig� or 'Ciara' or whatever god awful fragrance my son would pick out for my birthday noway
I'll swear that young man had no scent/aroma function --- he'd bring home some wrapped up thing that would smell 85% skunk oil and 15% fragrance sick

Remember when 'MUSK' first hit the market place and that was what everyone was wearing --- WOW, that was powerful and could get really nasty on certain women when they were sweating!!!
I did find something called 'AmberMusk' and I like it; smooth and not so cloying but I haven't found it since mid 80's.

Ciara = either 80proof or 100proof and it will most assuredly stain your clothes dark yellow!

Mon 06/29/15 06:37 PM

There are a couple of 'rural/farmer/rancher' dating sights that are for $$$ as you enroll for 3months - 6months - 1yr.

I tried just one of them and ended up with more 'OFFERS' then I knew what to do with; sadly they were more of the 'HELP WANTED' type of men looking for a 'FARM HAND' with benefits and no pay type of offers!
Can you drive a tractor ... check
Can you handle birthing calves/horses/sheep/pigs... check
Can you back up farm equipment/trailers...check
Can you work 10hrs in the hottest part of the day - keep my house clean - help with the milking 2X's a day - cook and keep me happy in bed... --- RUN AWAY QUICKLY scared

Mon 06/29/15 06:27 PM
tta1128 stated >>>
As much as I enjoy seeing women succeed in this competition, seems like too many of them are making due to preferential treatment. That gal less than 5' tall had zero chance and it was evident. Then a guy like TJ waits 10 days camping out to get a chance? Yeah, it's definitely quotas.

You have a valid point; TJ didn't make it through the 'ALLOWED' competitors in KC so he drove and camped out for this event and some of those women get a 'BYE'...not fair IMHO

Mon 06/29/15 06:24 PM
I know this is going to sound highly prudish and yet it's how I felt: what that young pregnant mother was teaching {IMHO} was how to have 'EROTIC SEX' and what parts of the human body needs/gets aroused during sex --- rant

HOW THE HELL IS THAT 'TEACHING SAFE SEX' shocked to protect children/young adults from STD's/abuse/or pregnancy??? grumble

Mon 06/29/15 06:13 PM
blushing Well, that was both highly educational and -OMG- graphic in so many finite details surprised slaphead shocked

clipped from the link >>>
Puberty, a new program on the Norwegian state-funded channel NRK, in which the presenter penetrates a latex vagina with a plastic penis, draws diagrams on naked people, and shows children how to French-kiss, has provoked a mixed reaction.

“We would have betrayed our series on puberty if we had not touched on topics such as sex and masturbation,” Line Jansrud, the presenter, who is pregnant, and plans to be filmed giving birth as part of the program, told NRK.

Ahhhh, to answer your question SassyEuro; hell would indeed freeze over before anyone from the 'BIBLE BELT' region of America would allow this woman's program to be taught - EVEN IN A HIGH SCHOOL!

No fears there - ain't gonna happen! scared

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